EK9 compiler 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT API. Language details on EK9 website

A-1 - Start here for the main command-line entry use of the compiler.
B - For the EK9 compiler itself.
Common parts of processing that can be reused across various phases.
C - For the Suppliers of the 'compilation phases' as mentioned in the org.ek9lang.compiler package.
The directives are really aimed at helping the creation of the EK9 language, but they maybe very useful in the early stages of adoption of EK9 (should there be any).
D - For the first of the compilation phases - it triggers source file Lexing and Parsing using 'ANTLR'.
E - Initial Symbol definition by traversing the 'ANTLR' - 'AST'.
F - Resolution of Explicitly Defined Type Symbols - at this point phase1 processing should have defined most of the explicitly defined symbols, so they should be resolvable.
G - Full Symbol Resolution can now take place.
H - Generic/Parameterised types can have their methods checked when used in specific contexts.
I - PRE Intermediate Representation generation checks.
J - Plugin Resolution.
Used primarily to hold structures that are related to searching for symbols.
Contains critical general components used in the Ek9Compiler listeners.
This is the main source of EK9 Symbols used within the compiler.
Focuses on aspects of Lexing and some parts of Parser configuration.
Just general operating system stuff and bits and bobs.
A-2 - Start here for tooling entry point specifically 'language server' implementation.