Package org.ek9lang.cli

package org.ek9lang.cli
A-1 - Start here for the main command-line entry use of the compiler.

Designed for the command line interface to the EK9 compiler. This will produce final executable code.

The class Ek9 is the 'main' entry point into the compiler from the command line. All of the commands that the cli can handle are contained within this package, processing via the commandLineDetails triggers one or more commands 'E' and derivatives.

  • Class
    Just deals with handling the command line options for the compiler.
    A context to hold all the essential objects needed for compiling.
    Designed to deal with managing dependencies of ek9 modules.
    Represents a single dependency by moduleName and version.
    Why was a dependency rejected.
    Just creates DependencyNodes by using a Source Visitor on some EK9 source that has a package defined in it.
    Abstract base for the command line ek9 commands.
    Clean a project down.
    Deploy a package / all packages inside the project directory.
    Check and pull all dependencies in.
    Do a full recompile of all sources inside project.
    Generate signing keys.
    Install a package to your own $HOME/.ek9/lib directory.
    Just does an incremental build if possible.
    Just increments a version number.
    Main entry point into the compiler, build system and language server.
    Designed only to be used on the front end of the compiler to access properties files that are in the .ek9 directory just off the same directory as the file that the compiler was asked to compile.
    Do packaging for package / all packages inside the project directory.
    Print the version number of the package.
    Run the application that has been built or is already built.
    Use to explicitly set a feature name on a package.
    Used to explicitly set the version of a package.
    Run all unit tests inside a project.
    Base for the versioning commands.
    The version.
    Because we need access to the full file list or partial file list filtered.
    Designed to hold all the global sort of settings for the language and compiler.
    Once the EK9 'Edp' dependency module has determined that a packaged module now needs to be resolved it will call upon this resolver to make sure that it is available.
    Update/Upgrade the Ek9 compiler itself.