All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- ABS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ABS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ABS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- ABS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- ABSTRACT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ABSTRACT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ABSTRACT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext
- ABSTRACT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext
- ABSTRACT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- ABSTRACT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- ABSTRACT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext
- ABSTRACT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext
- ABSTRACT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext
- ABSTRACT_BUT_BODY_PROVIDED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- ABSTRACT_CONSTRUCTOR - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- ABSTRACT_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- AbstractEK9PhaseListener - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
The abstract base on most antlr listeners.
- AbstractEK9PhaseListener(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- accept(Consumer<T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SharedThreadContext
Take ownership of the reentrant lock - wait if another thread has it.
- accept(Token, int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.AcceptableArgumentComplexityOrError
- accept(Token, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TraitAccessibleOrError
- accept(ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.AcceptableConstructComplexityOrError
- accept(ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.SuitablePropertyInitialisationOrError
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AccessModifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssertStatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BinaryLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BinaryLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockStatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BooleanLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BooleanLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CallContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CharacterLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CharacterLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ColourLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ColourLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantInitialiserContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateTimeLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateTimeLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DecorationDimensionLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DecorationResolutionLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DictContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DimensionLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectiveContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectivePartContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DottedNameContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DurationLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DurationLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionBodyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExtendDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExtendPreambleContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FloatingPointLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FloatingPointLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForLoopContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForRangeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfStatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IntegerLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IntegerLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MillisecondLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MillisecondLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MoneyLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MoneyLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationCallContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedArgsContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PathLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PathLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowAndControlContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryReferenceContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RangeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegExLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegularExpressionLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ResolutionLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SheBangContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamCatContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamForContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamSourceContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringPartContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TernaryPartContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TimeLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TimeLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitPreambleContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitReferenceContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitsListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDefContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VersionNumberLitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VersionNumberLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WebVariableCorrelationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- accept(EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AssignmentExpressionOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ThisAndSuperAssignmentOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AssignmentStatementOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.AssignmentStatementOrError
Can be other things besides identifier, only really focussed on locals and return variables for this.
- accept(EK9Parser.CallContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CallOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CaseExpressionOrError
Need to ensure each or any of these has a type and record it against this context.
- accept(EK9Parser.DictContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DictUseOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DynamicClassDeclarationOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ProcessDynamicClassOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ProcessDynamicFunctionOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DynamicFunctionBodyPresentOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.DynamicFunctionOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ProcessDynamicFunctionEntry
- accept(EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DynamicVariableCaptureOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DynamicCaptureOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.NotABooleanLiteralOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ControlIsBooleanOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.TernaryBlockSafeGenericAccessMarker
- accept(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.MarkAppropriateSymbolsSafe
- accept(EK9Parser.ForLoopContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ForLoopOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ForRangeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ForRangeOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ForReturnOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ForStatementExpressionOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ForStatementOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ProcessFunctionDeclarationOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.FunctionOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.GuardExpressionOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ProcessGuardExpression
- accept(EK9Parser.IdentifierContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveFunctionOrDelegateByNameOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.IdentifierContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.IdentifierAsPropertyOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ValidUseOfReferenceOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.IdentifierReferenceOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.IfBlockSafeGenericAccessMarker
This is the expression we have to assess.
- accept(EK9Parser.IfStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IfStatementOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.IfStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.IfStatementOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.InstructionBlockVariablesOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ListContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ListUseOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ApplicationOnMethodOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ImplementationPresentOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.MethodOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ObjectAccessExpressionOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ObjectAccessExpressionValidOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ObjectAccessStartOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.OperatorOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.SetupGenericTOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ValidParameterisedTypeOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ConsistentNamedParametersOrError
Check either all params are named or non are named.
- accept(EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext, List<ISymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ValidNamedArgumentsOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PipelinePartOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PreFlowStatementOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext, EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ValidPreFlowAndReturnOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.PrimaryContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PrimaryOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.PrimaryReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ThisOrSuperOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.RangeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.RangeOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ServiceRegistrationOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ServiceOperationOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.StatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StatementOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.StreamCatContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamCatOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamExpressionOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamExpressionTerminationOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.StreamForContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamForOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.StreamPartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.HeadTailSkipOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamStatementOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamStatementTerminationOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SwitchReturnOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SwitchStatementExpressionOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.SwitchStatementOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ThrowStatementOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ProcessTraitDeclarationOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.TraitsListContext, AggregateWithTraitsSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AugmentAggregateWithTraitMethods
- accept(EK9Parser.TraitsListContext, AggregateWithTraitsSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.NoTraitByVariablesOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.TraitsListContext, AggregateWithTraitsSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveByTraitVariables
- accept(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TryReturnOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TryStatementExpressionOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.TryStatementOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ProcessTypeDeclarationOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.EnumeratedTypeOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.VariableDeclarationOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ProcessVariableDeclarationOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ProcessVariableOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.VariableAssignmentOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ProcessVariableOnlyOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.VariableOnlyOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.VariableOnlyOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext) - Method in class
- accept(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext, VariableSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ProcessVariableOnlyOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ProcessWhileControlVariable
- accept(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.WhileReturnOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.WhileStatementExpressionOrError
- accept(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.WhileLoopSafeGenericAccessMarker
Assess the control expression to see if it makes the necessary calls to make appropriate generic object methods safe.
- accept(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.WhileStatementOrError
- accept(CompilationEvent) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilationPhaseListener
Once the compiler has processed (or attempted to process) a source file it will issue this event.
- accept(CompilationEvent) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ComplexityDirectiveListener
- accept(CompilationEvent) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ErrorDirectiveListener
- accept(CompilationEvent) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.GenusDirectiveListener
- accept(CompilationEvent) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ImplementsDirectiveListener
- accept(CompilationEvent) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.NotResolvedDirectiveListener
- accept(CompilationEvent) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolvedDirectiveListener
- accept(ConflictingTokens) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.EmitConstructAndReferenceConflictError
- accept(AssignmentData) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IdentifierAssignmentOrError
- accept(AssignmentData) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.LhsAndRhsAssignmentOrError
- accept(CovarianceData) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TypeCovarianceOrError
- accept(ParametersData) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ParameterTypesExactMatchOrError
- accept(PureCheckData) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PureModifierOrError
- accept(StreamAssemblyData) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamAssemblyOrError
- accept(StreamFunctionCheckData) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamFunctionArgumentsOrError
- accept(SymbolAccessData) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AccessToSymbolOrError
- accept(TypeCompatibilityData) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TypesCompatibleOrError
- accept(AggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AllTextBodiesPresentOrError
- accept(AggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DefaultOperatorsOrError
- accept(AggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.MethodOverridesOrError
- accept(AggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.NoDuplicatedPropertyNamesOrError
- accept(AggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ValidDispatcherMethodsOrError
- accept(AggregateSymbol) - Method in class
- accept(AggregateSymbol, EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TypeConstraintOrError
- accept(AggregateSymbol, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.PopulateConstrainedTypeOrError
- accept(AggregateWithTraitsSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.NoDuplicatedTraitsOrError
- accept(FunctionSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.SynthesizeSuperFunction
- accept(FunctionSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.FunctionOverridesOrError
- accept(FunctionSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ValidFunctionAbstractnessOrError
- accept(FunctionSymbol, EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.AppropriateFunctionBodyOrError
- accept(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.NoDuplicatedServicePathsOrError
- accept(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.SyntheticConstructorCreator
- accept(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.VisibilityOfOperationsOrError
- accept(IAggregateSymbol, Consumer<MethodSymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TraverseAbstractMethods
- accept(IFunctionSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AutoMatchSuperFunctionSignature
- accept(IMayReturnSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ProcessSyntheticReturn
- accept(IScope, EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ReturningVariableOrError
- accept(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ProcessAsDispatcherIfNecessary
- accept(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ValidAggregateConstructorsOrError
- accept(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.HttpAccessOrError
- accept(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.NotGenericTypeParameterOrError
- accept(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.NoDelegateMethodClashesOrError
- accept(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolReferencedOrError
- accept(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.SafeGenericAccessMarker
- accept(ISymbol, EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SetTypeFromReturningParam
- accept(MethodSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.OverrideOrAbstractOrError
- accept(MethodSymbol, ParserRuleContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ContextSupportsAbstractMethodOrError
- accept(MethodSymbol, EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.MethodNotOperatorOrError
- accept(MethodSymbol, EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.NoMethodReturnOrError
- accept(MethodSymbol, EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.NonExtendableMethodOrError
- accept(MethodSymbol, EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.NotDispatcherMethodOrError
- accept(MethodSymbol, EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ProcessCommonMethodsOrError
- accept(MethodSymbol, EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ValidMethodOrError
- accept(MethodSymbol, EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AppropriateBodyOrError
- accept(MethodSymbol, EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ProcessTraitMethodOrError
- accept(MethodSymbol, EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.TraitMethodAcceptableOrError
- accept(MethodSymbol, EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ValidOperatorOrError
- accept(PossibleGenericSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase4.ParameterisedTypeOrError
- accept(ServiceOperationSymbol) - Method in class
- accept(ServiceOperationSymbol, EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ValidServiceOperationOrError
- accept(IToken) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.OuterGenericsUseOrError
- accept(IToken, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.EmitReferenceDoesNotResolveError
- accept(IToken, Token) - Method in class
- accept(IToken, IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
- accept(IToken, IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
- accept(IToken, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.NormalTerminationOrError
- accept(IToken, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AssignmentOrError
- accept(IToken, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExceptionTypeOrError
- accept(IToken, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.MutableOrError
- accept(IToken, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.NotAbstractOrError
- accept(IToken, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PureProcessingInPureContextOrError
- accept(IToken, MethodSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ProgramArgumentsOrError
- accept(IToken, MethodSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ProgramReturnOrError
- accept(IToken, IToken) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.EmitUnreachableStatementError
- AcceptableArgumentComplexityOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Emit error if there are too many arguments.
- AcceptableArgumentComplexityOrError(ComplexityCounter, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.AcceptableArgumentComplexityOrError
- AcceptableConstructComplexityOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Looks for the complexity value in the complexityCounter and adds the value to the appropriate symbol.
- AcceptableConstructComplexityOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener, ComplexityCounter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.AcceptableConstructComplexityOrError
- acceptCompilationUnitContext(EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
Once the source code has been parsed by one of the stages in the compiler, the CompilationUnitContext can be provided to this Parsed module.
- ACCESS_MODIFIER_INAPPROPRIATE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- ACCESSED - Enum constant in enum class
- AccessGenericInGeneric - Class in
Uses the symbol and scope management to traverse back up stack to determine if the outer parent is a generic type or not and also if this symbol passed in is a generic type.
- AccessGenericInGeneric(SymbolsAndScopes) - Constructor for class
- AccessLeftAndRightOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Just gets the left and right hand side of values in an expression.
- AccessLeftAndRightOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AccessLeftAndRightOrError
- accessModifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- accessModifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- AccessModifierContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AccessModifierContext
- AccessTernaryExpressionsOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Just gets both of the ternary expression parts (not the control).
- AccessTernaryExpressionsOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AccessTernaryExpressionsOrError
- AccessToSymbolOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Check that a symbol can be accessed issues error if not possible.
- AccessToSymbolOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AccessToSymbolOrError
- add(List<WeightedMethodSymbolMatch>) - Method in class
Add more results and sort the list held.
- add(ParsedModule) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
Add in a newly parsed module to the list of parsed modules.
- add(ParsedModule) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModules
Add a parsed module to the set all under the same moduleName.
- add(MatchResult) - Method in class
Add a new match result to the set of match results.
- add(WeightedMethodSymbolMatch) - Method in class
Add a result and sort the list held.
- ADD - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ADD - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ADD() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- ADD() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- ADD_ASSIGN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ADD_ASSIGN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ADD_ASSIGN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- ADD_ASSIGN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- addAllowedExtender(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
For use with constraining types to be limited to a declared set.
- addAllSyntheticOperators(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
Add all possible synthetic operators to the aggregate.
- addComparatorOperator(IAggregateSymbol, String, Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class
Adds a form of a comparison operator.
- addComparatorOperator(IAggregateSymbol, IAggregateSymbol, String, Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class
Adds a form of a comparison operator.
- addConstructor(AggregateSymbol, Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class
Add another constructor to type t, but passing in an s as the value in the construction.
- addConstructor(AggregateSymbol, ISymbol) - Method in class
Add a constructor to the type aggregate with a particular parameter.
- addConstructor(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
Create a new constructor for the aggregate with no params.
- addConstructor(IAggregateSymbol, List<ISymbol>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
- addConstructorIfRequired(IAggregateSymbol, List<ISymbol>, boolean) - Method in class
Add a new constructor if not present, marked as synthetic.
- addDefaultSetting() - Static method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- addDependency(DependencyNode) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
- addDependencyRejection(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
- addEnumerationMethods(AggregateSymbol) - Method in class
Adds all the appropriate methods for a type that is an 'Enumeration'.
- addEnumerationMethods(AggregateSymbol) - Method in class
- addErrorListener(ANTLRErrorListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.DelegatingLexer
- addErrorListener(ANTLRErrorListener) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.LexerPlugin
- addExclude(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Glob
- addGenericSymbolReference(PossibleGenericSymbol) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ICanBeGeneric
Provides a mechanism to record 'dependent generic types'.
- addGenericSymbolReference(PossibleGenericSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
Add a reference to a parameterised function.
- addInclude(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Glob
- additionalName() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveSpec
Returns the value of the
record component. - addMatchesToResult(MethodSymbolSearchResult, SymbolSearch, List<MethodSymbol>) - Method in class
Match the search criteria against one or more symbol methods.
- addMissingDefaultOperators(EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext, IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
A bit of a beast this method.
- addMissingDefaultOperators(EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext, IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
A bit of a beast this method.
- addNonAbstractMethods(IAggregateSymbol, IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
Takes the 'from' aggregate obtains all the methods that are not abstract that have a return the type 'from' and adds them to the 'to' aggregate.
- addParameter(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ParamExpressionSymbol
- addPublicMethod(AggregateSymbol, String, List<ISymbol>, Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class
Just add a method to an aggregate with the name and parameters and return type.
- addPurePublicReturnSameTypeMethod(IAggregateSymbol, String) - Method in class
- addPurePublicSimpleOperator(IAggregateSymbol, String, Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class
Adds a simple operator, that is 'pure' (no side effects) and accepts no parameters, but just returns a value.
- addSource(File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Workspace
- addSource(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Workspace
- addSource(Path) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Workspace
- addSource(CompilableSource) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Workspace
- addSubAggregateSymbol(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
We note down any subtypes this type is used with.
- addSubAggregateSymbol(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
used to add back pointers to subclasses.
- addSyntheticConstructorIfRequired(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
Add a synthetic constructor, if a constructor is not present.
- addSyntheticConstructorIfRequired(IAggregateSymbol, List<ISymbol>) - Method in class
Add a synthetic constructor, if a constructor is not present.
- addTrait(AggregateWithTraitsSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
mark this aggregate as having additional 'trait'.
- addTraitsIfNotPresent(List<AggregateWithTraitsSymbol>, List<AggregateWithTraitsSymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- addTypeParameter(Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class
- addTypeParameter(Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class
Add a type parameter to the search.
- addTypeParameter(ISymbol) - Method in class
- addTypeParameter(ISymbol) - Method in class
Add a parameter to the search parameters.
- addTypeParameterOrArgument(ISymbol) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ICanBeGeneric
- addTypeParameterOrArgument(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
Add a parameter type to this scope.
- AGGREGATE_HAS_NO_SUPER - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- AggregateFactory - Class in
Deals with the creation of various aggregate types.
- AggregateFactory(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class
- aggregateHasPureConstruction - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.PopulateConstrainedTypeOrError
- AggregateHasPureConstruction - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Predicate to see if an aggregate mandated pure in its construction.
- AggregateHasPureConstruction() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AggregateHasPureConstruction
- aggregateManipulator - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.PopulateConstrainedTypeOrError
- aggregateManipulator - Variable in class
- aggregateManipulator - Variable in class
- AggregateManipulator - Class in
Support for taking one aggregate and manipulating the methods and the like to be applied to another aggregate.
- AggregateManipulator() - Constructor for class
- AggregateManipulator(Ek9Types) - Constructor for class
- aggregateParts() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- aggregateParts() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext
- aggregateParts() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext
- aggregateParts() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext
- aggregateParts() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext
- aggregateParts() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext
- AggregatePartsContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- aggregateProperty() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- aggregateProperty() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- aggregateProperty(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- AggregatePropertyContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext
- aggregateSymbol() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.MethodAndAggregateData
Returns the value of the
record component. - aggregateSymbol() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamAggregateCheckData
Returns the value of the
record component. - AggregateSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
This is typically a 'class' or an interface type where it can include the definitions of new properties.
- AggregateSymbol(String, Optional<ISymbol>, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
A simple straight forward aggregate type, like a class or record.
- AggregateSymbol(String, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
A simple straight forward aggregate type, like a class or record.
- AggregateSymbol(String, IScope, List<ISymbol>) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
An aggregate that can be parameterised, i.e.
- AggregateWithTraitsSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
An aggregate, but one that can have zero or more traits (like interfaces).
- AggregateWithTraitsSymbol(String, Optional<ISymbol>, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- AggregateWithTraitsSymbol(String, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- ALLOW - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ALLOW - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ALLOW() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext
- ALLOW() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- allowingOnly() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- allowingOnly() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext
- AllowingOnlyContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext
- AllTextBodiesPresentOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks that all the text bodies that are on the super are also present in the language variant.
- AllTextBodiesPresentOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AllTextBodiesPresentOrError
Check text body for text constructs is present across all language variants.
- AND - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- AND - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- AND() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- AND() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- AND() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- ANY - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolCategory
- ANY - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- ANY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ANY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- AnySymbolSearch - Class in
Search for a symbol of any category with the matching name.
- AnySymbolSearch(String) - Constructor for class
- AnySymbolSearch(AnySymbolSearch) - Constructor for class
- AnyTypeSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Special type that is super of Aggregate and super of Function (if they don't have supers).
- AnyTypeSymbol(String, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AnyTypeSymbol
- AnyTypeSymbolSearch - Class in
Search for a symbol of any types category with the matching name.
- AnyTypeSymbolSearch(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for any 'type' search.
- appendRunOptionIfNecessary() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- APPLICATION - Enum constant in enum class
- APPLICATION - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- APPLICATION - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- APPLICATION() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext
- APPLICATION() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- APPLICATION() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- APPLICATION_PACKAGING - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- APPLICATION_SELECTION_INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- applicationBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- applicationBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- ApplicationBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext
- applicationDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext
- applicationDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- applicationDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext
- ApplicationDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- ApplicationOnMethodOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Checks for the appropriate use of the APPLICATION of xyz on a method declaration.
- ApplicationOnMethodOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ApplicationOnMethodOrError
- apply(byte[]) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.DeSerializer
- apply(InputStream) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9LexerForInput
- apply(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PartialEk9StringToTypeDef
- apply(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.GenusLocator
- apply(List<ISymbol>) - Method in class
- apply(List<ISymbol>) - Method in class
- apply(List<ISymbol>, List<ISymbol>) - Method in class
- apply(List<ISymbol>, List<ISymbol>) - Method in class
- apply(ParserRuleContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.SuitableGenusOrError
- apply(ParserRuleContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.SuitableToExtendOrError
- apply(ParserRuleContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolFromContextOrError
- apply(EK9Parser.CallContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveIdentifierReferenceCallOrError
- apply(EK9Parser.CallContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ThisOrSuperCallOrError
- apply(EK9Parser.DirectiveContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectivesCompilationPhase
- apply(EK9Parser.DirectiveContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectivesNextLineNumber
- apply(EK9Parser.DirectiveContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveSpecExtractor
- apply(EK9Parser.DirectiveContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectivesSymbolCategory
- apply(EK9Parser.DirectiveContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectivesSymbolName
- apply(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AccessLeftAndRightOrError
- apply(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AccessTernaryExpressionsOrError
- apply(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.MapOperatorText
- apply(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.MethodSymbolSearchForExpression
- apply(EK9Parser.IdentifierContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IdentifierOrError
- apply(EK9Parser.IdentifierContext, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PropertyFieldOrError
- apply(EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IdentifierReferenceOrError
- apply(EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext) - Method in class
- apply(EK9Parser.OperationCallContext, IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.OperationCallOrError
- apply(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext, IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
- apply(EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext) - Method in class
- apply(EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolsFromParamExpression
- apply(EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamFunctionOrError
- apply(EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.GetGuardVariable
- apply(EK9Parser.StringLitContext) - Method in class
- apply(EK9Parser.TypeDefContext) - Method in class
- apply(CheckOperatorData) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.RequiredOperatorPresentOrError
- apply(DelegateFunctionData) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.FunctionDelegateOrError
- apply(FunctionData) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveFunctionOrError
- apply(MethodSearchInScope) - Method in class
- apply(CommonTypeDeterminationDetails) - Method in class
- apply(ParameterisedTypeData) - Method in class
- apply(SymbolSearchConfiguration) - Method in class
- apply(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.GetIteratorType
- apply(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.RetrieveDefaultedOperators
- apply(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.BuiltInTypeCacheResolver
- apply(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolTypeOrEmpty
- apply(ISymbol) - Method in class
- apply(ISymbol) - Method in class
- apply(ISymbol) - Method in class
- apply(PossibleGenericSymbol) - Method in class
- apply(PossibleGenericSymbol, List<ISymbol>) - Method in class
- apply(PossibleGenericSymbol, List<ISymbol>) - Method in class
- apply(IToken) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.BlockScopeName
- apply(IToken) - Method in class
- apply(IToken, List<ISymbol>) - Method in class
- apply(IToken, MethodSearchInScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveMethodOrError
- apply(ParserSpec) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.ParserCreator
- apply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerPhase
- apply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase0.Parsing
- apply(Processor<T>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.ExceptionConverter
- apply(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Serializer
- applyStandardExcludes() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- applyStandardExcludes() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - applyStandardIncludes() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- applyStandardIncludes() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - AppropriateBodyOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Checks if the body of a method/operator is appropriate.
- AppropriateBodyOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AppropriateBodyOrError
Create new checker.
- AppropriateFunctionBodyOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Checks if the body of a function is appropriate.
- AppropriateFunctionBodyOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.AppropriateFunctionBodyOrError
- argumentParam() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- argumentParam() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext
- argumentParam() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext
- argumentParam() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext
- ArgumentParamContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext
- argumentSymbols() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - argumentTypes() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - Ari - Class in org.ek9lang.core
Readability check metric.
- Ari() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.Ari
- AS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- AS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext
- AS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext
- ASPECT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ASPECT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ASPECT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext
- aspectDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- aspectDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext
- AspectDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext
- ASSERT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ASSERT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ASSERT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssertStatementContext
- assertStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- assertStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- AssertStatementContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssertStatementContext
- AssertValue - Class in org.ek9lang.core
Used as simple one-liners to check a value and issue an illegal argument exception if empty.
- assess(LexerPlugin, boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.TokenStreamAssessment
Assess the reading complexity of the tokens from the lexer.
- ASSIGN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ASSIGN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ASSIGN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- ASSIGN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext
- ASSIGN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext
- ASSIGN_UNSET - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ASSIGN_UNSET - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ASSIGN_UNSET() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- ASSIGN2 - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ASSIGN2 - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ASSIGN2() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- ASSIGN2() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext
- ASSIGN2() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext
- AssignmentData - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Used to decouple checks from the grammar contexts.
- AssignmentData(boolean, TypeCompatibilityData) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AssignmentData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - assignmentExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- assignmentExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- assignmentExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext
- AssignmentExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext
- AssignmentExpressionOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Just really pulls up the appropriate symbol from the expression into this context.
- AssignmentExpressionOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AssignmentExpressionOrError
Check on references to variables in blocks.
- AssignmentOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks the assignments for operator : := = and :=? that's all.
- AssignmentOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AssignmentOrError
- assignmentStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- assignmentStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext
- assignmentStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- AssignmentStatementContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- AssignmentStatementOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Used in the full resolution phase to check assignments.
- AssignmentStatementOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Check the assignment to a variable can be a single assignment or a deep copy type assignment.
- AssignmentStatementOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AssignmentStatementOrError
Check on validity of assignments.
- AssignmentStatementOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.AssignmentStatementOrError
- ASYNC - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ASYNC - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ASYNC() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- ASYNC() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- AT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- AT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- AT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectiveContext
- AugmentAggregateWithTraitMethods - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Designed to add in methods on the aggregate where the 'traits' use is 'traits by'.
- AugmentAggregateWithTraitMethods(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AugmentAggregateWithTraitMethods
- AutoMatchSuperFunctionSignature - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
The ek9 developer does not need to redeclare incoming or returning parameters for dynamic functions.
- AutoMatchSuperFunctionSignature(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AutoMatchSuperFunctionSignature
- BackEndSupplier - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.config
Supplies the compiler phases for the back end.
- BackEndSupplier(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, CompilationPhaseListener, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.config.BackEndSupplier
Create a new supplier of back-end compiler phases.
- BAD_ABSTRACT_FUNCTION_USE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- BAD_COMMAND_COMBINATION_EXIT_CODE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9
- BAD_COMMANDLINE_EXIT_CODE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9
- BAD_NOT_EQUAL_OPERATOR - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- BAD_NOT_OPERATOR - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- BANG - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- BANG - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- BANG() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- BANG() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- BANG() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext
- BASE_NAME - Enum constant in enum class
- BasicSymbolFactory - Class in
Factory for fairly basic symbols.
- BasicSymbolFactory(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class
- binaryLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- binaryLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BinaryLiteralContext
- BinaryLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BinaryLitContext
- BinaryLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- BinaryLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- BinaryLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BinaryLitContext
- BinaryLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BinaryLiteralContext
- block() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- block() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext
- block() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionBodyContext
- block() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext
- block() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext
- block() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext
- block() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope.ScopeType
- BLOCK_COMMENT1 - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- BLOCK_COMMENT1 - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- BLOCK_COMMENT2 - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- BLOCK_COMMENT2 - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- BlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockContext
- BlockScopeName - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Creates a suitable scope name for a token position.
- BlockScopeName() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.BlockScopeName
- blockStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- blockStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- blockStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext
- blockStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext
- blockStatement(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- blockStatement(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext
- BlockStatementContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockStatementContext
- booleanLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- booleanLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BooleanLiteralContext
- BooleanLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BooleanLitContext
- BooleanLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- BooleanLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- BooleanLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BooleanLitContext
- BooleanLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BooleanLiteralContext
- buildNumber() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve.Version
- buildNumber() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
- BuiltInTypeCacheResolver - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Just resolves a number of built-in types so that internal compiler code can be more explicit.
- BuiltInTypeCacheResolver() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.BuiltInTypeCacheResolver
- BY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- BY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- BY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext
- BY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForRangeContext
- BY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- BY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext
- BY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- BY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitReferenceContext
- call() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext
- call() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- call() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CallContext
- call() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- call() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- call() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext
- call() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext
- call() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext
- call() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- call() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext
- call(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext
- CALL - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- CALL - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CALL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- CALL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- CALL_DOES_NOT_RETURN_ANYTHING - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- callArgumentTypes() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DelegateFunctionData
Returns the value of the
record component. - callArgumentTypes() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.FunctionData
Returns the value of the
record component. - CallContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CallContext
- CallOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Designed to deal with this following part of the EK9 grammar.
- CallOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CallOrError
Lookup a pre-recorded 'call', now resolve what it is supposed to call and set its type.
- CallSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Just re-uses the bulk of method symbol for when we want to make a symbol that is a call to an actual method.
- CallSymbol(String, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CallSymbol
- CAN_BE_ASSIGNED_NULL_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- CANNOT_BE_ABSTRACT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- CANNOT_CALL_ABSTRACT_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- CANNOT_EXTEND_IMPLEMENT_ITSELF - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- CANNOT_SUPPORT_TO_JSON_DUPLICATE_PROPERTY_FIELD - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- CAPTURE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope.ScopeType
- CAPTURED_VARIABLE_MUST_BE_NAMED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- CaptureScope - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Used to actually hold the captured symbols.
- CaptureScope(IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScope
- CaptureScopedSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Just focuses on the ability to possible capture variables from an enclosing scope.
- CaptureScopedSymbol(String, Optional<ISymbol>, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
- CaptureScopedSymbol(String, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
- CARET - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- CARET - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CARET() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- CARET() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- CASE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- CASE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CASE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext
- caseExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- caseExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext
- caseExpression(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext
- CaseExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- CaseExpressionOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Just checks and records the appropriate type for the case expression, based on how it is used.
- CaseExpressionOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CaseExpressionOrError
- caseStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- caseStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- caseStatement(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- CaseStatementContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext
- CAT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- CAT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CAT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- CAT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamCatContext
- CATCH - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- CATCH - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CATCH() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext
- catchStatementExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- catchStatementExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- CatchStatementExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext
- channelNames - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- characterLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- characterLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CharacterLiteralContext
- CharacterLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CharacterLitContext
- CharacterLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- CharacterLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CharacterLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CharacterLitContext
- CharacterLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CharacterLiteralContext
- check(File, File) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.Digest
Checks if the contents of a file when a check sum is calculated are the same as that in the check sum file.
- CHECK - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- CHECK - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CHECK() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- CheckAndPopulateOperator - Class in
Deals with normal operators (i.e.
- CheckAndPopulateOperator(AggregateManipulator, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class
- CheckAppropriateWebVariable - Class in
Checks that the use of the variable only if it has a web variable correlation is valid.
- CheckAppropriateWebVariable(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class
- checkCanReadFile(String, File) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.AssertValue
Check file not null valid and file can be read.
- checkCanReadFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.AssertValue
Check filename valid and file can be read.
- CheckConflictingMethods - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks that methods from a super and one or more traits do not conflict.
- CheckConflictingMethods(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CheckConflictingMethods
- checkContextNotNull - Variable in class
- checkDirectoryReadable(String, File) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.AssertValue
Check directory name valid and directory can be read.
- checkDirectoryReadable(String, String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.AssertValue
Check directory name valid and directory can be read.
- checkDirectoryWritable(String, File) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.AssertValue
Check directory name valid and directory can be written to.
- checkDirectoryWritable(String, String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.AssertValue
Check directory name valid and directory can be written to.
- checkFalse(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.AssertValue
Asserts that the value is false, illegal argument exception if not.
- CheckForDuplicateOperationsOnGeneric - Class in
If the aggregate is a generic parameterised type this function triggers a check for duplicated methods.
- CheckForDuplicateOperationsOnGeneric(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class
Create a new operations checker for parameterised aggregates.
- CheckForInvalidServiceDefinition - Class in
Error when the definition of a service is invalid.
- CheckForInvalidServiceDefinition(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class
- CheckForInvalidServiceOperator - Class in
Error when the definition of a service operator is invalid.
- CheckForInvalidServiceOperator(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class
- checkNotEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.AssertValue
Checks if a string value is null or an empty string and if so issues an illegal argument exception.
- checkNotEmpty(String, String[]) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.AssertValue
Checks if a string values is null or empty strings and if so issues an illegal argument exception.
- checkNotEmpty(String, Collection<?>) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.AssertValue
Checks if a collection of items is null or empty and if so issues an illegal argument exception.
- checkNotEmpty(String, Optional<?>) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.AssertValue
Check item not null and not empty.
- checkNotNull(String, Object) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.AssertValue
Not null of exception error.
- CheckOperatorData - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
- CheckOperatorData(ISymbol, IToken, MethodSymbolSearch) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CheckOperatorData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - checkRange(String, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.AssertValue
A check on range of value.
- CheckReturns - Class in
Ensures that a try statement/expression is used correctly in or out of an expression.
- CheckReturns(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class
- CheckSum(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.Digest.CheckSum
- CheckSum(File) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.Digest.CheckSum
Load a checksum from a file.
- checkTrue(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.AssertValue
Assets that a value is true or illegal argument exception.
- CIRCULAR_HIERARCHY_DETECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- CLASS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- CLASS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- CLASS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CLASS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext
- CLASS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext
- CLASS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- CLASS_CONSTRAINED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- CLASS_ENUMERATION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- CLASS_IS_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_THIS_CONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- CLASS_TRAIT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- classBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- classBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- ClassBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext
- classDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext
- classDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- classDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext
- ClassDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext
- CLASSES - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
- cleanEk9DirectoryStructureFor(File, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- cleanEk9DirectoryStructureFor(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
This expects an ek9 source file in a specific directory.
- cleanEk9DirectoryStructureFor(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- clearInitialisedBy() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- clearInitialisedBy() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- clearOldCompiledDiagnostics(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9Service
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CallSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScope
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ConstantSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ControlSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ForSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
- clone(IScope) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScopedSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
Clone the symbol and re-parent if this symbol like a method should have a parent.
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.LocalScope
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ParamExpressionSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ServiceOperationSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StackConsistencyScope
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamPipeLineSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SwitchSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.TrySymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- clone(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.WhileSymbol
- clone(ISymbol, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- clone(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ModuleScope
Create a clone of this ModuleScope.
- cloneIntoAggregateSymbol(AggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- cloneIntoAggregateWithTraitsSymbol(AggregateWithTraitsSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- cloneIntoCallSymbol(CallSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CallSymbol
- cloneIntoCaptureScope(CaptureScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScope
Clones the content of this into the new copy.
- cloneIntoCaptureScopedSymbol(CaptureScopedSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
- cloneIntoConstant(ConstantSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ConstantSymbol
- cloneIntoControlSymbol(ControlSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ControlSymbol
- cloneIntoExpressionSymbol(ExpressionSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
- cloneIntoForSymbol(ForSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ForSymbol
- cloneIntoFunctionSymbol(FunctionSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- cloneIntoLocalScope(LocalScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.LocalScope
Clones the content of this into the new copy.
- cloneIntoMethodSymbol(MethodSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- cloneIntoPossibleGenericSymbol(PossibleGenericSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- cloneIntoScopeSymbol(ScopedSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- cloneIntoSearchSymbol(SymbolSearch) - Method in class
- cloneIntoServiceOperationSymbol(ServiceOperationSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ServiceOperationSymbol
- cloneIntoStackConsistencyScope(StackConsistencyScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StackConsistencyScope
Clones the content of this into the new copy.
- cloneIntoStreamCallSymbol(StreamCallSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- cloneIntoStreamPipeLineSymbol(ParamExpressionSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ParamExpressionSymbol
- cloneIntoStreamPipeLineSymbol(StreamPipeLineSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamPipeLineSymbol
- cloneIntoSwitchSymbol(SwitchSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SwitchSymbol
- cloneIntoSymbol(Symbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- cloneIntoSymbolTable(SymbolTable, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- cloneIntoTrySymbol(TrySymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.TrySymbol
- cloneIntoVariable(VariableSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- cloneIntoWhileSymbol(WhileSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.WhileSymbol
- cloneMethodWithNewType(MethodSymbol, IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
- CLOSE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- CLOSE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CLOSE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- CLOSE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- CLOSE_STRING - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- CLOSE_STRING - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CLOSE_STRING() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringLitContext
- CMP - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- CMP - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CMP() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- CMP() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- COALESCE_GE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- COALESCE_GE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- COALESCE_GE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- COALESCE_GT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- COALESCE_GT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- COALESCE_GT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- COALESCE_LE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- COALESCE_LE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- COALESCE_LE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- COALESCE_LT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- COALESCE_LT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- COALESCE_LT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- coalescing - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- coalescing_equality - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- CODE_COMMENT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- CODE_COMMENT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CODE_GENERATION_AGGREGATES - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- CODE_GENERATION_CONSTANTS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- CODE_GENERATION_FUNCTIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- CODE_GENERATION_PREPARATION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- CODE_OPTIMISATION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- CodeFlowAnalyzer - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Used for variable forms of simple code flow analysis.
- CodeFlowMap - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Designed to be used in a transient manner when interacting with variables.
- CodeFlowMap(Predicate<ISymbol>, Predicate<SymbolAccess>, Consumer<SymbolAccess>) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CodeFlowMap
- CodeGenerationAggregates - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase10
MULTI THREADED Generate all type of aggregates, typically classes, components, records, etc.
- CodeGenerationAggregates(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase10.CodeGenerationAggregates
- CodeGenerationConstants - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase10
MULTI THREADED Generate all constants that have been defined.
- CodeGenerationConstants(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase10.CodeGenerationConstants
- CodeGenerationFunctions - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase10
MULTI THREADED Generate all functions (including dynamic and templated) that have been defined.
- CodeGenerationFunctions(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase10.CodeGenerationFunctions
- CodeGenerationPreparation - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase10
MULTI THREADED Preparation to generate code.
- CodeGenerationPreparation(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase10.CodeGenerationPreparation
- CodeOptimisation - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase11
SINGLE THREADED Optimise the generated code.
- CodeOptimisation(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase11.CodeOptimisation
- COLLECT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- COLLECT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- COLLECT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- COLLECT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext
- COLON - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- COLON - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- COLON() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- COLON() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectiveContext
- COLON() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- COLON() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext
- COLON() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext
- COLON() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext
- COLON(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectiveContext
- COLONCOLON - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- COLONCOLON - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- COLONCOLON() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext
- colourLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- colourLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ColourLiteralContext
- ColourLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ColourLitContext
- ColourLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ColourLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ColourLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ColourLitContext
- ColourLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ColourLiteralContext
- COMMA - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- COMMA - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- COMMA() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext
- COMMA() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext
- COMMA() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext
- COMMA() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DictContext
- COMMA() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext
- COMMA() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ListContext
- COMMA() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedArgsContext
- COMMA() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext
- COMMA() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext
- COMMA() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamCatContext
- COMMA() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitsListContext
- COMMA(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext
- COMMA(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext
- COMMA(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext
- COMMA(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DictContext
- COMMA(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext
- COMMA(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ListContext
- COMMA(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedArgsContext
- COMMA(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext
- COMMA(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext
- COMMA(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamCatContext
- COMMA(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitsListContext
- commandLine() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.cli.CompilationContext
Returns the value of the
record component. - CommandLine - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Deals with handling the command line options for the compiler.
- CommandLine(LanguageMetaData, FileHandling, OsSupport) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
Create a new command line details object.
- CommandLineHelp - Record Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Holds the command line help text only.
- CommandLineHelp() - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineHelp
- CommandLineHelp(String) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineHelp
Creates an instance of a
record class. - CommandLineOptions - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Holds the sets of command line options that have been configured for use.
- CommandLineOptions() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- CommonFactory - Class in
Just for details that are common to all factories.
- CommonFactory(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class
- CommonTypeDeterminationDetails - Record Class in
For use when looking to find common types.
- CommonTypeDeterminationDetails(IToken, List<ISymbol>, List<ISymbol>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - CommonTypeOrError - Class in
Attempts to find a common type from the CommonTypeDeterminationDetails or issues errors.
- CommonTypeOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class
- CommonTypeSuperOrTraitOrError - Class in
Given a list of symbols (normally variables), this code will get the type from each of those symbols.
- CommonTypeSuperOrTraitOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class
- CommonValues - Enum Class in
Fixed set of constants that tend to be used to 'squirrel' away data - these are the keys.
- ComparatorPresentOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Given a symbol, this check that the type that the symbol has can support the '<=>' operator.
- ComparatorPresentOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ComparatorPresentOrError
- compareTo(SemanticVersion) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
- CompilableProgram - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
Represents the whole program(s) that the developer is attempting to create.
- CompilableProgram() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
- compilableProgramAccess - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerPhase
- compilableProgramAccess - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.config.PhaseSupplier
- CompilableSource - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
Holds a reference to the name of the file being compiled a checksum of the file and the date time last modified.
- CompilableSource(String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
Create compilable source for a specific filename.
- CompilableSource(String, InputStream) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
Create a compilable source with a name, but provide the inputStream.
- CompilableSourceHasErrors - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Check to see if any of the compilable sources have errors.
- CompilableSourceHasErrors() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilableSourceHasErrors
- compilationContext - Variable in class org.ek9lang.cli.E
- CompilationContext - Record Class in org.ek9lang.cli
A context to hold all the essential objects needed for compiling.
- CompilationContext(CommandLine, Compiler, FileCache, boolean) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.cli.CompilationContext
Creates an instance of a
record class. - CompilationData - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
Populated in the compilable program and altered during each of the phases of compilation.
- CompilationData(CompilationPhase, CompilerFlags) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - CompilationEvent - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
As and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.
- CompilationEvent(CompilationPhase, ParsedModule, CompilableSource) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilationEvent
Creates an instance of a
record class. - CompilationIssue - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
For compiler, errors, warning and other information from the compiler.
- CompilationPhase - Enum Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
Identifies the ordered set of compilation phases used in EK9.
- CompilationPhaseListener - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Register this event listener with the compiler to pick up on any warnings of errors during compilation.
- CompilationPhaseResult - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
Effectively a tuple for returning if the phase was a match for the required compilation phase to be run to and if this phase ran ok.
- CompilationPhaseResult(CompilationPhase, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhaseResult
Creates an instance of a
record class. - compilationUnit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CompilationUnitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext
- compile(List<File>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ec
- compile(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.Compiler
- compile(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Ek9Compiler
- compiler() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.cli.CompilationContext
Returns the value of the
record component. - Compiler - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveType
- Compiler - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler
Conceptual compiler.
- CompilerException - Exception Class in org.ek9lang.core
Our wrapper for an unchecked exception.
- CompilerException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.ek9lang.core.CompilerException
- CompilerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.ek9lang.core.CompilerException
- compilerFlags() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationData
Returns the value of the
record component. - CompilerFlags - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
Used to drive how the compiler operates.
- CompilerFlags() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
- CompilerFlags(boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
- CompilerFlags(CompilationPhase) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
- CompilerFlags(CompilationPhase, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
- CompilerPhase - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
Marks the specific activity of a compiler phase.
- CompilerPhase(CompilationPhase, SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerPhase
- CompilerReporter - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Just expends the standard reporter to use the EK9Comp message prefix.
- CompilerReporter(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilerReporter
Create new reporter.
- completeParsing() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
- completion(CompletionParams) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9TextDocumentService
- Complexity - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveType
- COMPLEXITY - Enum constant in enum class
- ComplexityCounter - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Designed to give a broad indication of complexity, this is not true pure Cyclometric Complexity.
- ComplexityCounter() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ComplexityCounter
- ComplexityDirective - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
To be used in EK9 source code to assert that a specific class or function has a particular level of complexity.
- ComplexityDirective(DirectiveSpec) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ComplexityDirective
The Directive to test for complexity values in EK9 instrumented code.
- ComplexityDirectiveListener - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
Checks if there are any directives that relate to complexity in the parsed module.
- ComplexityDirectiveListener() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ComplexityDirectiveListener
- COMPONENT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- COMPONENT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- COMPONENT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- COMPONENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext
- COMPONENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- COMPONENT_INJECTION_IN_PURE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- COMPONENT_INJECTION_NOT_POSSIBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- COMPONENT_INJECTION_OF_NON_ABSTRACT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- COMPONENT_NOT_MARKED_FOR_INJECTION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- componentBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- componentBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- ComponentBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext
- componentDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext
- componentDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- componentDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext
- ComponentDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext
- ConceptualLookupMapping - Class in
You may think why this mapping.
- ConceptualLookupMapping() - Constructor for class
- configureAggregate(AggregateSymbol, IToken) - Method in class
- configureSymbol(ISymbol, IToken) - Method in class
- configureWebVariable(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext, VariableSymbol) - Method in class
- ConflictingTokens - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Designed to encapsulate the fact that two token are in conflict for a Symbol.
- ConflictingTokens(IToken, IToken, ISymbol) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ConflictingTokens
Creates an instance of a
record class. - connect(LanguageClient) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageServer
- ConsistentNamedParametersOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Checks that either all parameters are named when making calls, or none are named at all.
- ConsistentNamedParametersOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ConsistentNamedParametersOrError
- CONST - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- CONST - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CONSTANT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- CONSTANT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CONSTANT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext
- CONSTANT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- CONSTANT_PARAM_NEEDS_PURE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- constantBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- constantBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- ConstantBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext
- constantDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext
- constantDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- constantDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext
- ConstantDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext
- constantInitialiser() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext
- constantInitialiser() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ConstantInitialiserContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantInitialiserContext
- ConstantSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
A very simple type that holds a single distinct value.
- ConstantSymbol(String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ConstantSymbol
- ConstantSymbol(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ConstantSymbol
- ConstantSymbol(String, Optional<ISymbol>) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ConstantSymbol
- ConstantSymbol(String, Optional<ISymbol>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ConstantSymbol
Construction of a Constant.
- ConstantSymbol(String, ISymbol) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ConstantSymbol
- ConstantSymbol(String, ISymbol, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ConstantSymbol
- CONSTRAIN - Enum constant in enum class
- CONSTRAIN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- CONSTRAIN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CONSTRAIN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext
- CONSTRAIN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- CONSTRAIN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext
- constrainDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- constrainDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext
- ConstrainDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext
- CONSTRAINED_FUNCTIONS_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- CONSTRAINED_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_MISSING - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- constrainType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext
- constrainType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- constrainType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- constrainType(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- ConstrainTypeContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- CONSTRUCT_REFERENCE_CONFLICT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- CONSTRUCTOR_BY_JSON_NOT_RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- CONSTRUCTOR_NOT_RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- CONSTRUCTOR_NOT_RESOLVED_IN_GENERIC_CONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- CONSTRUCTOR_USED_ON_ABSTRACT_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_FUNCTION_IN_GENERIC - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- CONTAINS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- CONTAINS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- CONTAINS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- CONTAINS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- CONTAINS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- CONTAINS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- CONTAINS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- content() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.core.ZipBinaryContent
Returns the value of the
record component. - ContextSupportsAbstractMethodOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Checks for the containing construct type and whether it is marked as abstract or not.
- ContextSupportsAbstractMethodOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ContextSupportsAbstractMethodOrError
Create new.
- control - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- control - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowAndControlContext
- control - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- CONTROL - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolCategory
- ControlIsBooleanOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Just checks that an expression used in a control for if/while etc is a Boolean type.
- ControlIsBooleanOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ControlIsBooleanOrError
- ControlSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
EK9 switch/try control type symbol - this can effectively return a value if it is configured with returning part.
- ControlSymbol(String, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ControlSymbol
Create a new Control Symbol.
- CONVERT_CONSTANT_TO_VARIABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- copy(File, File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
Copy a file to a new destination.
- copy(File, File, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
Copy a named file from a source directory to a destination directory.
- COPY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- COPY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- COPY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- COPY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- COPY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WebVariableCorrelationContext
- copyFrom(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.LiteralContext
- copyMethodProperties(MethodSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
Just copies the properties over.
- copyScopedSymbolProperties(ScopedSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
Just copies the properties over.
- copySymbolProperties(Symbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
Just copies the properties over.
- COVARIANCE_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- CovarianceData - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Used for checking covariance based on a variable.
- CovarianceData(IToken, String, ISymbol, ISymbol) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CovarianceData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - createAndRegisterParameterisedSymbols(EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext, ISymbol, IScope) - Method in class
- createFrom(Ek9SourceVisitor) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNodeFactory
- createGenericT(String, String, IScope) - Method in class
Create a generic parameter of specific name.
- createJar(String, List<ZipSet>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
Create a Java jar file with a list of zip sets.
- createJar(String, List<ZipSet>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Packager
Create a compressed archive to file with zip sets.
- createMutatorOperator(IAggregateSymbol, String) - Method in class
Create an operator of the name supplied.
- createOperator(IAggregateSymbol, String, boolean) - Method in class
Create an operator of the name supplied.
- createPureAcceptSameTypeOperatorAndReturnType(IAggregateSymbol, String, Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class
Creates a pure method with an argument the same as the main type.
- createPureArgumentOperatorAndReturnType(IAggregateSymbol, IAggregateSymbol, String, Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class
Creates a pure method with an argument of a different type as the main type.
- createPurePublicReturnSameTypeMethod(IAggregateSymbol, String) - Method in class
- createPurePublicSimpleOperator(IAggregateSymbol, String, Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class
Just creates a public operator with the name specified.
- createSha256Of(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
Create a sha256 hash of a file and save it in fileName".sha256"
- createToJsonSimpleOperator(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
Create operator for json.
- createZip(String, ZipSet, File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
To be used for making the zip when publishing ek9 source to artefact server.
- createZip(String, ZipSet, File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Packager
Create a zip with the zip set and copy over the properties file.
- currentStreamType() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamFunctionCheckData
Returns the value of the
record component.
- dateLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- dateLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateLiteralContext
- DateLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateLitContext
- DateLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- DateLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DateLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateLitContext
- DateLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateLiteralContext
- dateTimeLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- dateTimeLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateTimeLiteralContext
- DateTimeLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateTimeLitContext
- DateTimeLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- DateTimeLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DateTimeLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateTimeLitContext
- DateTimeLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateTimeLiteralContext
- debug(Object) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.Logger
Conditionally output debug information to stderr.
- debugf(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.Logger
Conditionally output debug information to stderr, using printf format.
- debugPort - Variable in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- DEC - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- DEC - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DEC() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- DEC() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- DEC() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- declareArgumentParam() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- declareArgumentParam() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- DeclareArgumentParamContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext
- DECLARED_AS_NULL_NOT_NEEDED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DecorationDimensionLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- DecorationDimensionLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DecorationDimensionLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DimensionLitContext
- DecorationDimensionLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DecorationDimensionLiteralContext
- DecorationResolutionLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- DecorationResolutionLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DecorationResolutionLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ResolutionLitContext
- DecorationResolutionLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DecorationResolutionLiteralContext
- DecrementPresentOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Given a symbol, this check that the type that the symbol has can support the '--' operator.
- DecrementPresentOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DecrementPresentOrError
- decryptWithPrivateKey(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SigningKeyPair
- decryptWithPublicKey(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SigningKeyPair
- DEDENT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- DEDENT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext
- DEDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DEFAULT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext
- DEFAULT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- DEFAULT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext
- DEFAULT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- DEFAULT_AND_ABSTRACT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DEFAULT_AND_TRAIT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DEFAULT_REQUIRED_IN_SWITCH_EXPRESSION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DEFAULT_REQUIRED_IN_SWITCH_STATEMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DEFAULT_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_PROVIDED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DEFAULT_VALUE_WILL_NOT_BE_USED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DEFAULT_WITH_OPERATOR_SIGNATURE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- Defaulted - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Test if a symbol is externally implemented.
- Defaulted() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.Defaulted
- DEFAULTED - Enum constant in enum class
- defaultOperator() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- defaultOperator() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DefaultOperatorContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext
- DefaultOperatorsOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks that operators that have been 'defaulted' could actually be implemented.
- DefaultOperatorsOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DefaultOperatorsOrError
- define(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- define(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScope
- define(ISymbol) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
Define a Symbol in this scope.
- define(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- define(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- defineOrError(ISymbol, SymbolChecker) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ModuleScope
Defines a new symbol and returns true if all when OK But if there were errors created then false is returned.
- defineReference(IToken, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ModuleScope
Add a reference to another construct in another module, so it can be used in shorthand form in this module.
- DEFINES - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- DEFINES - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DEFINES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext
- DEFINES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext
- DEFINES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext
- DEFINES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext
- DEFINES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext
- DEFINES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- DEFINES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext
- DEFINES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext
- DEFINES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext
- DEFINES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext
- DEFINES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- DEFINES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext
- DEFINES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext
- defineScopedSymbol(IScopedSymbol, ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Record a new scoped symbol in the current scope on the stack.
- DefinitionListener - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Just go through and define the symbols and scopes putting into the ParsedModule against the appropriate context.
- DefinitionListener(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
First phase after parsing.
- DELEGATE_AND_METHOD_NAMES_CLASH - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DelegateFunctionData - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
To be used when checking if a variable Symbol is a function delegate and can accept a set of call arguments.
- DelegateFunctionData(IToken, ISymbol, List<ISymbol>) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DelegateFunctionData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - delegateSymbol() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DelegateFunctionData
Returns the value of the
record component. - DelegatingLexer - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer
A Lexer, but one that delegates to the actual lexer that in plugged in.
- DelegatingLexer(LexerPlugin) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.DelegatingLexer
- deleteContentsAndBelow(File, boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
Does a recursive delete from this directory and below.
- deleteFileIfExists(File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
Deletes a file if it exists or a compiler exception if it cannot be deleted.
- deleteMatchingFiles(File, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
deletes matching files.
- deleteStalePackages(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
Ensure all stale packaged content is removed.
- deleteStalePackages(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- deleteTargetExecutableArtefact() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.FileCache
Removes any final target executable that has been generated.
- dependencyFingerPrint() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - DependencyManager - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Deals with managing dependencies of EK9 modules.
- DependencyManager(DependencyNode) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyManager
- DependencyNode - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Represents a single dependency by moduleName and version.
- DependencyNode(String, String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
- DependencyNode.RejectionReason - Enum Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Why was a dependency rejected.
- DependencyNodeFactory - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Creates DependencyNodes by using a Source Visitor on some EK9 source files that have a package defined in it.
- DependencyNodeFactory(CommandLine, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNodeFactory
Make a new Dependency Node Factory.
- dependent() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - DEPRECATION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.ErrorClassification
- deps() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - description() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - DeSerializer - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
De-Serializes a byte array back to compilable program.
- DeSerializer() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.DeSerializer
- DEV - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
- devDeps() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - dict() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- dict() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- DictContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DictContext
- DictUseOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Creates/Updates an ek9 Dict (Dictionary/Map) of a specific types if the expressions are typed correctly.
- DictUseOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DictUseOrError
Create a new consumer to handle Dict in the form of '{A: X, B: Y, C: Z}'.
- didChange(DidChangeTextDocumentParams) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9TextDocumentService
- didChangeConfiguration(DidChangeConfigurationParams) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9WorkspaceService
- didChangeWatchedFiles(DidChangeWatchedFilesParams) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9WorkspaceService
- didClose(DidCloseTextDocumentParams) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9TextDocumentService
- didOpen(DidOpenTextDocumentParams) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9TextDocumentService
- didSave(DidSaveTextDocumentParams) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9TextDocumentService
- digest(byte[]) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.Digest
Checksum of bytes.
- digest(File) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.Digest
Open a file and create a checksum of the contents.
- digest(String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.Digest
Get checksum of an input.
- Digest - Class in org.ek9lang.core
Wraps the SHA 256 digest and the resulting byte array into objects, so we can deal with check objects rather than raw bytes.
- Digest.CheckSum - Class in org.ek9lang.core
A Checksum.
- dimensionLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DecorationDimensionLiteralContext
- dimensionLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DimensionLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DimensionLitContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfStatementContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ListContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext
- directive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfStatementContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ListContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext
- directive(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext
- Directive - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
Provides basic interface for the EK9 internal @ type directives.
- DIRECTIVE_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.ErrorClassification
- DIRECTIVE_ERROR_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DIRECTIVE_HIERARCHY_NOT_RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DIRECTIVE_MISSING - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DIRECTIVE_SYMBOL_CATEGORY_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DIRECTIVE_SYMBOL_COMPLEXITY - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DIRECTIVE_SYMBOL_FOUND_UNEXPECTED_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DIRECTIVE_SYMBOL_GENUS_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DIRECTIVE_SYMBOL_NO_SUCH_GENUS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DIRECTIVE_SYMBOL_NOT_RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DIRECTIVE_WRONG_CLASSIFICATION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DirectiveContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectiveContext
- directiveError(IToken, String, ErrorListener.SemanticClassification) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
Create a new error based on the directive.
- DirectiveFactory - Class in
Just focuses on creating directives, these are used when testing EK9 source code.
- DirectiveFactory(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class
- DirectiveListenerSupplier - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
Provides the listeners for directive checks.
- DirectiveListenerSupplier() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveListenerSupplier
- directivePart() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectiveContext
- directivePart() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- directivePart(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectiveContext
- DirectivePartContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectivePartContext
- DirectivesCompilationPhase - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
Extracts the compilation phase or throws an illegal argument exception.
- DirectivesCompilationPhase() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectivesCompilationPhase
- DirectivesNextLineNumber - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
Finds the next line number from where a directive has been used.
- DirectivesNextLineNumber() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectivesNextLineNumber
- DirectiveSpec - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
Specification of a directive, all the common details used in a range of directives.
- DirectiveSpec(IToken, CompilationPhase, SymbolCategory, String, String, int) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveSpec
Creates an instance of a
record class. - DirectiveSpecExtractor - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
Extracts the 'spec' from the free format data in the directive.
- DirectiveSpecExtractor() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveSpecExtractor
- DirectivesSymbolCategory - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
Extracts the symbol category or throws an illegal argument exception.
- DirectivesSymbolCategory() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectivesSymbolCategory
- DirectivesSymbolName - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
Extracts the symbol name or throws an illegal argument exception.
- DirectivesSymbolName(int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectivesSymbolName
New extractor of symbol name for a position in the source.
- DirectiveType - Enum Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
To be used in EK9 source code, for things like internal tests or compiler directives, instrumentation, reified type retention etc.
- DISPATCH_ONLY_SUPPORTED_IN_CLASSES - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DISPATCHER - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- DISPATCHER - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DISPATCHER() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- DISPATCHER() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- DISPATCHER_BUT_NO_BODY_PROVIDED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DISPATCHER_PRIVATE_ENTRY - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DISPATCHER_PRIVATE_IN_SUPER - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DISPATCHER_PURE_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DISPATCHERS_NOT_EXTENDABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DISPATCHERS_ONLY_HAVE_ONE_METHOD_ENTRY_POINT_MARKED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DIV - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- DIV - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DIV() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- DIV() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- DIV_ASSIGN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- DIV_ASSIGN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DIV_ASSIGN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- DIV_ASSIGN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- DO - Enum constant in enum class
- DO - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- DO - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DO() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerPhase
Do the compilation phase.
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ModuleDuplicateSymbolChecks
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferenceChecks
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.SymbolDefinition
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase10.CodeGenerationAggregates
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase10.CodeGenerationConstants
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase10.CodeGenerationFunctions
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase10.CodeGenerationPreparation
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase11.CodeOptimisation
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase12.Packaging
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase12.PackagingPostProcessing
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase12.PluginLinkage
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.NonInferredTypeDefinition
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.TypeHierarchyChecks
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolResolution
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase4.PostSymbolResolutionChecks
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIntermediateRepresentationChecks
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase6.PluginResolution
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase7.IRGeneration
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase7.ProgramWithIR
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase8.TemplateGeneration
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase9.IRAnalysis
- doApply(Workspace, CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase9.IROptimisation
- DOES_NOT_OVERRIDE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- doesSymbolMeetAcceptableCriteria(ISymbol, IScope) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CodeFlowAnalyzer
- doesSymbolMeetAcceptableCriteria(ISymbol, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CodeFlowMap
Check if a variable meets the criteria of being acceptable.
- doGetFriendlyName(String, Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- doGetFriendlyName(String, Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- DOLLAR - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- DOLLAR - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DOLLAR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- DOLLAR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- doRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.E
Actually run the execution.
- doRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ecl
- doRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ed
- doRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Edp
- doRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Efc
- doRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Egk
- doRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ei
- doRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eic
- doRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eiv
- doRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ep
- doRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Epv
- doRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Er
- doRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Esf
- doRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Esv
- doRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Et
- doRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Up
- DOT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- DOT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DOT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DottedNameContext
- DOT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessTypeContext
- DOT(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DottedNameContext
- DOT_EK9 - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
- DOT_JAR - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
- DOT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
- dottedName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- dottedName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext
- dottedName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- DottedNameContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DottedNameContext
- downloadDependency(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.PackageResolver
- DUPLICATE_ENUMERATED_VALUES_PRESENT_IN_SWITCH - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DUPLICATE_NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DUPLICATE_PROPERTY_FIELD - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DUPLICATE_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DUPLICATE_TRAIT_REFERENCE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DUPLICATE_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DUPLICATE_VARIABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DUPLICATE_VARIABLE_IN_CAPTURE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DUPLICATION_CHECK - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- DURATION_NOT_FULLY_SPECIFIED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- durationLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- durationLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DurationLiteralContext
- DurationLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DurationLitContext
- DurationLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- DurationLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DurationLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DurationLitContext
- DurationLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DurationLiteralContext
- DYNAMIC_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope.ScopeType
- DYNAMIC_CLASS_CANNOT_BE_ABSTRACT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DYNAMIC_CLASS_MUST_IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACTS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- DynamicCaptureOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Resolves the variables to be captured and defines new variable symbols against the appropriate scopes.
- DynamicCaptureOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener, SymbolFactory) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DynamicCaptureOrError
Define new variables in the capture scope as they are resolved.
- dynamicClassDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext
- dynamicClassDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DynamicClassDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext
- DynamicClassDeclarationOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Checks that a dynamic class does not used naming when used inside a generic type/function.
- DynamicClassDeclarationOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DynamicClassDeclarationOrError
- dynamicFunctionBody() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- dynamicFunctionBody() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext
- DynamicFunctionBodyContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionBodyContext
- DynamicFunctionBodyPresentOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks if a dynamic function body is needed and provided.
- DynamicFunctionBodyPresentOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DynamicFunctionBodyPresentOrError
Create a new function to check dynamic functions.
- dynamicFunctionDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CallContext
- dynamicFunctionDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext
- DynamicFunctionOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Deals with handling any returning values in a dynamic function.
- DynamicFunctionOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.DynamicFunctionOrError
- dynamicVariableCapture() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext
- dynamicVariableCapture() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext
- dynamicVariableCapture() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- DynamicVariableCaptureContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext
- DynamicVariableCaptureOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Dynamic Variables when captured have to either be identifiers in their own right, but if they are some type of expression, method call, etc.
- DynamicVariableCaptureOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DynamicVariableCaptureOrError
- E - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Abstract base for the command line EK9 commands.
- E(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.E
- Ec - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
(COMPILER) ENTRY. - Ec(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Ec
- Ecl - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Clean a project down.
- Ecl(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Ecl
- Ed - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Deploy a package / all packages inside the project directory.
- Ed(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Ed
- Edp - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Check and pull all dependencies in.
- Edp(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Edp
- Efc - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Do a full recompile of all sources inside project.
- Efc(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Efc
- Egk - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Generate signing keys.
- Egk(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Egk
- Ei - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Install a package to your own $HOME/.ek9/lib directory.
- Ei(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Ei
- Eic - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Just does an incremental build if possible.
- Eic(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Eic
- EITHER_ALL_PARAMETERS_NAMED_OR_NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- Eiv - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Just increments a version number.
- Eiv(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Eiv
- Ek9 - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Main entry point into the compiler, build system and language server.
- Ek9(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9
- EK9_BITS - Static variable in class
- EK9_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class
- EK9_CHARACTER - Static variable in class
- EK9_COLOUR - Static variable in class
- EK9_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class
- EK9_CONSUMER - Static variable in class
- EK9_DATE - Static variable in class
- EK9_DATETIME - Static variable in class
- EK9_DICTIONARY - Static variable in class
- EK9_DICTIONARY_ENTRY - Static variable in class
- EK9_DIMENSION - Static variable in class
- EK9_DURATION - Static variable in class
- EK9_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class
- EK9_FLOAT - Static variable in class
- EK9_FUNCTION - Static variable in class
- EK9_HTTP_REQUEST - Static variable in class
- EK9_HTTP_RESPONSE - Static variable in class
- EK9_INTEGER - Static variable in class
- EK9_ITERATOR - Static variable in class
- EK9_JSON - Static variable in class
- EK9_LANG - Static variable in class
- EK9_LIST - Static variable in class
- EK9_MATH - Static variable in class
- EK9_MILLISECOND - Static variable in class
- EK9_MONEY - Static variable in class
- EK9_OPTIONAL - Static variable in class
- EK9_PATH - Static variable in class
- EK9_PREDICATE - Static variable in class
- EK9_REGEX - Static variable in class
- EK9_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class
- EK9_RESULT - Static variable in class
- EK9_STRING - Static variable in class
- EK9_SUPPLIER - Static variable in class
- EK9_TIME - Static variable in class
- EK9_UNARY_OPERATOR - Static variable in class
- EK9_VERSION - Static variable in class
- EK9_VOID - Static variable in class
- EK9BaseListener - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
This class provides an empty implementation of
, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods. - EK9BaseListener() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
- EK9BaseVisitor<T> - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
This class provides an empty implementation of
, which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods. - EK9BaseVisitor() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
- ek9Boolean() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - Ek9BuiltinLangSupplier - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
Just loads the ek9 language builtin ek9 source code and supplies it as Compilable Source.
- Ek9BuiltinLangSupplier() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.Ek9BuiltinLangSupplier
- ek9Character() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9Comparator() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - Ek9Compiler - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
The main EK9 compiler (HERE FOR COMPILER ENTRY).
- Ek9Compiler(Supplier<List<BiFunction<Workspace, CompilerFlags, CompilationPhaseResult>>>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.Ek9Compiler
Create a new compiler.
- Ek9CompilerConfig - Class in org.ek9lang.lsp
Designed to hold the all the soft coded configurations for the EK9 language server, these will typically be things like.
- Ek9CompilerConfig() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9CompilerConfig
- Ek9CompilerConfig(CompilationPhase) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9CompilerConfig
- ek9Consumer() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9Date() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9DateTime() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9Dictionary() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9DictionaryEntry() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - Ek9DirectoryStructure - Class in org.ek9lang.core
Responsibility of dealing with aspects of the ek9 directory structure.
- Ek9DirectoryStructure(FileHandling) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
- ek9Duration() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9Exception() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9Float() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9Function() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9HttpRequest() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9HttpResponse() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9Integer() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9Iterator() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9Json() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - Ek9LanguageBootStrap - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
Loads the language basics into a Compilable Program.
- Ek9LanguageBootStrap(Supplier<List<CompilableSource>>, CompilationPhaseListener, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.Ek9LanguageBootStrap
Create a language bootstrap with a set of ek9 language files.
- Ek9LanguageServer - Class in org.ek9lang.lsp
The Language Server Implementation into the modular EK9 compiler.
- Ek9LanguageServer(OsSupport) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageServer
Uses part of the compiler as a plugin language server.
- Ek9LanguageWords - Class in org.ek9lang.lsp
Designed for us in the LSP only as a set of words that are part of the language.
- Ek9LanguageWords() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageWords
- Ek9LanguageWords.KeyWordInformation - Class in org.ek9lang.lsp
Holds information relating to the EK9 language keywords.
- Ek9Lexer - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer
Original good for python but too pythonesque for EK9 - needed reworking to remove # comment and tabs for indenting.
- Ek9Lexer(CharStream, int, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Lexer
Create a lexer for an input with specific indent and dedent tokens.
- Ek9LexerForInput - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer
Just wraps up the creation of the EK9Lexer from an inputStream.
- Ek9LexerForInput() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9LexerForInput
- EK9LexerRules - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9LexerRules(CharStream) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ek9List() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - EK9Listener - Interface in org.ek9lang.antlr
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by
. - ek9Millisecond() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9Optional() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - EK9Parser - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser(TokenStream) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- EK9Parser.AccessModifierContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.AssertStatementContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.BinaryLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.BinaryLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.BlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.BlockStatementContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.BooleanLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.BooleanLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.CallContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.CharacterLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.CharacterLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ColourLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ColourLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ConstantInitialiserContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DateLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DateLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DateTimeLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DateTimeLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DecorationDimensionLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DecorationResolutionLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DictContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DimensionLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DirectiveContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DirectivePartContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DottedNameContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DurationLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DurationLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionBodyContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ExpressionContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ExtendDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ExtendPreambleContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.FloatingPointLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.FloatingPointLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ForLoopContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ForRangeContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.IdentifierContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.IfStatementContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.IntegerLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.IntegerLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ListContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.LiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.MillisecondLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.MillisecondLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.MoneyLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.MoneyLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ObjectAccessContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ObjectAccessTypeContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.OperationCallContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.OperatorContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ParameterisedArgsContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.PathLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.PathLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.PreFlowAndControlContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.PrimaryContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.PrimaryReferenceContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.RangeContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.RegExLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.RegularExpressionLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ResolutionLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.SheBangContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.StatementContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.StreamCatContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.StreamForContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.StreamPartContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.StreamSourceContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.StringLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.StringLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.StringPartContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.TernaryPartContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.TextBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.TimeLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.TimeLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.TraitPreambleContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.TraitReferenceContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.TraitsListContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.TypeDefContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.VersionNumberLitContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.VersionNumberLiteralContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.WebVariableCorrelationContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext - Class in org.ek9lang.antlr
- ek9Path() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9Predicate() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9ProgramToRun - Variable in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- Ek9ProjectProperties - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Designed only to be used on the front end of the compiler to access properties files that are in the .ek9 directory just off the same directory as the file that the compiler was asked to compile.
- Ek9ProjectProperties(File) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9ProjectProperties
- ek9Result() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - Ek9Service - Class in org.ek9lang.lsp
Base service for EK9 language compilation.
- Ek9Service() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9Service
- Ek9Service(Ek9LanguageServer) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9Service
- Ek9SourceVisitor - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
A cut down visitor that just deals with packages at a basic level.
- Ek9SourceVisitor() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.Ek9SourceVisitor
- ek9String() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9Supplier() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - Ek9TextDocumentService - Class in org.ek9lang.lsp
Part of the language server functionality.
- Ek9TextDocumentService(Ek9LanguageServer) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9TextDocumentService
- ek9Time() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - Ek9Token - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer
Models a token that we need to create as a synthetic token.
- Ek9Token() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Token
Create a new token with default name of 'Synthetic'.
- Ek9Token(int, String, int, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Token
Create a new token with all necessary details.
- Ek9Token(String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Token
Create a new token with a specific name.
- Ek9Token(String, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Token
Create a new token with name and specific line number.
- Ek9Token(String, int, String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Token
Create a new token with name, specific line number and named source file.
- Ek9Token(Token) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Token
Pull out all relevant details of an ANTLR Token into a minimal EK9Token.
- Ek9Types - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Used to cache built in types as they are so frequently used.
- Ek9Types(ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol, ISymbol) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ek9UnaryOperator() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - ek9Version() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - EK9Visitor<T> - Interface in org.ek9lang.antlr
This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by
. - ek9Void() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns the value of the
record component. - Ek9WorkspaceService - Class in org.ek9lang.lsp
Part of the language server functionality.
- Ek9WorkspaceService(Ek9LanguageServer) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9WorkspaceService
- ELLIPSIS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ELLIPSIS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ELLIPSIS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RangeContext
- ELSE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ELSE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ELSE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext
- ELSE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- ELSE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfStatementContext
- ELSE(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfStatementContext
- elseOnlyBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- elseOnlyBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfStatementContext
- ElseOnlyBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext
- ELVIS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ELVIS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ELVIS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- EmitConstructAndReferenceConflictError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Error if a construct and a reference conflict with each other.
- EmitConstructAndReferenceConflictError(String, ErrorListener, ErrorListener.SemanticClassification) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.EmitConstructAndReferenceConflictError
Create consumer with specific details for the error.
- EmitReferenceDoesNotResolveError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Error when a reference is made, but it cannot be resolved.
- EmitReferenceDoesNotResolveError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.EmitReferenceDoesNotResolveError
- EmitUnreachableStatementError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
To be called when an unreachable statement is encountered to emit an error.
- EmitUnreachableStatementError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.EmitUnreachableStatementError
- EMPTY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- EMPTY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- EMPTY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- EMPTY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- EMPTY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- enableDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.Logger
enable of disable debug output.
- encryptWithPrivateKey(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SigningKeyPair
- encryptWithPublicKey(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SigningKeyPair
- ensureTextBodyIsInSuper(MethodSymbol) - Method in class
Ensures that any method in a specific text block is always added to the base text for that component.
- ensureTextBodyIsInSuper(MethodSymbol) - Method in class
Ensures that any method in a specific text block is always added to the base text for that component.
- ENTER_EXPR_INTERPOLATION - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ENTER_EXPR_INTERPOLATION - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ENTER_EXPR_INTERPOLATION() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringPartContext
- enterAccessModifier(EK9Parser.AccessModifierContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterAccessModifier(EK9Parser.AccessModifierContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterAggregateParts(EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterAggregateParts(EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterAggregateProperty(EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterAggregateProperty(EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterAllowingOnly(EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterAllowingOnly(EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterApplicationBlock(EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterApplicationBlock(EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterApplicationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterApplicationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterApplicationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterApplicationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterApplicationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterApplicationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterApplicationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterArgumentParam(EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterArgumentParam(EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterArgumentParam(EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterAspectDeclaration(EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterAspectDeclaration(EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterAssertStatement(EK9Parser.AssertStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterAssertStatement(EK9Parser.AssertStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterAssignmentExpression(EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterAssignmentExpression(EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterAssignmentStatement(EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterAssignmentStatement(EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterAssignmentStatement(EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterBinaryLit(EK9Parser.BinaryLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterBinaryLit(EK9Parser.BinaryLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterBinaryLiteral(EK9Parser.BinaryLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterBinaryLiteral(EK9Parser.BinaryLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterBinaryLiteral(EK9Parser.BinaryLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterBlock(EK9Parser.BlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterBlock(EK9Parser.BlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterBlock(EK9Parser.BlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterBlock(EK9Parser.BlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterBlockStatement(EK9Parser.BlockStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterBlockStatement(EK9Parser.BlockStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterBlockStatement(EK9Parser.BlockStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
This is just a normal statement or variable declaration within a block.
- enterBooleanLit(EK9Parser.BooleanLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterBooleanLit(EK9Parser.BooleanLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterBooleanLiteral(EK9Parser.BooleanLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterBooleanLiteral(EK9Parser.BooleanLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterBooleanLiteral(EK9Parser.BooleanLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterCall(EK9Parser.CallContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterCall(EK9Parser.CallContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterCall(EK9Parser.CallContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterCaseExpression(EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterCaseExpression(EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterCaseExpression(EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterCaseStatement(EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterCaseStatement(EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterCatchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterCatchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterCatchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterCatchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterCatchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterCharacterLit(EK9Parser.CharacterLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterCharacterLit(EK9Parser.CharacterLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterCharacterLiteral(EK9Parser.CharacterLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterCharacterLiteral(EK9Parser.CharacterLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterCharacterLiteral(EK9Parser.CharacterLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterClassBlock(EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterClassBlock(EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- enterClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterColourLit(EK9Parser.ColourLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterColourLit(EK9Parser.ColourLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterColourLiteral(EK9Parser.ColourLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterColourLiteral(EK9Parser.ColourLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterColourLiteral(EK9Parser.ColourLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterCompilationUnit(EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterCompilationUnit(EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterComponentBlock(EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterComponentBlock(EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterComponentDeclaration(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterComponentDeclaration(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterComponentDeclaration(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterComponentDeclaration(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterComponentDeclaration(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterComponentDeclaration(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterComponentDeclaration(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterConstantBlock(EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterConstantBlock(EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterConstantDeclaration(EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterConstantDeclaration(EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterConstantDeclaration(EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterConstantDeclaration(EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterConstantInitialiser(EK9Parser.ConstantInitialiserContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterConstantInitialiser(EK9Parser.ConstantInitialiserContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterConstrainDeclaration(EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterConstrainDeclaration(EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterConstrainType(EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterConstrainType(EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDateLit(EK9Parser.DateLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDateLit(EK9Parser.DateLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDateLiteral(EK9Parser.DateLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterDateLiteral(EK9Parser.DateLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterDateLiteral(EK9Parser.DateLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterDateTimeLit(EK9Parser.DateTimeLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDateTimeLit(EK9Parser.DateTimeLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDateTimeLiteral(EK9Parser.DateTimeLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterDateTimeLiteral(EK9Parser.DateTimeLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterDateTimeLiteral(EK9Parser.DateTimeLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterDeclareArgumentParam(EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDeclareArgumentParam(EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDeclareArgumentParam(EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterDecorationDimensionLiteral(EK9Parser.DecorationDimensionLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterDecorationDimensionLiteral(EK9Parser.DecorationDimensionLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterDecorationDimensionLiteral(EK9Parser.DecorationDimensionLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterDecorationResolutionLiteral(EK9Parser.DecorationResolutionLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterDecorationResolutionLiteral(EK9Parser.DecorationResolutionLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterDecorationResolutionLiteral(EK9Parser.DecorationResolutionLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterDefaultOperator(EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDefaultOperator(EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDefaultOperator(EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterDict(EK9Parser.DictContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDict(EK9Parser.DictContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDict(EK9Parser.DictContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterDimensionLit(EK9Parser.DimensionLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDimensionLit(EK9Parser.DimensionLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDirective(EK9Parser.DirectiveContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDirective(EK9Parser.DirectiveContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDirectivePart(EK9Parser.DirectivePartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDirectivePart(EK9Parser.DirectivePartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDottedName(EK9Parser.DottedNameContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDottedName(EK9Parser.DottedNameContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDurationLit(EK9Parser.DurationLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDurationLit(EK9Parser.DurationLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDurationLiteral(EK9Parser.DurationLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterDurationLiteral(EK9Parser.DurationLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterDurationLiteral(EK9Parser.DurationLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- enterDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterDynamicFunctionBody(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionBodyContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDynamicFunctionBody(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionBodyContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDynamicFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDynamicFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDynamicFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterDynamicFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterDynamicFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterDynamicFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- enterDynamicFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
On entry of a dynamic function need to record any return symbol, because we won't parse the text as it is inferred.
- enterDynamicVariableCapture(EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDynamicVariableCapture(EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterDynamicVariableCapture(EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterDynamicVariableCapture(EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterDynamicVariableCapture(EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterDynamicVariableCapture(EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- enterElseOnlyBlock(EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterElseOnlyBlock(EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterEnumerationDeclaration(EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterEnumerationDeclaration(EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterEnumerationDeclaration(EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterEveryRule(ParserRuleContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
- enterExpression(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterExpression(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterExpression(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterExpressionParam(EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterExpressionParam(EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterExtendDeclaration(EK9Parser.ExtendDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterExtendDeclaration(EK9Parser.ExtendDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterExtendPreamble(EK9Parser.ExtendPreambleContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterExtendPreamble(EK9Parser.ExtendPreambleContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterFinallyStatementExpression(EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterFinallyStatementExpression(EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterFinallyStatementExpression(EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterFinallyStatementExpression(EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterFinallyStatementExpression(EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterFloatingPointLit(EK9Parser.FloatingPointLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterFloatingPointLit(EK9Parser.FloatingPointLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterFloatingPointLiteral(EK9Parser.FloatingPointLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterFloatingPointLiteral(EK9Parser.FloatingPointLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterFloatingPointLiteral(EK9Parser.FloatingPointLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterForLoop(EK9Parser.ForLoopContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterForLoop(EK9Parser.ForLoopContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterForLoop(EK9Parser.ForLoopContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterForLoop(EK9Parser.ForLoopContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterForLoop(EK9Parser.ForLoopContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterForRange(EK9Parser.ForRangeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterForRange(EK9Parser.ForRangeContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterForRange(EK9Parser.ForRangeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterForRange(EK9Parser.ForRangeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterForRange(EK9Parser.ForRangeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterForStatementExpression(EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterForStatementExpression(EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterForStatementExpression(EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterForStatementExpression(EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterFunctionBlock(EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterFunctionBlock(EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
Process a function declaration, so this is at the very top level of construct definition.
- enterFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
IMPORTANT, because we automatically make supers of functions that meet specific signatures (where they don't have a super) it means that behind the scenes we alter a function to have a parameterised generic super function.
- enterFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterGuardExpression(EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterGuardExpression(EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterGuardExpression(EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterHttpAccess(EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterHttpAccess(EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterHttpVerb(EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterHttpVerb(EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterIdentifier(EK9Parser.IdentifierContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterIdentifier(EK9Parser.IdentifierContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterIdentifier(EK9Parser.IdentifierContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterIdentifierReference(EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterIdentifierReference(EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterIdentifierReference(EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterIfControlBlock(EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterIfControlBlock(EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterIfControlBlock(EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterIfStatement(EK9Parser.IfStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterIfStatement(EK9Parser.IfStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterIfStatement(EK9Parser.IfStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterIfStatement(EK9Parser.IfStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
Need to create a local scope for the if statement so that it is possible to detect if all paths result in abnormal termination (i.e.
- enterInitValuePair(EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterInitValuePair(EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterInitValuePair(EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterInstructionBlock(EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterInstructionBlock(EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterInstructionBlock(EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterInstructionBlock(EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
This is the main context for ek9 expressions and statements to be employed.
- enterIntegerLit(EK9Parser.IntegerLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterIntegerLit(EK9Parser.IntegerLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterIntegerLiteral(EK9Parser.IntegerLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterIntegerLiteral(EK9Parser.IntegerLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterIntegerLiteral(EK9Parser.IntegerLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterList(EK9Parser.ListContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterList(EK9Parser.ListContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterList(EK9Parser.ListContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterMethodDeclaration(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterMethodDeclaration(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterMethodDeclaration(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterMethodDeclaration(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterMethodDeclaration(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterMethodDeclaration(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterMethodDeclaration(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterMillisecondLit(EK9Parser.MillisecondLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterMillisecondLit(EK9Parser.MillisecondLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterMillisecondLiteral(EK9Parser.MillisecondLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterMillisecondLiteral(EK9Parser.MillisecondLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterMillisecondLiteral(EK9Parser.MillisecondLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterModuleBlock(EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterModuleBlock(EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterModuleDeclaration(EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterModuleDeclaration(EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterModuleDeclaration(EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterModuleScopedSymbol(IScopedSymbol, ParseTree, SymbolChecker) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
To be used when defining a high level symbol at module scope.
- enterMoneyLit(EK9Parser.MoneyLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterMoneyLit(EK9Parser.MoneyLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterMoneyLiteral(EK9Parser.MoneyLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterMoneyLiteral(EK9Parser.MoneyLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterMoneyLiteral(EK9Parser.MoneyLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterNewConstant(ISymbol, ParseTree, SymbolChecker) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Create a new constant as declared in the constants section and records the symbol.
- enterNewLiteral(ISymbol, ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
For literals, we only record in the parsedModule.
- enterNewScope(IScope, ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Enter a new scope and record in both the parsed module and push on to the working scope stack.
- enterNewScopedSymbol(IScopedSymbol, ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Enter a new scoped symbol and record in parsed module as a symbol and as a scope.
- enterNewSymbol(ISymbol, ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
A new symbol has been encountered and is defined within the current scope in the scope stack and recorded in the parsedModule against the appropriate node.
- enterObjectAccess(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterObjectAccess(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterObjectAccessExpression(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterObjectAccessExpression(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterObjectAccessExpression(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterObjectAccessStart(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterObjectAccessStart(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterObjectAccessType(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessTypeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterObjectAccessType(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessTypeContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterOperationCall(EK9Parser.OperationCallContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterOperationCall(EK9Parser.OperationCallContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterOperationCall(EK9Parser.OperationCallContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterOperationDetails(EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterOperationDetails(EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterOperator(EK9Parser.OperatorContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterOperator(EK9Parser.OperatorContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterOperatorDeclaration(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterOperatorDeclaration(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterOperatorDeclaration(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterOperatorDeclaration(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterOperatorDeclaration(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterOperatorDeclaration(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterPackageBlock(EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterPackageBlock(EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterPackageBlock(EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterPackageBlock(EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterParameterisedArgs(EK9Parser.ParameterisedArgsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterParameterisedArgs(EK9Parser.ParameterisedArgsContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterParameterisedDetail(EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterParameterisedDetail(EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterParameterisedDetail(EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterParameterisedParams(EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterParameterisedParams(EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterParameterisedType(EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterParameterisedType(EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterParameterisedType(EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterParameterisedType(EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterParameterisedType(EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- enterParamExpression(EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterParamExpression(EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterPathLit(EK9Parser.PathLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterPathLit(EK9Parser.PathLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterPathLiteral(EK9Parser.PathLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterPathLiteral(EK9Parser.PathLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterPathLiteral(EK9Parser.PathLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterPipelinePart(EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterPipelinePart(EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterPipelinePart(EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterPreFlowAndControl(EK9Parser.PreFlowAndControlContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterPreFlowAndControl(EK9Parser.PreFlowAndControlContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterPreFlowStatement(EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterPreFlowStatement(EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterPrimary(EK9Parser.PrimaryContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterPrimary(EK9Parser.PrimaryContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterPrimaryReference(EK9Parser.PrimaryReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterPrimaryReference(EK9Parser.PrimaryReferenceContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterProgramBlock(EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterProgramBlock(EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterProgramBlock(EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterRange(EK9Parser.RangeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterRange(EK9Parser.RangeContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterRecordBlock(EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterRecordBlock(EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterRecordDeclaration(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterRecordDeclaration(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterRecordDeclaration(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterRecordDeclaration(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterRecordDeclaration(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterRecordDeclaration(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterRecordDeclaration(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterReferencesBlock(EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterReferencesBlock(EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterReferencesBlock(EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
This is where there are one or more references to types/functions or constants? in other modules that can now be resolved - at least as a name.
- enterRegExLit(EK9Parser.RegExLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterRegExLit(EK9Parser.RegExLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterRegisterStatement(EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterRegisterStatement(EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterRegisterStatement(EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
Just like the block statement it is possible to see if the scope has already been marked as terminating abnormally, in which case the register statement won;t be reachable.
- enterRegularExpressionLiteral(EK9Parser.RegularExpressionLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterRegularExpressionLiteral(EK9Parser.RegularExpressionLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterRegularExpressionLiteral(EK9Parser.RegularExpressionLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterResolutionLit(EK9Parser.ResolutionLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterResolutionLit(EK9Parser.ResolutionLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterReturningParam(EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterReturningParam(EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterReturningParam(EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterReturningParam(EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
A local scope is used to hold the returning parameter.
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AccessModifierContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssertStatementContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BinaryLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BinaryLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockStatementContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BooleanLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BooleanLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CallContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CharacterLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CharacterLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ColourLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ColourLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantInitialiserContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateTimeLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateTimeLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DecorationDimensionLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DecorationResolutionLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DictContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DimensionLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectiveContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectivePartContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DottedNameContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DurationLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DurationLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionBodyContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExtendDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExtendPreambleContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FloatingPointLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FloatingPointLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForLoopContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForRangeContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfStatementContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IntegerLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IntegerLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ListContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MillisecondLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MillisecondLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MoneyLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MoneyLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessTypeContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationCallContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedArgsContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PathLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PathLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowAndControlContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryReferenceContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RangeContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegExLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegularExpressionLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ResolutionLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SheBangContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamCatContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamForContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamSourceContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringPartContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TernaryPartContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TimeLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TimeLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitPreambleContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitReferenceContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitsListContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDefContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VersionNumberLitContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VersionNumberLiteralContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WebVariableCorrelationContext
- enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- enterScope(ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Ensure that the correct scope is pushed on to the stack.
- enterScope(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
To be used to ensure that a scope has been pushed on to the scopeStack.
- enterServiceBlock(EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterServiceBlock(EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterServiceDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterServiceDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterServiceDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterServiceDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterServiceDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterServiceDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterServiceDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterServiceOperationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterServiceOperationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterServiceOperationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterServiceOperationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterServiceOperationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterServiceOperationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterServiceOperationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterSheBang(EK9Parser.SheBangContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterSheBang(EK9Parser.SheBangContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterSingleStatementBlock(EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterSingleStatementBlock(EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterSingleStatementBlock(EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterSingleStatementBlock(EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterStatement(EK9Parser.StatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStatement(EK9Parser.StatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamCat(EK9Parser.StreamCatContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamCat(EK9Parser.StreamCatContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamCat(EK9Parser.StreamCatContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterStreamCat(EK9Parser.StreamCatContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterStreamExpression(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamExpression(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamExpression(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterStreamExpressionTermination(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamExpressionTermination(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamExpressionTermination(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterStreamExpressionTermination(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterStreamFor(EK9Parser.StreamForContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamFor(EK9Parser.StreamForContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamFor(EK9Parser.StreamForContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterStreamPart(EK9Parser.StreamPartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamPart(EK9Parser.StreamPartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamPart(EK9Parser.StreamPartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterStreamSource(EK9Parser.StreamSourceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamSource(EK9Parser.StreamSourceContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamStatement(EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamStatement(EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamStatement(EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterStreamStatementTermination(EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamStatementTermination(EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStreamStatementTermination(EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterStringLit(EK9Parser.StringLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStringLit(EK9Parser.StringLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStringLiteral(EK9Parser.StringLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterStringLiteral(EK9Parser.StringLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterStringLiteral(EK9Parser.StringLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterStringPart(EK9Parser.StringPartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStringPart(EK9Parser.StringPartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterStringPart(EK9Parser.StringPartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterSwitchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterSwitchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterSwitchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterSwitchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
A couple of wrinkles with the switch because is can be used as a normal statement But also as an expression.
- enterSwitchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- enterTernaryPart(EK9Parser.TernaryPartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTernaryPart(EK9Parser.TernaryPartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTernaryPart(EK9Parser.TernaryPartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterTernaryPart(EK9Parser.TernaryPartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
Need to define a scope for the parts of the ternary expressions.
- enterTextBlock(EK9Parser.TextBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTextBlock(EK9Parser.TextBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTextBlock(EK9Parser.TextBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterTextBodyDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTextBodyDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTextBodyDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterTextBodyDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterTextBodyDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterTextBodyDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterTextDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTextDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTextDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterTextDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterTextDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterTextDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterThrowStatement(EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterThrowStatement(EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterThrowStatement(EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
This is a key event as it in effect causes the current scope to fail with abnormal termination.
- enterThrowStatement(EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterTimeLit(EK9Parser.TimeLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTimeLit(EK9Parser.TimeLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTimeLiteral(EK9Parser.TimeLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterTimeLiteral(EK9Parser.TimeLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterTimeLiteral(EK9Parser.TimeLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterTraitBlock(EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTraitBlock(EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTraitDeclaration(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTraitDeclaration(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTraitDeclaration(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterTraitDeclaration(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterTraitDeclaration(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterTraitDeclaration(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterTraitDeclaration(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- enterTraitDeclaration(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterTraitPreamble(EK9Parser.TraitPreambleContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTraitPreamble(EK9Parser.TraitPreambleContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTraitReference(EK9Parser.TraitReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTraitReference(EK9Parser.TraitReferenceContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTraitsList(EK9Parser.TraitsListContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTraitsList(EK9Parser.TraitsListContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTryStatementExpression(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTryStatementExpression(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTryStatementExpression(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterTryStatementExpression(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
Now push it on to stack and record against this context as scope and symbol.
- enterTryStatementExpression(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- enterTryStatementExpression(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterTypeBlock(EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTypeBlock(EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTypeDeclaration(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTypeDeclaration(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTypeDeclaration(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterTypeDeclaration(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterTypeDeclaration(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterTypeDeclaration(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- enterTypeDef(EK9Parser.TypeDefContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTypeDef(EK9Parser.TypeDefContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterTypeDef(EK9Parser.TypeDefContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- enterVariableDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterVariableDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterVariableDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
Just a straight forward declaration of a variable.
- enterVariableDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterVariableOnlyDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterVariableOnlyDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterVariableOnlyDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterVariableOnlyDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
- enterVariableOnlyDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- enterVersionNumberLit(EK9Parser.VersionNumberLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterVersionNumberLit(EK9Parser.VersionNumberLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterVersionNumberLiteral(EK9Parser.VersionNumberLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterVersionNumberLiteral(EK9Parser.VersionNumberLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - enterVersionNumberLiteral(EK9Parser.VersionNumberLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterWebVariableCorrelation(EK9Parser.WebVariableCorrelationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterWebVariableCorrelation(EK9Parser.WebVariableCorrelationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterWhileStatementExpression(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterWhileStatementExpression(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Enter a parse tree produced by
. - enterWhileStatementExpression(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- enterWhileStatementExpression(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- enterWhileStatementExpression(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- enterWhileStatementExpression(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- entryName() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.core.ZipBinaryContent
Returns the value of the
record component. - EnumeratedTypeOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Creates/Updates an enumerated type adding methods as appropriate.
- EnumeratedTypeOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.EnumeratedTypeOrError
- enumerationDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- enumerationDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext
- EnumerationDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext
- EOF() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext
- Ep - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Do packaging for package / all packages inside the project directory.
- Ep(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Ep
- Epv - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Print the version number of the package.
- Epv(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Epv
- EQUAL - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- EQUAL - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- EQUAL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- EQUAL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- EQUAL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- EQUAL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineHelp
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.cli.CompilationContext
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.cli.LanguageMetaData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilationEvent
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.Details
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.ErrorDetails
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.MethodAndAggregateData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolAccess
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhaseResult
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveSpec
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ConflictingTokens
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AssignmentData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CheckOperatorData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CovarianceData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DelegateFunctionData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExprLeftAndRightData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.FunctionData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ParametersData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PureCheckData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamAggregateCheckData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamAssemblyData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamFunctionCheckData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolAccessData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TypeCompatibilityData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.ResolvedOrDefineResult
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CallSymbol
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScope
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ConstantSymbol
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.LocalScope
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ModuleScope
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ParamExpressionSymbol
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StackConsistencyScope
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Token
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.ParserSpec
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Digest.CheckSum
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
- equals(Object) - Method in record class org.ek9lang.core.ZipBinaryContent
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- Er - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Run the application that has been built or is already built.
- Er(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Er
- error(Object) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.Logger
Log an error unless muting is enabled.
- error(Throwable) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.Logger
Log a throwable stack trace unless muting is enabled.
- Error - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveType
- ERROR_MISSING - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- ErrorDirective - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
To be used in EK9 source code to assert that an error will be created.
- ErrorDirective(IToken, CompilationPhase, ErrorListener.SemanticClassification, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ErrorDirective
A new error style directive.
- ErrorDirectiveListener - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
Checks if there are any directives that relate to errors in the parsed module and tallies those up with any errors held for the phase of compilation.
- ErrorDirectiveListener() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ErrorDirectiveListener
- errorIfNotDefinedOrResolved - Variable in class
- errorListener - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.RuleSupport
- errorListener - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- errorListener - Variable in class
- errorListener - Variable in class
- errorListener() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.ParserSpec
Returns the value of the
record component. - ErrorListener - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
We need an error listener for the lexing parsing and also our own tree visiting.
- ErrorListener(String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
Create new error listener.
- ErrorListener.Details - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Fine detail of the error.
- ErrorListener.ErrorClassification - Enum Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
The type of the error.
- ErrorListener.ErrorDetails - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
The details of an error, position, etc.
- ErrorListener.SemanticClassification - Enum Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
What is the semantic nature of the error.
- errorLocation() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamAggregateCheckData
Returns the value of the
record component. - errorLocation() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamFunctionCheckData
Returns the value of the
record component. - errorMessage() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CovarianceData
Returns the value of the
record component. - errorMessage() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ParametersData
Returns the value of the
record component. - errorMessage() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PureCheckData
Returns the value of the
record component. - errorsIfResolved(IScope, ISymbol, SymbolSearch, ErrorListener.SemanticClassification) - Method in class
If a symbol is resolved then this will emit an error.
- errorsIfSymbolAlreadyDefined(IScope, ISymbol, boolean) - Method in class
Check for exising symbol in the scope.
- ErrorsToDiagnostics - Class in org.ek9lang.lsp
Convert ErrorListener warnings and errors to LSP Diagnostics.
- ErrorsToDiagnostics() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.lsp.ErrorsToDiagnostics
- Esf - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Use to explicitly set a feature name on a package.
- Esf(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Esf
- Esv - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Used to explicitly set the version of a package.
- Esv(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Esv
- Et - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Run all unit tests inside a project.
- Et(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Et
- Eve - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Base for the versioning commands.
- Eve(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve
- Eve.Version - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
The version.
- exactMatch(TokenResult) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageWords
Get only an exact match for this search.
- EXCEPTION_ONLY_SINGLE_PARAMETER - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- ExceptionConverter<T> - Class in org.ek9lang.core
Just wraps any exceptions in a runtime CompilerException.
- ExceptionConverter() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.ExceptionConverter
- ExceptionTypeOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks that the symbol passed has a type and that the type is compatible with an EK9 Exception.
- ExceptionTypeOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExceptionTypeOrError
- EXCESSIVE_COMPLEXITY - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- excludeDeps() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - excludeFiles() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - exists() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9ProjectProperties
- exit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageServer
- exitAccessModifier(EK9Parser.AccessModifierContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitAccessModifier(EK9Parser.AccessModifierContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitAggregateParts(EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitAggregateParts(EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitAggregateProperty(EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitAggregateProperty(EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitAggregateProperty(EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitAllowingOnly(EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitAllowingOnly(EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitApplicationBlock(EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitApplicationBlock(EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitApplicationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitApplicationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitApplicationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitApplicationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitApplicationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitArgumentParam(EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitArgumentParam(EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitAspectDeclaration(EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitAspectDeclaration(EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitAssertStatement(EK9Parser.AssertStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitAssertStatement(EK9Parser.AssertStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitAssignmentExpression(EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitAssignmentExpression(EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitAssignmentExpression(EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitAssignmentStatement(EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitAssignmentStatement(EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitAssignmentStatement(EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitAssignmentStatement(EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitBinaryLit(EK9Parser.BinaryLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitBinaryLit(EK9Parser.BinaryLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitBinaryLiteral(EK9Parser.BinaryLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitBinaryLiteral(EK9Parser.BinaryLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitBlock(EK9Parser.BlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitBlock(EK9Parser.BlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitBlock(EK9Parser.BlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitBlock(EK9Parser.BlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitBlockStatement(EK9Parser.BlockStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitBlockStatement(EK9Parser.BlockStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitBooleanLit(EK9Parser.BooleanLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitBooleanLit(EK9Parser.BooleanLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitBooleanLiteral(EK9Parser.BooleanLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitBooleanLiteral(EK9Parser.BooleanLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitCall(EK9Parser.CallContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitCall(EK9Parser.CallContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitCall(EK9Parser.CallContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitCaseExpression(EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitCaseExpression(EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitCaseExpression(EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitCaseStatement(EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitCaseStatement(EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitCatchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitCatchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitCatchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitCatchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitCharacterLit(EK9Parser.CharacterLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitCharacterLit(EK9Parser.CharacterLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitCharacterLiteral(EK9Parser.CharacterLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitCharacterLiteral(EK9Parser.CharacterLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitClassBlock(EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitClassBlock(EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- exitClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitColourLit(EK9Parser.ColourLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitColourLit(EK9Parser.ColourLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitColourLiteral(EK9Parser.ColourLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitColourLiteral(EK9Parser.ColourLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitCompilationUnit(EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitCompilationUnit(EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitComponentBlock(EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitComponentBlock(EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitComponentDeclaration(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitComponentDeclaration(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitComponentDeclaration(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitComponentDeclaration(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitComponentDeclaration(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- exitComponentDeclaration(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitConstantBlock(EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitConstantBlock(EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitConstantDeclaration(EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitConstantDeclaration(EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitConstantDeclaration(EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitConstantInitialiser(EK9Parser.ConstantInitialiserContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitConstantInitialiser(EK9Parser.ConstantInitialiserContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitConstantInitialiser(EK9Parser.ConstantInitialiserContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
This is a very important exit, as it takes the literals defined and pulls them up.
- exitConstrainDeclaration(EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitConstrainDeclaration(EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitConstrainType(EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitConstrainType(EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDateLit(EK9Parser.DateLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDateLit(EK9Parser.DateLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDateLiteral(EK9Parser.DateLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitDateLiteral(EK9Parser.DateLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitDateTimeLit(EK9Parser.DateTimeLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDateTimeLit(EK9Parser.DateTimeLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDateTimeLiteral(EK9Parser.DateTimeLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitDateTimeLiteral(EK9Parser.DateTimeLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitDeclareArgumentParam(EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDeclareArgumentParam(EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDecorationDimensionLiteral(EK9Parser.DecorationDimensionLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitDecorationDimensionLiteral(EK9Parser.DecorationDimensionLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitDecorationResolutionLiteral(EK9Parser.DecorationResolutionLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitDecorationResolutionLiteral(EK9Parser.DecorationResolutionLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitDefaultOperator(EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDefaultOperator(EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDict(EK9Parser.DictContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDict(EK9Parser.DictContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDict(EK9Parser.DictContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitDimensionLit(EK9Parser.DimensionLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDimensionLit(EK9Parser.DimensionLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDirective(EK9Parser.DirectiveContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDirective(EK9Parser.DirectiveContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDirective(EK9Parser.DirectiveContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitDirectivePart(EK9Parser.DirectivePartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDirectivePart(EK9Parser.DirectivePartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDottedName(EK9Parser.DottedNameContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDottedName(EK9Parser.DottedNameContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDurationLit(EK9Parser.DurationLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDurationLit(EK9Parser.DurationLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDurationLiteral(EK9Parser.DurationLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitDurationLiteral(EK9Parser.DurationLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
Dynamic classes can 'extend' a parameterised generic type.
- exitDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- exitDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitDynamicFunctionBody(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionBodyContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDynamicFunctionBody(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionBodyContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDynamicFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDynamicFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDynamicFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitDynamicFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
Dynamic functions can extend open/abstract normal functions, they can also (separately) extends parameterised generic functions.
- exitDynamicFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- exitDynamicFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitDynamicVariableCapture(EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDynamicVariableCapture(EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitDynamicVariableCapture(EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitDynamicVariableCapture(EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitDynamicVariableCapture(EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitDynamicVariableCapture(EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- exitElseOnlyBlock(EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitElseOnlyBlock(EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitEnumerationDeclaration(EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitEnumerationDeclaration(EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitEveryRule(ParserRuleContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
- ExitException - Exception Class in org.ek9lang.core
An exception that when caught at the very outer edge of the compiler will cause the application to exit with a specific error code.
- ExitException(int, String) - Constructor for exception class org.ek9lang.core.ExitException
- exitExpression(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitExpression(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitExpression(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitExpression(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitExpressionParam(EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitExpressionParam(EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitExtendDeclaration(EK9Parser.ExtendDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitExtendDeclaration(EK9Parser.ExtendDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitExtendPreamble(EK9Parser.ExtendPreambleContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitExtendPreamble(EK9Parser.ExtendPreambleContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitFinallyStatementExpression(EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitFinallyStatementExpression(EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitFinallyStatementExpression(EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitFinallyStatementExpression(EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitFloatingPointLit(EK9Parser.FloatingPointLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitFloatingPointLit(EK9Parser.FloatingPointLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitFloatingPointLiteral(EK9Parser.FloatingPointLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitFloatingPointLiteral(EK9Parser.FloatingPointLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitForLoop(EK9Parser.ForLoopContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitForLoop(EK9Parser.ForLoopContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitForLoop(EK9Parser.ForLoopContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitForRange(EK9Parser.ForRangeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitForRange(EK9Parser.ForRangeContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitForRange(EK9Parser.ForRangeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitForStatementExpression(EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitForStatementExpression(EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitForStatementExpression(EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitForStatementExpression(EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitForStatementExpression(EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitForStatementExpression(EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitFunctionBlock(EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitFunctionBlock(EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- exitFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitGuardExpression(EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitGuardExpression(EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitGuardExpression(EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitGuardExpression(EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitHttpAccess(EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitHttpAccess(EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitHttpVerb(EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitHttpVerb(EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitIdentifier(EK9Parser.IdentifierContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitIdentifier(EK9Parser.IdentifierContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitIdentifierReference(EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitIdentifierReference(EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitIdentifierReference(EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitIdentifierReference(EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitIfControlBlock(EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitIfControlBlock(EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitIfStatement(EK9Parser.IfStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitIfStatement(EK9Parser.IfStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitIfStatement(EK9Parser.IfStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitIfStatement(EK9Parser.IfStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitIfStatement(EK9Parser.IfStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitIfStatement(EK9Parser.IfStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitInitValuePair(EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitInitValuePair(EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitInstructionBlock(EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitInstructionBlock(EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitInstructionBlock(EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitInstructionBlock(EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitIntegerLit(EK9Parser.IntegerLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitIntegerLit(EK9Parser.IntegerLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitIntegerLiteral(EK9Parser.IntegerLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitIntegerLiteral(EK9Parser.IntegerLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitList(EK9Parser.ListContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitList(EK9Parser.ListContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitList(EK9Parser.ListContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitMethodDeclaration(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitMethodDeclaration(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitMethodDeclaration(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitMethodDeclaration(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitMethodDeclaration(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitMethodDeclaration(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitMillisecondLit(EK9Parser.MillisecondLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitMillisecondLit(EK9Parser.MillisecondLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitMillisecondLiteral(EK9Parser.MillisecondLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitMillisecondLiteral(EK9Parser.MillisecondLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitModuleBlock(EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitModuleBlock(EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitModuleDeclaration(EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitModuleDeclaration(EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitModuleDeclaration(EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitMoneyLit(EK9Parser.MoneyLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitMoneyLit(EK9Parser.MoneyLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitMoneyLiteral(EK9Parser.MoneyLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitMoneyLiteral(EK9Parser.MoneyLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitObjectAccess(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitObjectAccess(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitObjectAccessExpression(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitObjectAccessExpression(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitObjectAccessExpression(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitObjectAccessStart(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitObjectAccessStart(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitObjectAccessStart(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitObjectAccessType(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessTypeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitObjectAccessType(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessTypeContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitOperationCall(EK9Parser.OperationCallContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitOperationCall(EK9Parser.OperationCallContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitOperationDetails(EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitOperationDetails(EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitOperationDetails(EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
There is a returning parameter, so the instruction block must terminate normally.
- exitOperator(EK9Parser.OperatorContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitOperator(EK9Parser.OperatorContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitOperatorDeclaration(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitOperatorDeclaration(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitOperatorDeclaration(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitOperatorDeclaration(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitOperatorDeclaration(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitOperatorDeclaration(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitPackageBlock(EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitPackageBlock(EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitPackageBlock(EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitPackageBlock(EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitParameterisedArgs(EK9Parser.ParameterisedArgsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitParameterisedArgs(EK9Parser.ParameterisedArgsContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitParameterisedDetail(EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitParameterisedDetail(EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitParameterisedDetail(EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
Now at this point even parametric polymorphic types should be resolved.
- exitParameterisedParams(EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitParameterisedParams(EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitParameterisedType(EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitParameterisedType(EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitParamExpression(EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitParamExpression(EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitParamExpression(EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitPathLit(EK9Parser.PathLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitPathLit(EK9Parser.PathLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitPathLiteral(EK9Parser.PathLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitPathLiteral(EK9Parser.PathLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitPipelinePart(EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitPipelinePart(EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitPipelinePart(EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitPreFlowAndControl(EK9Parser.PreFlowAndControlContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitPreFlowAndControl(EK9Parser.PreFlowAndControlContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitPreFlowStatement(EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitPreFlowStatement(EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitPreFlowStatement(EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
preFlowStatement : (variableDeclaration | assignmentStatement | guardExpression) (WITH|THEN) ;
- exitPreFlowStatement(EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitPrimary(EK9Parser.PrimaryContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitPrimary(EK9Parser.PrimaryContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitPrimary(EK9Parser.PrimaryContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitPrimaryReference(EK9Parser.PrimaryReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitPrimaryReference(EK9Parser.PrimaryReferenceContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitPrimaryReference(EK9Parser.PrimaryReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitProgramBlock(EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitProgramBlock(EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitRange(EK9Parser.RangeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitRange(EK9Parser.RangeContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitRange(EK9Parser.RangeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitRecordBlock(EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitRecordBlock(EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitRecordDeclaration(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitRecordDeclaration(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitRecordDeclaration(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitRecordDeclaration(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitRecordDeclaration(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- exitRecordDeclaration(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitReferencesBlock(EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitReferencesBlock(EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitRegExLit(EK9Parser.RegExLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitRegExLit(EK9Parser.RegExLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitRegisterStatement(EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitRegisterStatement(EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitRegisterStatement(EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitRegisterStatement(EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- exitRegularExpressionLiteral(EK9Parser.RegularExpressionLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitRegularExpressionLiteral(EK9Parser.RegularExpressionLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitResolutionLit(EK9Parser.ResolutionLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitResolutionLit(EK9Parser.ResolutionLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitReturningParam(EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitReturningParam(EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitReturningParam(EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitReturningParam(EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
A bit tricky or more not like many other methods.
- exitReturningParam(EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
It's important to reprocess this now, just to ensure that any returning types are defined on methods.
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AccessModifierContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssertStatementContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BinaryLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BinaryLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockStatementContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BooleanLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BooleanLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CallContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CharacterLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CharacterLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ColourLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ColourLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantInitialiserContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateTimeLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateTimeLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DecorationDimensionLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DecorationResolutionLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DictContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DimensionLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectiveContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectivePartContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DottedNameContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DurationLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DurationLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionBodyContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExtendDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExtendPreambleContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FloatingPointLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FloatingPointLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForLoopContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForRangeContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfStatementContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IntegerLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IntegerLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ListContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MillisecondLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MillisecondLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MoneyLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MoneyLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessTypeContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationCallContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedArgsContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PathLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PathLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowAndControlContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryReferenceContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RangeContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegExLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegularExpressionLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ResolutionLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SheBangContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamCatContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamForContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamSourceContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringPartContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TernaryPartContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TimeLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TimeLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitPreambleContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitReferenceContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitsListContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDefContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VersionNumberLitContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VersionNumberLiteralContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WebVariableCorrelationContext
- exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- exitScope() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Normally called at the point where the parser listener exits a scope.
- exitServiceBlock(EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitServiceBlock(EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitServiceDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitServiceDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitServiceDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitServiceDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitServiceDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitServiceOperationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitServiceOperationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitServiceOperationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitServiceOperationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitServiceOperationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitSheBang(EK9Parser.SheBangContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitSheBang(EK9Parser.SheBangContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitSingleStatementBlock(EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitSingleStatementBlock(EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitSingleStatementBlock(EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitStatement(EK9Parser.StatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStatement(EK9Parser.StatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStatement(EK9Parser.StatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitStreamCat(EK9Parser.StreamCatContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStreamCat(EK9Parser.StreamCatContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStreamCat(EK9Parser.StreamCatContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitStreamExpression(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStreamExpression(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStreamExpression(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitStreamExpressionTermination(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStreamExpressionTermination(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStreamExpressionTermination(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitStreamFor(EK9Parser.StreamForContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStreamFor(EK9Parser.StreamForContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStreamFor(EK9Parser.StreamForContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitStreamPart(EK9Parser.StreamPartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStreamPart(EK9Parser.StreamPartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStreamSource(EK9Parser.StreamSourceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStreamSource(EK9Parser.StreamSourceContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStreamSource(EK9Parser.StreamSourceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitStreamStatement(EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStreamStatement(EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStreamStatement(EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitStreamStatementTermination(EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStreamStatementTermination(EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStreamStatementTermination(EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitStringLit(EK9Parser.StringLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStringLit(EK9Parser.StringLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStringLiteral(EK9Parser.StringLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitStringLiteral(EK9Parser.StringLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitStringPart(EK9Parser.StringPartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitStringPart(EK9Parser.StringPartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitSwitchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitSwitchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitSwitchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitSwitchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitSwitchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitSwitchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitTernaryPart(EK9Parser.TernaryPartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTernaryPart(EK9Parser.TernaryPartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTernaryPart(EK9Parser.TernaryPartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitTextBlock(EK9Parser.TextBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTextBlock(EK9Parser.TextBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTextBlock(EK9Parser.TextBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitTextBodyDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTextBodyDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTextBodyDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitTextBodyDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitTextBodyDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitTextDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTextDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTextDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitTextDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitTextDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- exitThrowStatement(EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitThrowStatement(EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitThrowStatement(EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitTimeLit(EK9Parser.TimeLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTimeLit(EK9Parser.TimeLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTimeLiteral(EK9Parser.TimeLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitTimeLiteral(EK9Parser.TimeLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitTraitBlock(EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTraitBlock(EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTraitDeclaration(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTraitDeclaration(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTraitDeclaration(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitTraitDeclaration(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitTraitDeclaration(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- exitTraitDeclaration(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitTraitPreamble(EK9Parser.TraitPreambleContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTraitPreamble(EK9Parser.TraitPreambleContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTraitReference(EK9Parser.TraitReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTraitReference(EK9Parser.TraitReferenceContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTraitReference(EK9Parser.TraitReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitTraitsList(EK9Parser.TraitsListContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTraitsList(EK9Parser.TraitsListContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTryStatementExpression(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTryStatementExpression(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTryStatementExpression(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitTryStatementExpression(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
A bit complex, because we need to check for normal termination on the try instructions, the catch and the finally blocks.
- exitTryStatementExpression(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitTryStatementExpression(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- exitTypeBlock(EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTypeBlock(EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTypeDeclaration(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTypeDeclaration(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTypeDeclaration(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitTypeDeclaration(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitTypeDeclaration(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
- exitTypeDef(EK9Parser.TypeDefContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTypeDef(EK9Parser.TypeDefContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitTypeDef(EK9Parser.TypeDefContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitVariableDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitVariableDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitVariableDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
Now we have an assignment expression we can note that this variable was initialised.
- exitVariableDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitVariableDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitVariableOnlyDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitVariableOnlyDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitVariableOnlyDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
- exitVariableOnlyDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitVersionNumberLit(EK9Parser.VersionNumberLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitVersionNumberLit(EK9Parser.VersionNumberLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitVersionNumberLiteral(EK9Parser.VersionNumberLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitVersionNumberLiteral(EK9Parser.VersionNumberLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - exitWebVariableCorrelation(EK9Parser.WebVariableCorrelationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitWebVariableCorrelation(EK9Parser.WebVariableCorrelationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitWhileStatementExpression(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitWhileStatementExpression(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Listener
Exit a parse tree produced by
. - exitWhileStatementExpression(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- exitWhileStatementExpression(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.DefinitionListener
- exitWhileStatementExpression(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- exitWhileStatementExpression(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTOR_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- EXPLICIT_TYPE_SYMBOL_DEFINITION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssertStatementContext
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForLoopContext
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ListContext
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowAndControlContext
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryContext
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RangeContext
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamCatContext
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringPartContext
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TernaryPartContext
- expression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- expression(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- expression(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext
- expression(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ListContext
- expression(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RangeContext
- expression(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamCatContext
- ExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- ExpressionOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Ensures that 'expression' is now resolved and 'typed' or a not resolved error.
- ExpressionOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionOrError
Check Primary resolves and attempt to 'type' it.
- expressionParam() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- expressionParam() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext
- expressionParam(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext
- ExpressionParamContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext
- ExpressionSimpleForSafeAccess - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Just checks if the expression as defined by the ANTLR AST is simple enough to be assessed to make any Result/Optional get()/ok()/error() method calls safe.
- ExpressionSimpleForSafeAccess() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ExpressionSimpleForSafeAccess
- ExpressionsListener - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
This listener just deals with expressions and the types that result from expressions.
- ExpressionsListener(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- ExpressionSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
While we don't add these in the scoped structures when compiling.
- ExpressionSymbol(String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
- ExpressionSymbol(ISymbol) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
Create a new expression based around an existing symbol.
- ExprLeftAndRightData - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Useful in expressions to contain the left and right hand symbols.
- ExprLeftAndRightData(ISymbol, ISymbol) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExprLeftAndRightData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - extendDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext
- extendDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext
- extendDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- extendDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext
- ExtendDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExtendDeclarationContext
- extendPreamble() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext
- extendPreamble() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext
- extendPreamble() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExtendDeclarationContext
- extendPreamble() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- extendPreamble() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- extendPreamble() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext
- ExtendPreambleContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExtendPreambleContext
- EXTENDS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- EXTENDS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- EXTENDS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExtendPreambleContext
- EXTERN - Enum constant in enum class
- EXTERN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- EXTERN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- EXTERN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- ExternallyImplemented - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Test if a symbol is externally implemented.
- ExternallyImplemented() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ExternallyImplemented
- fail(String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.AssertValue
Just trigger a direct failure.
- feature() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve.Version
- feature() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
- FIELD_NOT_RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- FIELD_OR_VARIABLE_NOT_RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- FILE_ISSUE_EXIT_CODE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9
- FileCache - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Because we need access to the full file list or partial file list filtered.
- FileCache(CommandLine) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.FileCache
Create a new FileCache referencing a specific commandLine.
- FileHandling - Class in org.ek9lang.core
Designed to abstract out all file handling for the compiler.
- FileHandling(OsSupport) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
Create File Handling with the appropriately configured OS support.
- FILTER - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- FILTER - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- FILTER() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- FILTER() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- FINAL - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- FINAL - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- FINALLY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- FINALLY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- FINALLY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext
- finallyStatementExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- finallyStatementExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- FinallyStatementExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext
- findByModuleName(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyManager
Search for a particular moduleName, can return multiple matches if there are multiple versions of the same dependency.
- findNearestDynamicBlockScopeInEnclosingScopes() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
- findNearestDynamicBlockScopeInEnclosingScopes() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.LocalScope
- findNearestDynamicBlockScopeInEnclosingScopes() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- findNearestDynamicBlockScopeInEnclosingScopes() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- findNearestNonBlockScopeInEnclosingScopes() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
- findNearestNonBlockScopeInEnclosingScopes() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.LocalScope
Traverses up the scope tree of enclosing scopes to find the first scope type that is an aggregate.
- findNearestNonBlockScopeInEnclosingScopes() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- findNearestNonBlockScopeInEnclosingScopes() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- firstUse() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ConflictingTokens
Returns the value of the
record component. - FIXED - Enum constant in enum class
- FLATTEN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- FLATTEN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- FLATTEN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- FLATTEN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- floatingPointLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- floatingPointLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FloatingPointLiteralContext
- FloatingPointLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FloatingPointLitContext
- FloatingPointLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- FloatingPointLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- FloatingPointLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FloatingPointLitContext
- FloatingPointLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FloatingPointLiteralContext
- FOR - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- FOR - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- FOR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForLoopContext
- FOR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForRangeContext
- FOR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- FOR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- FOR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- forLoop() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- forLoop() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext
- ForLoopContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForLoopContext
- ForLoopOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Deals with the for loop for phase 3, which is basically working out the type of the variable being iterated over and ensuring that the expression is something that can be iterated over.
- ForLoopOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ForLoopOrError
- FormOfComparator - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
When looking to calculate complexity of methods/functions it is important to work out if parts of an expression are in some way conditional.
- FormOfComparator() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.FormOfComparator
- forRange() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- forRange() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext
- forRange() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamForContext
- ForRangeContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForRangeContext
- ForRangeOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Pulls the type from the 'range' into the loop variable, so it is correctly typed or emits an error.
- ForRangeOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ForRangeOrError
Check range expressions and record an expression for the type.
- ForReturnOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Ensures that a for loop/for range statement/expression is used correctly in or out of an expression.
- ForReturnOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ForReturnOrError
- forStatementExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext
- forStatementExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- forStatementExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- ForStatementExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext
- ForStatementExpressionOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Deals with checking the 'for' statement/expression.
- ForStatementExpressionOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ForStatementExpressionOrError
- ForStatementOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Checks the for structure via the code analysers.
- ForStatementOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ForStatementOrError
- ForSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
EK9 'for' type symbol - we need a scope because we declare a new variable as the loop variable.
- ForSymbol(IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ForSymbol
- from() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ParametersData
Returns the value of the
record component. - fromScope() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolAccessData
Returns the value of the
record component. - fromVar() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CovarianceData
Returns the value of the
record component. - FrontEndSupplier - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.config
Supplies just the front end of the compiler.
- FrontEndSupplier(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, CompilationPhaseListener, CompilerReporter, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.config.FrontEndSupplier
Create a new supplier of front end only compiler phases.
- FULL_RESOLUTION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- FullPhaseSupplier - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.config
Supplies all the phases for a full compilation from end to end.
- FullPhaseSupplier(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, CompilationPhaseListener, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.config.FullPhaseSupplier
Create a new supplier of a full set of compiler phases.
- function() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.FunctionData
Returns the value of the
record component. - FUNCTION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolCategory
- FUNCTION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- FUNCTION - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- FUNCTION - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- FUNCTION() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext
- FUNCTION() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext
- FUNCTION() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- FUNCTION() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- FUNCTION_DELEGATE_WITH_DEFAULT_OPERATORS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- FUNCTION_MUST_HAVE_NO_PARAMETERS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- FUNCTION_MUST_HAVE_SINGLE_PARAMETER - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- FUNCTION_MUST_HAVE_TWO_PARAMETERS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- FUNCTION_MUST_RETURN_SAME_TYPE_AS_INPUT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- FUNCTION_MUST_RETURN_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- FUNCTION_OR_DELEGATE_NOT_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- FUNCTION_OR_DELEGATE_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- FUNCTION_PARAMETER_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- FUNCTION_SIGNATURE_DOES_NOT_MATCH_SUPER - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- FUNCTION_TRAIT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- FUNCTION_USED_IN_GENERIC - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- functionBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- functionBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- FunctionBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext
- FunctionData - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
To be used when checking if a function can accept a set of call arguments.
- FunctionData(IToken, FunctionSymbol, List<ISymbol>) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.FunctionData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - functionDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext
- functionDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- functionDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext
- FunctionDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- FunctionDelegateOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Check is the data passed in enabled a delegate function to be resolved and if so return that Function.
- FunctionDelegateOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.FunctionDelegateOrError
- FunctionFactory - Class in
- FunctionFactory(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class
- FunctionOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Typically checks any returning values to see if they have now been initialised on a function.
- FunctionOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.FunctionOrError
- FunctionOverridesOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks that the function correctly overrides the signature if it has a super.
- FunctionOverridesOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.FunctionOverridesOrError
Create a new function to check overriding of super (method parameters and covariance returns).
- functionSymbol() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamFunctionCheckData
Returns the value of the
record component. - FunctionSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Scope for functions that are part of a module.
- FunctionSymbol(String, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
Create a new Function Symbol with a specific unique name (in the enclosing scope).
- FunctionSymbol(String, IScope, List<AggregateSymbol>) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
A function that can be parameterised, i.e.
- FunctionSymbolSearch - Class in
Search just for a matching function by name.
- FunctionSymbolSearch(String) - Constructor for class
- FunctionSymbolSearch(FunctionSymbolSearch) - Constructor for class
- FUZ - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- FUZ - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- FUZ() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- FUZ() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- fuzzyMatch(TokenResult) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageWords
Typically used for completion, where string is partial.
- GE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- GE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- GE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- GE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- GE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- GE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- GENERAL_APPLICATION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- GeneralTypeResolver - Class in
Used to see if it is possible to resolve types, both simple and parametric.
- GeneralTypeResolver(IScope) - Constructor for class
- generate(int) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.SigningKeyPair
Create a new signing key pair of a particular key size.
- GENERATED - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
- GENERIC_CONSTRUCTORS_MUST_BE_PUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- GENERIC_FUNCTION_IMPLEMENTATION_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- GENERIC_PARENT - Enum constant in enum class
- GENERIC_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_INAPPROPRIATE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- GENERIC_TYPE_DEFINITION_CANNOT_EXTEND - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- GENERIC_TYPE_OR_FUNCTION_NOT_APPLICABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- GENERIC_TYPE_OR_FUNCTION_NOT_RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- GENERIC_TYPE_OR_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- GENERIC_TYPE_OR_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_INCORRECT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- GENERIC_TYPE_OR_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- GENERIC_TYPE_OR_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_NEEDED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- GENERIC_TYPE_REQUIRES_CORRECT_CONSTRUCTOR_ARGUMENT_TYPES - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- GENERIC_TYPE_REQUIRES_TWO_CONSTRUCTORS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- GENERIC_WITH_NAMED_DYNAMIC_CLASS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- GenericInGenericData - Record Class in
Used to model the scenario where a generic type has another dependent generic type used within it.
- GenericInGenericData(PossibleGenericSymbol, PossibleGenericSymbol) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - genericTypeSymbol() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - Genus - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveType
- GenusDirective - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
To be used in EK9 source code to assert that a type can or cannot be resolved.
- GenusDirective(DirectiveSpec) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.GenusDirective
New directive for genus checking.
- GenusDirectiveListener - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
Checks if there are any directives that relate to @Genus in the parsed module and checks the resolution through the symbol and its genus.
- GenusDirectiveListener() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.GenusDirectiveListener
- GenusLocator - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Attempts to locate an Trait by name.
- GenusLocator(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolGenus) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.GenusLocator
- get() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.config.BackEndSupplier
- get() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.config.FrontEndSupplier
- get() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.config.FullPhaseSupplier
- get() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.config.MiddleEndSupplier
- get() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveListenerSupplier
- get() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Ek9BuiltinLangSupplier
- get() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Ek9LanguageBootStrap
Provide the access to a compilable program, this is preconfigured with all the ek9 built in symbols, in the appropriate modules.
- get() - Method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- getAccessModifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- getActualScope() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- getAdditionalName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolutionDirective
- getAggregateDescription() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
Typically used for synthetically generated aggregates.
- getAggregateDescription() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
- getAggregateFactory() - Method in class
- getAllAbstractMethods() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
Gets all abstract methods in this aggregate and any super classes.
- getAllAbstractMethods() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
Gets all abstract methods in this aggregate and any super classes.
- getAllAbstractMethods() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
Get all methods marked as abstract in this or any supers.
- getAllAbstractMethodsInThisScopeOnly() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getAllAbstractMethodsInThisScopeOnly() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
Get all methods in this scope only that are abstract.
- getAllCompilableProjectFiles() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.FileCache
Supplies a list of all files that are compilable by the ek9 compiler.
- getAllEffectiveMethods() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getAllEffectiveMethods() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- getAllEffectiveMethods() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
Gets all methods that are effective, by this I mean if supers (classes or traits) have the same method name but, it has been overridden then we would only retain the 'overridden' one as that has taken effect.
- getAllExtensionConstrainedTraits() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
Gets all traits this class implements directly or indirectly through supers that have constraints upon them.
- getAllExtensionConstrainedTraits() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
- getAllFilesPartOfBuild() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.FileCache
Supplies the list of all files that are to be part of the build.
- getAllKeyWords() - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageWords
- getAllMethodInThisScopeOnly() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getAllMethodInThisScopeOnly() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
All methods abstract and non-abstract in this scope.
- getAllMethods() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getAllMethods() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- getAllMethods() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
Get all methods on this and any supers or traits.
- getAllNonAbstractMethods() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getAllNonAbstractMethods() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- getAllNonAbstractMethods() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
Get all methods not marked as abstract in this or any supers.
- getAllNonAbstractMethodsInThisScopeOnly() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getAllNonAbstractMethodsInThisScopeOnly() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
Get all methods in this scope only that are not abstract.
- getAllNonCompilableProjectFiles() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.FileCache
Supplies a list of all files that are not compilable by the ek9 compiler.
- getAllOperators() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getAllOperators() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
Get all operators on this and any supers or traits.
- getAllowedExtenders() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- getAllPossibleDefaultOperators(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
Provides all the possible default operators.
- getAllPossibleDefaultOperators(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
- getAllPossibleSyntheticOperators(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
- getAllSubdirectories(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
Get all subdirectories from a root directory.
- getAllSymbolsMatchingName(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getAllSymbolsMatchingName(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- getAllSymbolsMatchingName(String) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
Return a list of all the symbols that match the name.
- getAllSymbolsMatchingName(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- getAllSymbolsMatchingName(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- getAllTraits() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getAllTraits() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
Get all the traits this aggregate implements - this means all the traits any of these traits extends.
- getAllTraits() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
- getAmbiguousMethodParameters() - Method in class
Get the parameters that are considered ambiguous and the line they are on.
- getAnyConceptualTypeParameters() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ICanBeGeneric
- getAnyConceptualTypeParameters() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
If this scope has been parameterised, then go through those parameters and return a list of all those that are generic 'T' in nature and not actually concrete types.
- getAnyGenericParamsAsFriendlyNames() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- getAnySuperTypeOrFunction() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getAnySuperTypeOrFunction() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- getAnySuperTypeOrFunction() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- getAppliesToLineNumber() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.Directive
Which line number does this directive apply to.
- getAppliesToLineNumber() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ErrorDirective
- getAppliesToLineNumber() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolutionDirective
- getAssignableWeightTo(Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- getAssignableWeightTo(Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- getAssignableWeightTo(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- getAssignableWeightTo(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- getAssignableWeightTo(ISymbol) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- getAssignableWeightTo(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- getAsSymbol() - Method in class
Creates a new Symbol from the name in the search and the module name.
- getATN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- getATN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- getBestWeight() - Method in class
- getCallParameters() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
Added convenience method to make the parameters a bit more obvious.
- getCallParameters() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IFunctionSymbol
- getCallParameters() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
Added convenience method to make the parameters a bit more obvious.
- getCapturedVariables() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
- getCapturedVariables() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ICanCaptureVariables
Make the scope that holds the captured variables (if any accessible).
- getCapturedVariables() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StackConsistencyScope
- getCategory() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
- getCategory() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- getChannelNames() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- getCharPositionInLine() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.DelegatingLexer
- getCharPositionInLine() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Token
- getCharPositionInLine() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.IToken
The index of the first character of this token relative to the beginning of the line at which it occurs, 0..n-1
- getClassification() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.ErrorDetails
- getClassification() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ErrorDirective
- getClassificationDescription() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilationIssue
- getClassificationDescription() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.ErrorDetails
- getClient() - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageServer
- getCodeFlowAnalyzers() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Provide access to the set of code flow analyzers being used for flow analysis.
- getCommandLineHelp() - Static method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
Just provides the commandline help text.
- getComparator() - Static method in class
- getCompilationData() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
- getCompilationUnitContext() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
Provide access to the main compilation context.
- getCompilerConfig() - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageServer
- getCompilerFlags() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ec
- getCompileToPhase() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
- getConstructors() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getConstructors() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
A list of all the defined constructors.
- getConsumesSymbolType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- getContent() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.core.ZipBinaryContent
- getCurrentWorkingDirectory() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
Get current working directory for this running process.
- getDedentToken() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.DelegatingLexer
- getDedentToken() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Lexer
- getDedentToken() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.LexerPlugin
- getDefaultOperator(IAggregateSymbol, String) - Method in class
If the operator provided can be defaulted then a Method symbol with the correct signature will be returned.
- getDefaultOperator(IAggregateSymbol, String) - Method in class
- getDefaultOperatorInitializer(IToken) - Method in class
- getDefaultOperatorSymbolInitializer(Consumer<ISymbol>) - Method in class
- getDependencies() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
- getDependencyRejections() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
- getDescription() - Method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- getDescription() - Method in enum class
- getDescription() - Method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolCategory
- getDescription() - Method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- getDevFinalOutputDirectory() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.E
- getDevFinalOutputDirectory(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
Main final output directory when in development.
- getDevFinalOutputDirectory(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- getDevGeneratedOutputDirectory() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.E
- getDevGeneratedOutputDirectory(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
Main generated code output directory when in development.
- getDevGeneratedOutputDirectory(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- getDirectiveErrors() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
- getDirectives(DirectiveType) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
Provide access to any directives recorded.
- getDirectives(DirectiveType) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModuleTransientData
Provide access to any directives recorded.
- getDirectives(DirectiveType, CompilationPhase) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
Provide access to any directives recorded of a specific type and compilation phase.
- getDirectives(DirectiveType, CompilationPhase) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModuleTransientData
Provide access to any directives recorded of a specific type and compilation phase.
- getDirectiveToken() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.Directive
Provide a token from the source, by default if not possible supply synthetic.
- getDirectiveToken() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ErrorDirective
- getDirectiveToken() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolutionDirective
- getDirectoriesInDirectory(File, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
Get files in a particular directory, but not if they start with a prefix.
- getDotEk9Directory() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.E
- getDotEk9Directory(File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- getDotEk9Directory(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- getEk9Any() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- getEk9Any() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
- getEk9Any() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
- getEk9AppDefines() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- getEk9AppParameters() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- getEk9ProgramParameters() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- getEk9ProgramParameters() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- getEk9Types() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- getEk9Types() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
- getEk9Types() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
If cached ek9 types have been provided, they can be accessed here.
- getEk9Types() - Method in class
- getEk9WorkSpace() - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9WorkspaceService
- getEmptyDiagnostics(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.ErrorsToDiagnostics
Used as part of the language server to obtain an empty set of diagnostic information.
- getEnclosingScope() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
- getEnclosingScope() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.LocalScope
- getEnclosingScope() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- getEnclosingScope() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- getEncounteredExceptionToken() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
- getEncounteredExceptionToken() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- getEncounteredExceptionToken() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- getEntries() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.ZipSet
- getEntryName() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.core.ZipBinaryContent
- getErrorDiagnostics(ErrorListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.ErrorsToDiagnostics
Used as part of the language server to convert errors in to diagnostic information.
- getErrorListener() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
Provide access to errorListener to extending Listeners.
- getErrorListener() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
Access the error listener, only check after parsing.
- getErrors() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
Get all Errors.
- getExcludeFiles() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- getExitCode() - Method in exception class org.ek9lang.core.ExitException
- getFileContent(File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
Load up a file into a String.
- getFileHandling() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- getFileHandling() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.E
- getFilename(TextDocumentIdentifier) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9Service
- getFilename(TextDocumentItem) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9Service
- getFileName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9ProjectProperties
- getFileName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
- getFileName() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.Source
- getFileNameWithoutPath(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
Extract just the final part of a file name.
- getFiles() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.ZipSet
- getFilesFromDirectories(Collection<File>, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
Get List of all the files in a set of directories with a particular suffix.
- getFilesFromDirectory(File, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
Get all files in a directory with a specific suffix.
- getFilesRecursivelyFrom(File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
Get all files down a directory structure.
- getFilesRecursivelyFrom(File, Glob) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
Search down a directory structure matching a 'Glob".
- getFriendlyName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
Provides a friendly name of this aggregate that could be presented to the developer.
- getFriendlyName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CallSymbol
- getFriendlyName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
- getFriendlyName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- getFriendlyName() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
Provide the name an end user would need to see on the screen.
- getFriendlyName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- getFriendlyName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ParamExpressionSymbol
- getFriendlyName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- getFriendlyName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- getFriendlyName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- getFriendlyScopeName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CallSymbol
- getFriendlyScopeName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- getFriendlyScopeName() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
Useful for printing out errors and information.
- getFriendlyScopeName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- getFriendlyScopeName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- getFullPathToSourceFileName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
Provides the full qualified path to the source file.
- getFullyQualifiedName() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
Provide the internal fully qualified name of this symbol.
- getFullyQualifiedName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- getGeneralIdentifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
- getGeneralIdentifierOfSource() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
- getGenericSymbolReferences() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ICanBeGeneric
Used to keep track of any generic types/functions used in a generic type that use some or all of the generic type parameters or arguments.
- getGenericSymbolReferences() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- getGenericType() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ICanBeGeneric
Not only can a class/function that implements this interface be generic in nature, they can also be a 'parameterised type'.
- getGenericType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- getGenus() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
- getGenus() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- getGrammarFileName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- getGrammarFileName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- getGuardExpressionVariable(EK9Parser.PreFlowAndControlContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PossibleExpressionConstruct
- getGuardExpressionVariable(EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PossibleExpressionConstruct
- GetGuardVariable - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Extracts the guard variable if there is a guard expression.
- GetGuardVariable(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.GetGuardVariable
- getIncludeFiles() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- getIncrementalCompilableProjectFiles() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.FileCache
Supplies a list of all project files that have been modified after the target executable has been created.
- getIncrementalFilesPartOfBuild() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.FileCache
Supplies a list of all ek9 compilable source files that have been modified after the target executable has been created.
- getIndentToken() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.DelegatingLexer
- getIndentToken() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Lexer
- getIndentToken() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.LexerPlugin
- getInitialisedBy() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- getInitialisedBy() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- getInputStream() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.DelegatingLexer
- GetIteratorType - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Given a 'type' (the IAggregateSymbol passed in), see it would be possible to iterator over it with some other type.
- GetIteratorType(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.GetIteratorType
- getLanguageMetaData() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- getLanguageServer() - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageServer
- getLanguageServer() - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9Service
- getLanguageWords() - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9TextDocumentService
- getLikelyOffendingSymbol() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilationIssue
- getLikelyOffendingSymbol() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.Details
- getLine() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.DelegatingLexer
- getLine() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Token
- getLine() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.IToken
The line number on which the 1st character of this token was matched, line=1..n
- getLineNumber() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilationIssue
- getLineNumber() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.Details
- getMainFinalOutputDirectory() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.E
- getMainFinalOutputDirectory(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
Get the final output directory - where the artefacts will be.
- getMainFinalOutputDirectory(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- getMainGeneratedOutputDirectory() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.E
- getMainGeneratedOutputDirectory(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
Get the generated output directory.
- getMainGeneratedOutputDirectory(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- getMethodSymbol() - Method in class
- getMethodSymbolSearch(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ComparatorPresentOrError
- getMethodSymbolSearch(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DecrementPresentOrError
- getMethodSymbolSearch(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.HashCodePresentOrError
- getMethodSymbolSearch(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IncrementPresentOrError
- getMethodSymbolSearch(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IsSetPresentOrError
- getMethodSymbolSearch(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.OperatorTest
- getModeNames() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- getModuleName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- getModuleName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
- getModuleName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
- getModuleNameIfPresent(String) - Static method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.INaming
Symbol names can be fully qualified (i.e.
- getModuleScope() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- getModuleScope() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
- getModuleScope() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
Name of this aggregate.
- getName() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
Provide the internal name of this symbol - not fully qualified in terms of the module it is in.
- getName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- getNearestToken(TextDocumentPositionParams) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9Service
- getNewUniqueId() - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.UniqueIdGenerator
Provide the next unique ID.
- getNumberOfProcessors() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
How many CPU's/Core reported.
- getNumberOfSuggestions() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
- getOfTypeOrReturn() - Method in class
- getOptionParameter(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
Access a parameter option from the command line.
- getOriginalReferenceLocation(String, SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
Locates the token when the first reference was established.
- getOriginalReferenceLocation(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ModuleScope
Returns the original location a reference was made (if present).
- getOsSupport() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- getOsSupport() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.E
- getOuterMostTypeOrFunction() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- getPackageDetails() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.Ek9SourceVisitor
- getPackageFiles() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.FileCache
Uses what was specified on the command line and in any 'package' construct to determine which files should be packaged for use.
- getPackageModuleName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
- getParameters() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ParamExpressionSymbol
- getParent() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
- getParentOfTopScope() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- getParentScope() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
For actual methods this will be the aggregate they are part of.
- getParsedModule() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
Provide access to the parsedModule.
- getParsedModule() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- getParsedModule() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- getParsedModuleForCompilableSource(CompilableSource) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
For a specific source the ParsedModule is returned.
- getParsedModuleNames() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
Provides a list of all the module names in the program.
- getParsedModules() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModules
Provides an unmodifiable list of parsed modules.
- getParsedModules(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
Provide read only access to the list of modules for a particular moduleName.
- getPath(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9Service
- getPid() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
Provides the current process id of this running application.
- getPipeSinkType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getPipeSinkType() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
- getPipeSourceType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getPosition() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilationIssue
- getPosition() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.Details
- getPrivateKeyInBase64() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SigningKeyPair
Access the private key of the signing key pair.
- getPrivateVariablesForDisplay() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
- getProduceFullyQualifiedName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- getProducesSymbolType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- getProgramToRun() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- getProperties() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
Provides access to the properties on this aggregate - but only this aggregate.
- getProperties() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
Just access to the properties in this aggregate - no supers.
- getPublicKeyInBase64() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SigningKeyPair
Access the public key of the signing key pair.
- getRecordedAndTypedSymbol(ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.TypedSymbolAccess
Gets any symbol associated with this node.
- getRecordedScope(ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- getRecordedScope(ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
Locate and return a recorded scope against part of the parse tree, this may return null if nothing has been recorded.
- getRecordedScope(ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModuleTransientData
Locate and return a recorded scope against part of the parse tree, this may return null if nothing has been recorded.
- getRecordedSymbol(ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- getRecordedSymbol(ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
Locate and return a recorded symbol against part of the parse tree, this may return null if nothing has been recorded.
- getRecordedSymbol(ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModuleTransientData
Locate and return a recorded symbol against part of the parse tree, this may return null if nothing has been recorded.
- getRelativePath() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.ZipSet
- getResolvedSymbolToCall() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CallSymbol
- getReturningSymbol() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CallSymbol
- getReturningSymbol() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
Provide a symbol that is returned from this function.
- getReturningSymbol() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IMayReturnSymbol
- getReturningSymbol() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
Provide a symbol that is returned from this method.
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AccessModifierContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssertStatementContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BinaryLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockStatementContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BooleanLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CallContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CharacterLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ColourLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantInitialiserContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DateTimeLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DictContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DimensionLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectiveContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectivePartContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DottedNameContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DurationLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionBodyContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExtendDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExtendPreambleContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FloatingPointLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForLoopContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForRangeContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfStatementContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IntegerLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ListContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.LiteralContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MillisecondLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MoneyLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessTypeContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationCallContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedArgsContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PathLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowAndControlContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryReferenceContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RangeContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegExLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ResolutionLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SheBangContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamCatContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamForContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamSourceContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringPartContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TernaryPartContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TimeLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitPreambleContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitReferenceContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitsListContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDefContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VersionNumberLitContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WebVariableCorrelationContext
- getRuleIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- getRuleNames() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- getRuleNames() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- getScopeName() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.Module
- getScopeName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
- getScopeName() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
- getScopeName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- getScopeName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- getScopeType() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
What sort of scope is this aggregate.
- getScopeType() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
- getScopeType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.LocalScope
- getScopeType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- getScopeType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- getScore(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Ari
Get readability score, based on values.
- getSearchType() - Method in class
- getSemanticClassification() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.Details
- getSerializedATN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- getSerializedATN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- getSha256() - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.Digest
Access a sha1 message digest.
- getShortNameOfSourceFile(IToken) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
Get the filename (but not full path) of the source file.
- getSingleBestMatchSymbol() - Method in class
If there is a single best match for the search; then return it.
- getSource() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.Module
- getSource() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
- getSource(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Workspace
- getSource(Path) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Workspace
- getSourceAsStringForDebugging() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
Used in debugging built-in sources.
- getSourceFileDirectory() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- getSourceFileName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
This is just the file name and not the full path to the source file.
- getSourceName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.DelegatingLexer
- getSourceName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Lexer
- getSourceName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Token
- getSourceName() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.IToken
The name of the source (if known).
- getSourcePropertiesFile() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- getSources() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Workspace
- getSourceToken() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- getSourceToken() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ITokenReference
- getSourceToken() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- getSourceVisitor() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
Access the visitor of the source code being parsed.
- getSquirrelledData(CommonValues) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- getSquirrelledData(CommonValues) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- getStandardExcludes() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.FileCache
Supplies a list of standard files to exclude.
- getStandardIncludes() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.FileCache
Supplies a list of standard file to include.
- getSubAggregateSymbols() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getSubAggregateSymbols() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
To get a full hierarchy you will need to get these subclasses and then get the subclasses of those.
- getSuperAggregate() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getSuperAggregate() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
- getSuperFunction() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- getSuperFunction() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IFunctionSymbol
- getSymbol() - Method in class
- getSymbolCategory() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolutionDirective
- getSymbolicName(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.DelegatingLexer
- getSymbolicName(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Lexer
- getSymbolicName(int) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.LexerPlugin
- getSymbolName() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolutionDirective
- getSymbolSearch() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolutionDirective
- getSymbolsForThisScope() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
Provide a list of all the parameters held in this scope and only this scope.
- getSymbolsForThisScope() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- getSymbolsForThisScope() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
Get all the symbols in this table.
- getSymbolsForThisScopeOfCategory(SymbolCategory) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
Find symbols in a specific category.
- getSymbolsNotMeetingAcceptableCriteria(IScope) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CodeFlowAnalyzer
- getSymbolsNotMeetingAcceptableCriteria(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CodeFlowMap
Just provide a list of variables that have not been marked as meeting acceptable criteria in the scope.
- getSymbolType(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.OperatorTest
- getSymbolTypeAsString(Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- getTargetArchitecture() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- getTargetExecutableArtefact() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.FileCache
Might not actually exist, but here is a handle to it.
- getTargetExecutableArtefact(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
Access the final built artefact that can be executed.
- getTargetExecutableArtefact(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- getTargetPropertiesArtefact(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
Get final set of properties for the main artefact.
- getTargetPropertiesArtefact(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- getTempDirectory() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- getTempDirectory() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
Get name of temporary directory.
- getText() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Token
- getText() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.IToken
The actual text of the token itself.
- getTextDocumentService() - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageServer
- getToken() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.TokenResult
- getTokenFactory() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.DelegatingLexer
- getTokenIndex() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Token
- getTokenIndex() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.IToken
An index from 0..n-1 of the token object in the input stream.
- getTokenLength() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilationIssue
- getTokenLength() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.Details
- getTokenNames() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- getTokenNames() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- getTopScope() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Provides access to the top of the scope stack.
- getTraits() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
Get the traits that this aggregates implements.
- getTraits() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
- getType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- getType() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- getType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- getType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Token
- getType() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.IToken
The type of token.
- getTypeOfError() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilationIssue
- getTypeOfError() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.Details
- getTypeParameterOrArguments() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ICanBeGeneric
- getTypeParameterOrArguments() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- getTypeParameters() - Method in class
Get the parameters being used in this search.
- getUnCoercedAssignableWeightTo(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- getUnCoercedAssignableWeightTo(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- getUnCoercedAssignableWeightTo(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- getUnCoercedAssignableWeightTo(ISymbol) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- getUnCoercedAssignableWeightTo(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- getUninitialisedVariables(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- getUnqualifiedName(String) - Static method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.INaming
Just returns the actual symbol name in unqualified form (i.e.
- getUsedAsProxyForDelegate() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- getUsersHomeDirectory() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- getUsersHomeDirectory() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
Get the users home directory.
- getUsersHomeEk9Directory() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- getUsersHomeEk9LibDirectory() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- getUsersSigningKeyPair() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
Get the key signing pair for this user.
- getUsersSigningKeyPair() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- getValidSearchTypes() - Method in class
Provide a list of valid search types if multiple supported.
- getVersion() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- getVersion() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
- getVeryBaseScope() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStack
- getVocabulary() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- getVocabulary() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- getWarnings() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
- getWeight() - Method in class
- getWeightOfMatch(Optional<ISymbol>, Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class
Calculates te weight of matching two symbols, which may or may not be present.
- getWeightOfParameterMatch(List<ISymbol>, List<ISymbol>) - Method in class
Calculates the weight of matching these two lists of parameters.
- getWorkspace() - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9Service
- getWorkspaceService() - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageServer
- GIVEN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- GIVEN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- GIVEN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- Glob - Class in org.ek9lang.core
Used for file path matching GLOB not regex.
- Glob() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.Glob
- Glob(String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.Glob
- Glob(String, String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.Glob
- Glob(List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.Glob
- GROUP - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- GROUP - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- GROUP() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- GROUP() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- GT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- GT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- GT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- GT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- GT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- GT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- GT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext
- GUARD - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- GUARD - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- GUARD() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext
- GUARD_USED_IN_EXPRESSION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- guardExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext
- guardExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- guardExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext
- GuardExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext
- GuardExpressionOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks that the guard expression is valid.
- GuardExpressionOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.GuardExpressionOrError
Check on validity of assignments.
- HANDLE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HANDLE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- HANDLE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext
- HANDLE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- hasDirectiveErrors() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
- hasErrors() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
- HASH - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HASH - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineHelp
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.cli.CompilationContext
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.cli.LanguageMetaData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilationEvent
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.Details
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.ErrorDetails
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.MethodAndAggregateData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolAccess
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhaseResult
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveSpec
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ConflictingTokens
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AssignmentData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CheckOperatorData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CovarianceData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DelegateFunctionData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExprLeftAndRightData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.FunctionData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ParametersData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PureCheckData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamAggregateCheckData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamAssemblyData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamFunctionCheckData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolAccessData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TypeCompatibilityData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.ResolvedOrDefineResult
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CallSymbol
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScope
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ConstantSymbol
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.LocalScope
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ModuleScope
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ParamExpressionSymbol
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StackConsistencyScope
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Token
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.ParserSpec
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Digest.CheckSum
- hashCode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
- hashCode() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.core.ZipBinaryContent
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- HASHCODE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HASHCODE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- HASHCODE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- HASHCODE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- HashCodePresentOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Given a symbol, this check that the type that the symbol has can support the '#?' operator.
- HashCodePresentOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.HashCodePresentOrError
- hasImmediateSuper(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- hasImmediateTrait(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
Does this aggregate have the trait passed in as an immediate trait.
- hasNotBeenSuccessfullyParsed() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
- HasTypeOfGeneric - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
- HasTypeOfGeneric(ISymbol) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.HasTypeOfGeneric
Constructor to check if symbol has a type that matches the use of the match generic type.
- hasWarnings() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
- HEAD - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HEAD - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- HEAD() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- HEAD() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- HeadTailSkipOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks the possible operation variable, literal or function for suitability for use with 'head', 'tail' and 'skip'.
- HeadTailSkipOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.HeadTailSkipOrError
- helpText() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineHelp
Returns the value of the
record component. - Hex - Class in org.ek9lang.core
Converts bytes to Hexadecimal and back.
- hover(HoverParams) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9TextDocumentService
- hoverText - Variable in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageWords.KeyWordInformation
- HTTP_ACCESS - Enum constant in enum class
- HTTP_CONTENT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HTTP_CONTENT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- HTTP_CONTENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext
- HTTP_CONTENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- HTTP_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HTTP_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- HTTP_CONTEXT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext
- HTTP_CONTEXT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- HTTP_DELETE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HTTP_DELETE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- HTTP_DELETE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext
- HTTP_GET - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HTTP_GET - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- HTTP_GET() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext
- HTTP_HEAD - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HTTP_HEAD - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- HTTP_HEAD() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext
- HTTP_HEADER - Enum constant in enum class
- HTTP_HEADER - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HTTP_HEADER - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- HTTP_HEADER() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext
- HTTP_HEADER() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- HTTP_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HTTP_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- HTTP_OPTIONS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext
- HTTP_PATCH - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HTTP_PATCH - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- HTTP_PATCH() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext
- HTTP_PATH - Enum constant in enum class
- HTTP_PATH - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HTTP_PATH - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- HTTP_PATH() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext
- HTTP_PATH() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- HTTP_POST - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HTTP_POST - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- HTTP_POST() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext
- HTTP_PUT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HTTP_PUT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- HTTP_PUT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext
- HTTP_QUERY - Enum constant in enum class
- HTTP_QUERY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HTTP_QUERY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- HTTP_QUERY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext
- HTTP_QUERY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- HTTP_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class
- HTTP_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- HTTP_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- HTTP_REQUEST() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext
- HTTP_REQUEST() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- HTTP_SOURCE - Enum constant in enum class
- HTTP_URI - Enum constant in enum class
- HTTP_VERB - Enum constant in enum class
- httpAccess() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- httpAccess() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WebVariableCorrelationContext
- HttpAccessContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext
- HttpAccessOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Checks HTTP Access for service operations because some require HTTP_SOURCE, but others do not support it.
- HttpAccessOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.HttpAccessOrError
- httpVerb() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- httpVerb() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- HttpVerbContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext
- IAggregateSymbol - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Interface for an aggregate, typically a class or something like that.
- ICanBeGeneric - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Really a Marker interface for generic classes and generic functions.
- ICanCaptureVariables - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Interface for dynamic functions and classes so that dynamic variables can be captured.
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectiveContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectivePartContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DottedNameContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForLoopContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForRangeContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessTypeContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationCallContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitReferenceContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext
- identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext
- identifier(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DottedNameContext
- identifier(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForRangeContext
- Identifier - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- Identifier - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- Identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- Identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext
- Identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext
- Identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext
- Identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext
- Identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext
- Identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- Identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- Identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext
- Identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext
- Identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- Identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext
- Identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext
- Identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext
- Identifier() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext
- Identifier(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext
- IdentifierAsPropertyOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Given an identifier, this consumer checks if it is a property of some aggregate.
- IdentifierAsPropertyOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.IdentifierAsPropertyOrError
- IdentifierAssignmentOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Deals with the checking and setting initialised of the identifier.
- IdentifierAssignmentOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IdentifierAssignmentOrError
- IdentifierContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- IdentifierOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Used for pure identifier resolution and recording.
- IdentifierOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IdentifierOrError
Searches for an identifier and issues an error if it is not resolved.
- identifierReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext
- identifierReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CallContext
- identifierReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext
- identifierReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- identifierReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- identifierReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- identifierReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext
- identifierReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryContext
- identifierReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext
- identifierReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext
- identifierReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- identifierReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext
- identifierReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitReferenceContext
- identifierReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDefContext
- identifierReference(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext
- identifierReference(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext
- IdentifierReferenceContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext
- IdentifierReferenceOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Ensures that 'identifierReference' is now resolved and hangs together and is 'typed' or emit "not resolved" error.
- IdentifierReferenceOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Emits an error if an identifier (typically a variable) has been used before being initialised.
- IdentifierReferenceOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IdentifierReferenceOrError
Checks identifier reference now resolves.
- IdentifierReferenceOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.IdentifierReferenceOrError
- IEk9LanguageServer - Interface in org.ek9lang.lsp
Basic interface signature for the language server.
- IF - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- IF - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- IF() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext
- IfBlockSafeGenericAccessMarker - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Does basic checks on the if condition to see if a Result/Optional access has been made safe.
- IfBlockSafeGenericAccessMarker(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.IfBlockSafeGenericAccessMarker
Constructor to provided typed access.
- ifControlBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ifControlBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfStatementContext
- ifControlBlock(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfStatementContext
- IfControlBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext
- ifStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ifStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- IfStatementContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfStatementContext
- IfStatementOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks the IfStatement is valid or emits errors.
- IfStatementOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Deals with checking if all paths through if/else/else-if/else result in variables meeting criteria.
- IfStatementOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IfStatementOrError
- IfStatementOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.IfStatementOrError
- IFunctionSymbol - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Interface to abstract FunctionSymbol away as concrete implementation.
- IMayReturnSymbol - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Used by functions and methods as they may return a symbol (variable).
- IMPLEMENTATION_MUST_BE_PROVIDED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- ImplementationPresentOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Typically used with programs.
- ImplementationPresentOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ImplementationPresentOrError
- Implements - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveType
- ImplementsDirective - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
To be used in EK9 source code to assert that a type can or cannot be resolved as extending a type or function.
- ImplementsDirective(DirectiveSpec) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ImplementsDirective
New directive checker for implements.
- ImplementsDirectiveListener - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
Checks if there are any directives that relate to @Implements in the parsed module and checks the resolution through the symbol and its hierarchy.
- ImplementsDirectiveListener() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ImplementsDirectiveListener
- IMPLIED_OPERATOR_NOT_DEFINED_FROM_GENERIC - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- IN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- IN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- IN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- IN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForLoopContext
- IN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForRangeContext
- IN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- INaming - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Used to assist with determining the naming of symbol names.
- INAPPROPRIATE_USE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- INAPPROPRIATE_USE_OF_SUPER - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- INAPPROPRIATE_USE_OF_THIS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- INC - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- INC - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- INC() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- INC() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- INC() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- includeFiles() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - INCOMPATIBLE_CATEGORY - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- INCOMPATIBLE_GENUS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- INCOMPATIBLE_PARAMETER_GENUS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- INCOMPATIBLE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES_BUT_CONSTRUCTOR_EXISTS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- incrementBuildNumber() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve.Version
Increments the build part of the version number.
- incrementBuildNumber() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
Just add one to the build number part of the version.
- incrementComplexity() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ComplexityCounter
- incrementComplexity(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ComplexityCounter
- incrementComplexity(AtomicInteger) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ComplexityCounter
- incrementMajor() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve.Version
Increments the major part of the version number.
- incrementMajor() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
Just add one to the major part of the version.
- incrementMinor() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve.Version
Increments the minor part of the version number.
- incrementMinor() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
Just add one to the minor part of the version.
- incrementPatch() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve.Version
Increments the patch part of the version number.
- incrementPatch() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
Just add one to the patch part of the version.
- IncrementPresentOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Given a symbol, this check that the type that the symbol has can support the '++' operator.
- IncrementPresentOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IncrementPresentOrError
- INDENT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- INDENT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext
- INDENT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- initialize(InitializeParams) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageServer
- initValuePair() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DictContext
- initValuePair() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- initValuePair(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DictContext
- InitValuePairContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext
- inputStream() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.ParserSpec
Returns the value of the
record component. - inScope() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolAccessData
Returns the value of the
record component. - instructionBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockContext
- instructionBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext
- instructionBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext
- instructionBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- instructionBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext
- instructionBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- instructionBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- InstructionBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext
- InstructionBlockVariablesOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks that variable only and variable declarations have symbols that have been referenced.
- InstructionBlockVariablesOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.InstructionBlockVariablesOrError
Check on references to variables in blocks.
- Instrument - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveType
- INTEGER_VAR_OR_FUNCTION_OR_DELEGATE_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- integerLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectivePartContext
- integerLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- integerLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IntegerLiteralContext
- IntegerLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IntegerLitContext
- IntegerLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- IntegerLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- IntegerLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IntegerLitContext
- IntegerLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IntegerLiteralContext
- InternalNameFor - Class in
Given some sort of generic type a function or a type with a set of 'type parameters', create a unique internal name for that combination.
- InternalNameFor() - Constructor for class
- INVALID_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- INVALID_LITERAL - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- INVALID_LITERAL_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- INVALID_MODULE_NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- INVALID_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- INVALID_SYMBOL_BY_REFERENCE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- INVALID_TEXT_INTERPOLATION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- INVALID_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- InvalidEnumeratedValue - Class in
Error when the definition of an enumerated values could be invalid.
- InvalidEnumeratedValue(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class
- IR_ANALYSIS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- IR_OPTIMISATION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- IRAnalysis - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase9
- IRAnalysis(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase9.IRAnalysis
- IRGeneration - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase7
MULTI THREADED All symbols resolve and so should be able to create an intermediate representation.
- IRGeneration(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase7.IRGeneration
- IROptimisation - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase9
- IROptimisation(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase9.IROptimisation
- IS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- IS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- IS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- IS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExtendPreambleContext
- IS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- IS_NOT_AN_AGGREGATE_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- isAcceptable(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Glob
- isAcceptable(Path) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Glob
- isAccessModifierIncompatible() - Method in class
- isAllowingExtensionBy(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
Is the extender allowed to implement this aggregate (normally a trait).
- isAmbiguous() - Method in class
Found more than one matching method.
- isAnyValidTypeSearch() - Method in class
Is this sort of type search, TYPE, FUNCTION or TEMPLATE versions of those.
- isApplication() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
Is the symbol an application of some sort.
- isAssignableTo(Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isAssignableTo(Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- isAssignableTo(ISymbol) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isAssignableTo(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- isAssigningToThis() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AssignmentData
Returns the value of the
record component. - isCapableOfConsumingAnything() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- isCategoryAcceptable(SymbolCategory) - Method in class
Uses the search type and any vetos to see if the category passed in is a match on the search.
- isCheckCompilationOnly() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
- isCheckCompileOnly() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isCleanAll() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isCoercible(Optional<ISymbol>, Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class
Can the 'from' token type be coerced to the 'to' type.
- isCoercible(ISymbol, ISymbol) - Method in class
Can the 'from' token type be coerced to the 'to' type.
- isConceptualTypeParameter() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
Some symbols are simulated as generic type parameters like T and S and U for example When they are constructed as AggregateTypes this will be set to true in those classes.
- isConceptualTypeParameter() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
Is this itself a 'conceptual' type.
- isConstant() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ConstantSymbol
- isConstant() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
- isConstant() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
- isConstant() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- isConstructor() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- isConsumesSymbolPromotionRequired() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- isControl() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
- IsConvertableToStringOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks if a type has the $ 'toString' method or a 'promotion' #? to a String method.
- IsConvertableToStringOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IsConvertableToStringOrError
Constructor to provided typed access.
- IScope - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Concept of a scope where functions, methods and variables can be declared.
- IScope.ScopeType - Enum Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
The main type of scope in use a block is just like a set of instruction inside an if block or a while block whereas a non-block is as the whole class/function/component level.
- IScopedSymbol - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
For symbols that are both a pure symbol but can also define a scope.
- isDebuggingInstrumentation() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isDebuggingInstrumentation() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
- isDebugVerbose() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isDeclaredAsConstant() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
- isDeclaredAsConstant() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
Only use on symbols, to see if they are directly defined as a constant.
- isDependenciesAltered() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- isDependencyOf(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
Check if a dependency.
- isDeployment() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isDerivesProducesTypeFromConsumesType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- isDev() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
- isDev() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.Source
- isDevBuild() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isDevBuild() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
- isDeveloperManagementOption() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isDevSource() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isDevSource() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- isDirectoryReadable(File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
- isDirectoryReadable(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
- isDirectoryWritable(File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
- isDirectoryWritable(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
- isEk9Core() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.Module
- isEk9Core() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
- isEk9Core() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
Is this a core thing from EK9.
- isEk9Core() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- isEk9LanguageServerHelpEnabled() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isEk9ReturnsThis() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- isEmpty() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStack
True if stack has no contents.
- isEmpty() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ComplexityCounter
True if stack has no contents.
- isEmpty() - Method in class
- isEmpty() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.ZipSet
- isEntryBased() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.ZipSet
- isErrorFree() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
- isErrorResultAccessSafe(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- isExactSameType(ISymbol) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
If is the symbol is an exact match.
- isExactSameType(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
Checks if the type match exactly.
- isExactSignatureMatchTo(MethodSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
This method just checks that the signature has exactly the same types as parameters.
- isExceptionOnAmbiguity() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
- isExceptionOnContextSensitive() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
- isExceptionOnFullContext() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
- isExtensionConstrained() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- isExtensionConstrained() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
- isExtensionOfInjectable() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- isExtensionOfInjectable() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
While this aggregate itself might not able been marked as injectable Does this extend an aggregate that is marked as injectable.
- isExternallyImplemented() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
- isFileBased() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.ZipSet
- isFileReadable(File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
- isFileReadable(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
- isForClassification(ErrorListener.SemanticClassification) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ErrorDirective
- isFormOfDeclarationCall() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CallSymbol
- isForPhase(CompilationPhase) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.Directive
Is it for the particular compiler phase.
- isForPhase(CompilationPhase) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ErrorDirective
- isForPhase(CompilationPhase) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolutionDirective
returns true if the directive is for the phase passed in.
- isForThisCompilableSource(CompilableSource) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
- isForVariable() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolutionDirective
- isFromLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ConstantSymbol
- isFromLiteral() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isFullCompile() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isFunction() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
- isGenerateSigningKeys() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isGenericInNature() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
Is this symbol a type that is generic in nature i.e.
- isGenericInNature() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- isGetOptionalAccessSafe(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- isHelp() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isHoldingFuzzySearchResults() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.ErrorDetails
- isImplementingInSomeWay(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- isImplementingInSomeWay(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- isImplementingInSomeWay(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
Only really used by aggregates that can have one or more traits.
- isImplementingInSomeWay(IFunctionSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
Does this function directly implement or through its hierarchy implement the function passed in.
- isImplementingInSomeWay(IFunctionSymbol) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IFunctionSymbol
- isInAggregateHierarchy(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
Does the aggregate passed in exist in this type hierarchy.
- isInAggregateHierarchy(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
- isIncomingParameter() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isIncomingParameter() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- isIncrementalCompile() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isIncrementReleaseVector() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isInitialised() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isInjectable() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- isInjectable() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
Some classes generated can be injected and others not.
- isInjectionExpected() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isInjectionExpected() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- isInstall() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isInStubMode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
Is this configured to be in stub mode.
- isInvalidVersionAddressPart(String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve.Version
True if version segment is not major, minor, patch or build.
- isJustBuildTypeOption() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isLib() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
- isLib() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.Source
- isLibSource() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isLibSource() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- isLimitToBlocks() - Method in class
- isLoopVariable() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isLoopVariable() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- isMainParam(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isMarkedAbstract() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
- isMarkedAbstract() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isMarkedAbstract() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- isMarkedAsDispatcher() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- isMarkedAsDispatcher() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
Is this aggregate a dispatcher or just a normal class component whatever.
- isMarkedAsDispatcher() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- isMarkedNoClone() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- isMarkedPure() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
Typically used with functions.
- isMarkedPure() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
This symbol itself can be marked as pure - i.e.
- isMarkedPure() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- isMarkedPure() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- isMarkedPure() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- isMethod() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
- isMethodNotMarkedWithOverride() - Method in class
- isModified() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
Checks if the file content have changed from when first calculated.
- isModifierParam(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isMutable() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
- isMutable() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
Even constants can be mutable until set.
- isMutable() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- isMutable() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- isMutable() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- isMuteReportedErrors() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.Reporter
- isNewerThan(File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9ProjectProperties
- isNextIteratorAccessSafe(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- isNotConstructor() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- isNotMarkedAbstract() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- isNotMarkedPure() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- isNotOperator() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- isNullAllowed() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isNullAllowed() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- isOkResultAccessSafe(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- ISOLATED - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ISOLATED - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ISOLATED() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- ISOLATED() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext
- isOpenForExtension() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ICanBeGeneric
Is the symbol open for extension or not.
- isOpenForExtension() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- isOperator() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- isOperatorPresent(CheckOperatorData) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.OperatorTest
- isOverride() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- isPackaging() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isParameterisedType() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
So just to add to the confusion.
- isParameterisedType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- isParameterSignatureMatchTo(List<ISymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
Very important method; that checks if the parameter list provided can match the parameters declared for this method.
- isParameterUnacceptable(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isParametric() - Method in record class
Simple search by name, or generic with polymorphic parameterization.
- isParentRejected() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
- isPhasedCompileOnly() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isPresent() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.TokenResult
- isPrimitiveType() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
Is the symbol a core primitive type.
- isPrintReleaseVector() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isPrivate() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isPrivate() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- isPrivate() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- isPrivate() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SigningKeyPair
- isProcessingScopePure() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.TypedSymbolAccess
Uses the SymbolsAndScopes to get the main processing scope a method or a function.
- isProducesTypeMustBeAFunction() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- isPromotionRequired() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
- isPromotionSupported(ISymbol) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
For some symbols we might support the _promote method via coercion.
- isPromotionSupported(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- isPropertyField() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isPropertyField() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- IsPropertyOfAggregate - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Given an aggregate and a symbol, this predicate checks if the symbol is a property/field of that aggregate.
- IsPropertyOfAggregate() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IsPropertyOfAggregate
- isProtected() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isProtected() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- isProvideLanguageHoverHelp() - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9CompilerConfig
- isPublic() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isPublic() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- isPublic() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- isPublic() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SigningKeyPair
- isQualifiedName(String) - Static method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.INaming
- isReferenced() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isReferenced() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- isRegexPossible() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- isRegexPossible() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Lexer
- isRejected() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
- isReleaseVectorOption() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isResolveDependencies() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isReturningParameter() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- isReturningParameter() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- isReturningSymbolPresent() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CallSymbol
- isReturningSymbolPresent() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
Some functions have a named return symbol 'like rtn as String' for example.
- isReturningSymbolPresent() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IMayReturnSymbol
- isReturningSymbolPresent() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
Some methods have a named return symbol 'like rtn as String' for example.
- isRunDebugMode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isRunEk9AsLanguageServer() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isRunNormalMode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isRunOption() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isSameModule(DependencyNode) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
- isScopeAMatchForEnclosingScope(IScope) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
- isScopeAMatchForEnclosingScope(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.LocalScope
Useful to be able to check if the scope you have in hand is the same the enclosing scope for this.
- isScopeAMatchForEnclosingScope(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- isScopeAMatchForEnclosingScope(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- isScopeStackEmpty() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- isSetFeatureVector() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- IsSetPresentOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Given a symbol, this check that the type that the symbol has can support the '?' operation.
- IsSetPresentOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IsSetPresentOrError
- isSetReleaseVector() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isSignatureMatchTo(Optional<ISymbol>, List<ISymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
Check if the parameter types and return types match.
- isSignatureMatchTo(MethodSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
Does the signature of this method match that of the method passed in.
- isSingleBestMatchPresent() - Method in class
Is there a single best match available.
- isSinkInNature() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- isSourcePresent(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Workspace
- isSuggestionRequired() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
- isSymbolAccessSafe(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
true if identifier is safe to access.
- isSynthetic() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- isTargetExecutableArtefactCurrent() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.FileCache
true if the target executable exists and is newer than any of the files that would make up this artefact.
- isTargetExecutableArtefactPresent() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.FileCache
true if the target artefact exists - but it maybe out of date.
- isTemplateFunction() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
- isTemplateType() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
- isTerminatedNormally() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
Typically in a scoped block we can encounter situations (like exceptions) that cause the block to end (terminate) early.
- isTerminatedNormally() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- isTerminatedNormally() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- isType() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
- isUnitTestExecution() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isUpdateUpgrade() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isUsedAsProxyForDelegate() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- isUsersSigningKeyPairPresent() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
Does a key pair for signing content exist.
- isUsersSigningKeyPairPresent() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- isUseStringOperator() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
- isValid() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
- isValidInThisContext(TokenResult) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageWords.KeyWordInformation
Check if a token is valid in a particular context of use.
- isVariable() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
- isVariableInitialised(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- isVariableInitialised(ISymbol, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- isVariableInitialisedInScopes(CodeFlowAnalyzer, ISymbol, List<IScope>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PossibleExpressionConstruct
- isVerbose() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isVerbose() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.Reporter
- isVerbose() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
- isVersionOfEk9Option() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineOptions
- isWarningFree() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
true if has no warnings.
- ISymbol - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Represents the concept of what functionality a Symbol should have.
- ISymbolNature - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Defines helpful and require methods to assist in the definition of the nature of a symbol.
- ITERATE_METHOD_MUST_RETURN_ITERATOR - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- iterator() - Method in class
An iterator of the results in order of best match.
- IToken - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer
The internal model of a parse token - typically created.
- ITokenReference - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Used in various ways to hold a token from the parse, so we can reference back to source code.
- JAVA - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
- JOIN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- JOIN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- JOIN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- JOIN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- JustParser - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
For when we just need to read ek9 files and pull out bits and bobs rather than actually compiling.
- JustParser(boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.JustParser
Create new Parser.
- justSetReturningSymbol(VariableSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- justSetReturningSymbol(VariableSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- KeyWordInformation(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageWords.KeyWordInformation
- KeyWordInformation(String, List<String>, Function<TokenResult, Boolean>) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageWords.KeyWordInformation
Create key word info in terms of hover text, completions for a context of use.
- LANG - Enum constant in enum class
- LANGUAGE_SERVER_NOT_STARTED_EXIT_CODE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9
- LanguageMetaData - Record Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Designed to hold all the global sort of settings for the language and compiler.
- LanguageMetaData(String) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.cli.LanguageMetaData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - LBRACE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- LBRACE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- LBRACE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DictContext
- LBRACK - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- LBRACK - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- LBRACK() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ListContext
- LE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- LE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- LE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- LE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- LE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- LE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- left - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- left() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExprLeftAndRightData
Returns the value of the
record component. - LEFT_ARROW - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- LEFT_ARROW - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- LEFT_ARROW() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext
- LEFT_ARROW() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- LEFT_ARROW() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext
- LEFT_ARROW() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext
- LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- LENGTH() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- LENGTH() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- LENGTH() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- LexerPlugin - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer
Due to way Antlr does is class generation we need to make an interface to decouple to enable debugging and alternatives.
- lhs() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TypeCompatibilityData
Returns the value of the
record component. - LhsAndRhsAssignmentOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks the left hand side and the right hand side for assignment compatibility.
- LhsAndRhsAssignmentOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.LhsAndRhsAssignmentOrError
- LIB - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
- license() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - LIKELY_DEFECT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- LINE_COMMENT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- LINE_COMMENT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- lineNumber() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveSpec
Returns the value of the
record component. - lineToken() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - list() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- list() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- list() - Method in class
Provide a list of the results in priority order.
- listAllModuleNames() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyManager
Traverse the tree graph to find all the distinct module names in use ignoring the version numbers.
- ListContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ListContext
- listener - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerPhase
- listener - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.config.PhaseSupplier
- listener() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.ParserSpec
Returns the value of the
record component. - ListUseOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Creates/Updates an ek9 list of a specific type if the expressions are typed correctly.
- ListUseOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ListUseOrError
Create a new consumer to handle Lists in the form of '[X, Y, Z]'.
- literal() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantInitialiserContext
- literal() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- literal() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForRangeContext
- literal() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- literal() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryContext
- literal() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- LiteralContext() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.LiteralContext
- LiteralContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.LiteralContext
- loadProperties() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9ProjectProperties
Load up all the properties and return them.
- LocalScope - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Used in many ways via composition.
- LocalScope(String, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.LocalScope
Create a new named local scope with an outer enclosing scope.
- LocalScope(IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.LocalScope
- LocalScope(IScope.ScopeType, String, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.LocalScope
Create a new named local scope with an outer enclosing scope.
- location() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TypeCompatibilityData
Returns the value of the
record component. - location() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - LocationExtractorFromSymbol - Class in
Extracts a string for the form "on line 6 in 'filename.ek9'".
- LocationExtractorFromSymbol() - Constructor for class
- LocationExtractorFromToken - Class in
Extracts a string for the form "on line 6 in 'filename.ek9'".
- LocationExtractorFromToken() - Constructor for class
- log(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.Reporter
Log a message to stderr if verbose enabled.
- log(String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.Logger
Logs output to stdout.
- Logger - Class in org.ek9lang.core
Wrapper for logging.
- LOOP - Enum constant in enum class
- LPAREN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- LPAREN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- LPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- LPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssertStatementContext
- LPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CallContext
- LPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- LPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext
- LPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- LPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- LPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext
- LPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext
- LPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext
- LPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryContext
- LPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext
- LPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- LPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext
- LPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext
- LPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitsListContext
- LPAREN(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- LPAREN(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- LT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- LT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- LT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- LT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- LT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- LT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9
Run the main Ek9 compiler.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Server
Main entry point to start and run the language server.
- MAIN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
- mainSymbolName() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - major() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve.Version
- major() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
- makeDependencyVector(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
Create a full dependency vector out of module name and verssion.
- makeDirectoryIfNotExists(File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
Create a directory.
- makeDirectoryIfNotExists(File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
Create directory if it does not exist or exception if failed.
- makeEk9DevDirectoryStructure(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
Used to create structure under .ek9 in both a project directory and a $HOME/.ek9 directory.
- makeFullyQualifiedName(String, String) - Static method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.INaming
Convert a scope name (module name) and a symbol name into a fully qualified symbol name.
- makePackagedModuleZipFileName(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- makePackagedModuleZipFileName(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- MakesIdentifierSubsequentAccessSafe - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
A bit of a catch 22, need to issue errors and the like when traversing an identifier in some circumstances.
- MakesIdentifierSubsequentAccessSafe() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.MakesIdentifierSubsequentAccessSafe
- MANUAL - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode.RejectionReason
The developer configured this dependency to be rejected in the package directive.
- MAP - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- MAP - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- MAP() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- MAP() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- MapOperatorText - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Returns the appropriate operator text symbol for the expression.
- MapOperatorText() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.MapOperatorText
- Mapping(List<ISymbol>, List<ISymbol>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - MarkAppropriateSymbolsSafe - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Once an expression has been assesed as being simple enough to process, this consumer is called to mark the appropriate symbol(s) used in the expression as safe if the appropriate methods are called.
- MarkAppropriateSymbolsSafe(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.MarkAppropriateSymbolsSafe
Constructor to provided typed access.
- markErrorResultAccessSafe(ISymbol, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- markGetOptionalAccessSafe(ISymbol, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- markNextIteratorAccessSafe(ISymbol, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- markOkResultAccessSafe(ISymbol, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- markSymbolAccessSafe(ISymbol, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Record an identifier as being safe to access.
- markSymbolAsInitialised(ISymbol, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Record an identifier was initialised.
- markSymbolAsMeetingAcceptableCriteria(ISymbol, IScope) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CodeFlowAnalyzer
- markSymbolAsMeetingAcceptableCriteria(ISymbol, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CodeFlowMap
Ensures that an identifier symbol is now marked as meeting the criteria of being acceptable.
- MATCHES - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- MATCHES - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- MATCHES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- MATCHES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- MATCHES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- MATCHES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- MATCHES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- MatchResult - Class in
There are times when it is necessary to compare a range of symbols to see which is the best match.
- MatchResult(int, ISymbol) - Constructor for class
Create a new match result of a cost to match for a symbol.
- MatchResults - Class in
An initial stuff for match results.
- MatchResults(int) - Constructor for class
- MAX_ARGUMENTS_PER_CALL - Static variable in class
- MERGE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- MERGE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- MERGE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- MERGE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- MERGE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext
- mergePeerToNewResult(MethodSymbolSearchResult) - Method in class
Typically used with traits and class/trait combinations so that multiple methods of the same name and parameters.
- messageFor - Variable in class
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNodeFactory
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.E
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ecl
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ed
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Edp
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Efc
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Egk
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ei
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eic
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eiv
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ep
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Epv
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Er
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Esf
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Esv
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Et
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.PackageResolver
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Up
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilerReporter
- messagePrefix() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.Reporter
Provide the report/log message prefix.
- META_DATA - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- metaData() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolAccess
Returns the value of the
record component. - METHOD - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolCategory
- METHOD_ACCESS_MODIFIER_DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- METHOD_ACCESS_MODIFIER_PRIVATE_OVERRIDE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- METHOD_ACCESS_MODIFIERS_DIFFER - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- METHOD_AMBIGUOUS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- METHOD_DUPLICATED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- METHOD_MODIFIER_NOT_REQUIRED_IN_TRAIT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- METHOD_MODIFIER_PROTECTED_IN_CLOSED_CLASS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- METHOD_MODIFIER_PROTECTED_IN_COMPONENT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- METHOD_MODIFIER_PROTECTED_IN_SERVICE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- METHOD_NOT_OVERRIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- METHOD_NOT_RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- METHOD_OVERRIDES - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MethodAndAggregateData - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Useful when attempting to traverse up stacks to find both the method and its parent aggregate.
- MethodAndAggregateData(MethodSymbol, IAggregateSymbol) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.MethodAndAggregateData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - methodDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- methodDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- methodDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext
- methodDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- methodDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- methodDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext
- methodDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- MethodDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- methodNamesToAlsoRetrainOldSignature - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.PopulateConstrainedTypeOrError
- methodNamesWithAlterableArgumentTypes - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.PopulateConstrainedTypeOrError
- methodNamesWithAlterableReturnTypes - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.PopulateConstrainedTypeOrError
- methodNamesWithNonAlterableReturnTypes - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.PopulateConstrainedTypeOrError
- MethodNotOperatorOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Just checks that named operator methods: mod, rem, abs, sqrt, open, close, contains, matches, empty, length are not being used as just method names.
- MethodNotOperatorOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.MethodNotOperatorOrError
- methodNotPresent(List<MethodSymbol>, MethodSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- MethodOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Typically checks any returning values to see if they have now been initialised on a method.
- MethodOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.MethodOrError
- MethodOverridesOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Check overrides on methods.
- MethodOverridesOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener, ErrorListener.SemanticClassification) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.MethodOverridesOrError
Check various aspects of overriding methods.
- METHODS_CONFLICT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MethodSearchInScope - Record Class in
Simple record tuple to combine the scope to be searched and the method signature to be searched for.
- MethodSearchInScope(IScope, MethodSymbolSearch) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - methodsMatch(MethodSymbol, MethodSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- methodSymbol() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.MethodAndAggregateData
Returns the value of the
record component. - MethodSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Represents some type of method that exists on an aggregate type scope.
- MethodSymbol(String, Optional<ISymbol>, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
Create new method symbol of a specific name with an enclosing scope (i.e.
- MethodSymbol(String, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
Create new method symbol of a specific name with an enclosing scope (i.e.
- MethodSymbol(String, ISymbol, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
Typically used for cloning constructors.
- MethodSymbolSearch - Class in
Quite a few option to a method search.
- MethodSymbolSearch(String) - Constructor for class
- MethodSymbolSearch(String, Optional<ISymbol>) - Constructor for class
- MethodSymbolSearch(String, SymbolSearch) - Constructor for class
Create a method search from an existing search, but with a new name.
- MethodSymbolSearch(String, ISymbol) - Constructor for class
- MethodSymbolSearch(String, MethodSymbol) - Constructor for class
Create a method search given a method symbol, but used a new method name.§ But this does not set the expected type.
- MethodSymbolSearch(SymbolSearch) - Constructor for class
- MethodSymbolSearch(MethodSymbol) - Constructor for class
Create a method search given a method symbol.
- MethodSymbolSearchForExpression - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Create a MethodSearch symbol for an operation that could have a single expression or two expressions.
- MethodSymbolSearchForExpression(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.MethodSymbolSearchForExpression
- MethodSymbolSearchResult - Class in
Models a set of result for a search for methods.
- MethodSymbolSearchResult() - Constructor for class
- MethodSymbolSearchResult(MethodSymbolSearchResult) - Constructor for class
New results that contain the result passed in.
- MiddleEndSupplier - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.config
Supplies the middle end phases for compilation..
- MiddleEndSupplier(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, CompilationPhaseListener, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.config.MiddleEndSupplier
Create a new supplier of a middle-end set of compiler phases.
- millisecondLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- millisecondLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MillisecondLiteralContext
- MillisecondLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MillisecondLitContext
- MillisecondLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- MillisecondLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- MillisecondLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MillisecondLitContext
- MillisecondLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MillisecondLiteralContext
- minor() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve.Version
- minor() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
- MISSING_ITERATE_METHOD - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MISSING_OPERATOR_IN_PROPERTY_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MISSING_OPERATOR_IN_SUPER - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MISSING_OPERATOR_IN_THIS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MIX_OF_PURE_AND_NOT_PURE_CONSTRUCTORS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MOD - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- MOD - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- MOD() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- MOD() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- modeNames - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- Module - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler
Defines a module scope, the main concept for namespaces in EK9.
- MODULE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- MODULE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- MODULE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- MODULE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- moduleBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- moduleBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- moduleBlock(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- ModuleBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- moduleDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext
- moduleDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ModuleDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- ModuleDuplicateSymbolChecks - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Goes through each module name and checks each of the parsedModules in that module name to check there is only a single copy of that symbol in the whole module name space.
- ModuleDuplicateSymbolChecks(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ModuleDuplicateSymbolChecks
Create a new duplicate checker for modules contained in the compilable program.
- moduleName() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - ModuleScope - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
This is a very special scope, because the same 'module name' can be defined in multiple files.
- ModuleScope(String, SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ModuleScope
Create a new ModuleScope with a specific name and reference to the compilable program it is part of.
- moneyLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- moneyLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MoneyLiteralContext
- MoneyLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MoneyLitContext
- MoneyLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- MoneyLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- MoneyLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MoneyLitContext
- MoneyLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MoneyLiteralContext
- MostSpecificScope - Class in
Used when trying to locate the current class or dynamic class, to be able to check if access to fields or methods should be allowed, or even resolve methods without 'this' prefix.
- MostSpecificScope(SymbolsAndScopes) - Constructor for class
- MUL - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- MUL - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- MUL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- MUL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- MUL_ASSIGN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- MUL_ASSIGN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- MUL_ASSIGN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- MUL_ASSIGN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- MUST_BE_A_BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MUST_BE_DECLARED_AS_POSSIBLE_NULL - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MUST_BE_INTEGER_GREATER_THAN_ZERO - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MUST_NOT_RETURN_SAME_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MUST_RETURN_BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MUST_RETURN_INTEGER - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MUST_RETURN_JSON - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MUST_RETURN_SAME_ARGUMENT_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MUST_RETURN_SAME_AS_CONSTRUCT_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MUST_RETURN_STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MUTABLE_NOT_ALLOWED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- MutableOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks if a symbol can be mutated, this is nothing to do with a pure context.
- MutableOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.MutableOrError
- muteReportedErrors() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.cli.CompilationContext
Returns the value of the
record component.
- NAMED_PARAMETERS_MUST_MATCH_ARGUMENTS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- nearestToken(int, int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
Get the nearest source token on a particular line and character position.
- neg - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- NEVER_INITIALISED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- newAny(EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext) - Method in class
- newAny(EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Creates the builtin 'Any' type super of 'things'.
- newApplication(EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 application.
- newApplication(EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 application.
- newCall(EK9Parser.CallContext, IScope) - Method in class
Symbol to model some type of call to a function, dynamic function, constructor, this, super etc.
- newCall(EK9Parser.CallContext, IScope) - Method in class
Symbol to model some type of call to a function, dynamic function, constructor, this, super etc.
- newClass(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 class.
- newClass(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 class.
- newComponent(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 component.
- newComponent(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 component.
- newConstant(EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new constant as declared in the constants section.
- newConstant(EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new constant as declared in the constants section.
- newDict(EK9Parser.DictContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new EK9 Dictionary - like a Map.
- newDict(EK9Parser.DictContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new EK9 Dictionary - like a Map.
- newDictEntry(EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new entry for the Dictionary, basically a tuple.
- newDictEntry(EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new entry for the Dictionary, basically a tuple.
- newDirective(EK9Parser.DirectiveContext) - Method in class
- newDirective(EK9Parser.DirectiveContext) - Method in class
Create a new directive to be used inside the compiler.
- newDynamicClass(IScopedSymbol, EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 dynamic class.
- newDynamicClass(IScopedSymbol, EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 dynamic class.
- newDynamicFunction(IScopedSymbol, EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 dynamic function.
- newDynamicFunction(IScopedSymbol, EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 dynamic function.
- newDynamicVariableCapture(ICanCaptureVariables, IScope) - Method in class
- newDynamicVariableCapture(ICanCaptureVariables, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new local scope just for variables to be defined/captured in for dynamic classes/functions.
- newExpressionSymbol(ISymbol) - Method in class
Create a new expression around a symbol.
- newExpressionSymbol(IToken, String) - Method in class
Create a new expression symbol place-holder.
- newExpressionSymbol(IToken, String, Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class
Create a new expression symbol place-holder.
- newForLoop(ParserRuleContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new symbol that represents an EK9 'for' loop.
- newFunction(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new function symbol that represents an EK9 function.
- newFunction(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new function symbol that represents an EK9 function.
- newGeneralSymbol(IToken, String) - Method in class
Just for general symbols, like references.
- newInterpolatedExpressionPart(EK9Parser.StringPartContext) - Method in class
Create a new expression that represents the expression part of and interpolated String.
- newInterpolatedExpressionPart(EK9Parser.StringPartContext) - Method in class
Create a new expression that represents the expression part of and interpolated String.
- newInterpolatedStringPart(EK9Parser.StringPartContext) - Method in class
Create a new constant that represents the fixed text part of an interpolated String.
- newInterpolatedStringPart(EK9Parser.StringPartContext) - Method in class
Create a new constant that represents the fixed text part of an interpolated String.
- newList(EK9Parser.ListContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new EK9 List (a generic type).
- newList(EK9Parser.ListContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new EK9 List (a generic type).
- newLiteral(IToken, String) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 literal value.
- newLiteral(IToken, String) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 literal value.
- newLoopVariable(EK9Parser.ForLoopContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 loop variable.
- newLoopVariable(EK9Parser.ForRangeContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 loop variable for a range.
- newlyDefined() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.ResolvedOrDefineResult
Returns the value of the
record component. - newMethod(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext, String, IScopedSymbol) - Method in class
Create a new method with a specific name.
- newMethod(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext, String, IScopedSymbol) - Method in class
Create a new method with a specific name.
- newMethod(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext, IScopedSymbol) - Method in class
Create a new method that represents an EK9 class/component method.
- newMethod(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext, IScopedSymbol) - Method in class
Create a new method that represents an EK9 class/component method.
- newOperationCall(EK9Parser.OperationCallContext, IScope) - Method in class
New call but modelled as an operator if marked as such.
- newOperationCall(EK9Parser.OperationCallContext, IScope) - Method in class
New call but modelled as an operator if marked as such.
- newOperator(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext, IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 operator, uses a method for this.
- newOperator(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext, IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 operator, uses a method for this.
- newPackage(EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext) - Method in class
Create a new EK9 package aggregate.
- newPackage(EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext) - Method in class
Create a new EK9 package aggregate.
- newParameterisedSymbol(PossibleGenericSymbol, List<ISymbol>) - Method in class
- newProgram(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 program.
- newProgram(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 program.
- newRecord(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 record.
- newRecord(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 record.
- newService(EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 service.
- newService(EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 service.
- newServiceOperation(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 service operation - a specialised method.
- newServiceOperation(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 service operation - a specialised method.
- newStream(ParserRuleContext) - Method in class
Create a new symbol that represents an EK9 concept of a stream pipeline.
- newStream(ParserRuleContext) - Method in class
Create a new symbol that represents an EK9 concept of a stream pipeline.
- newStreamCat(EK9Parser.StreamCatContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new symbol that represents an EK9 'cat' part of a stream pipeline.
- newStreamCat(EK9Parser.StreamCatContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new symbol that represents an EK9 'cat' part of a stream pipeline.
- newStreamFor(EK9Parser.StreamForContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new symbol that represents an EK9 'for' part of a stream pipeline.
- newStreamFor(EK9Parser.StreamForContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new symbol that represents an EK9 'for' part of a stream pipeline.
- newStreamPart(EK9Parser.StreamPartContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new symbol that represents an EK9 stream function part of a stream pipeline.
- newStreamPart(EK9Parser.StreamPartContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new symbol that represents an EK9 stream function part of a stream pipeline.
- newStreamTermination(ParserRuleContext, String, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new symbol that represents an EK9 terminal part of a stream pipeline.
- newStreamTermination(ParserRuleContext, String, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new symbol that represents an EK9 terminal part of a stream pipeline.
- newSwitch(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new symbol that represents an EK9 'switch' block.
- newText(EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext, String) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents EK9 text construct.
- newText(EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext, String) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents EK9 text construct.
- newTextBody(EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 text body - this is represented by a method.
- newTextBody(EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 text body - this is represented by a method.
- newTrait(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 trait.
- newTrait(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 trait.
- newTry(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new symbol that represents an EK9 'try' block.
- newType(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 type, constrained or enumeration.
- newType(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create a new aggregate that represents an EK9 type, constrained or enumeration.
- newVariable(String, IToken, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Create new variable typically when looking to create simulated variable.
- newVariable(String, IToken, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Create new variable typically when looking to create simulated variable.
- newVariable(EK9Parser.IdentifierContext, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
- newVariable(EK9Parser.IdentifierContext, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
- newVariable(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create and initialise a new variable symbol.
- newVariable(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Create and initialise a new variable symbol.
- newVariable(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext) - Method in class
Just a declaration of a variable by itself - i.e.
- newWhileLoop(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext, IScope) - Method in class
Create a new while or do/while scoped symbol.
- nextToken() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.DelegatingLexer
- nextToken() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Lexer
- NL - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- NL - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectiveContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfStatementContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SheBangContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext
- NL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfStatementContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SheBangContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext
- NL(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- NO_INCOMING_ARGUMENT_REASSIGNMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NO_MUTATION_IN_PURE_CONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NO_PROGRAMS_EXIT_CODE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9
- NO_PURE_REASSIGNMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NO_REASSIGNMENT_FROM_CONTEXT_AS_PURE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NO_REFERENCED_RESET - Enum constant in enum class
- NO_VERB_REQUIRED_WITH_SERVICE_OPERATOR - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NoDelegateMethodClashesOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
As it is possible to have a variable that is a delegate 'function', it means that to call that function, the ek9 developer would use variable-name(parameters).
- NoDelegateMethodClashesOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.NoDelegateMethodClashesOrError
Create a new delegate checker.
- NoDuplicatedPropertyNamesOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
As all properties on records are public, it is necessary to check they do not get duplicated.
- NoDuplicatedPropertyNamesOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener, ErrorListener.SemanticClassification) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.NoDuplicatedPropertyNamesOrError
- NoDuplicatedServicePathsOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Examines all the service operations on a service and looks at the verbs used and the uri proto paths.
- NoDuplicatedServicePathsOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.NoDuplicatedServicePathsOrError
- NoDuplicatedTraitsOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Checks for duplicated trait names on an aggregate.
- NoDuplicatedTraitsOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.NoDuplicatedTraitsOrError
- NoDuplicateOperationsOrError - Class in
Does a simple check (excluding any inheritance) for duplicated operations (methods, operators) on any sort of Aggregate, i.e.
- NoDuplicateOperationsOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class
Create a new operations checker an aggregates.
- NoMethodReturnOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Typically used for Constructors, but could be used in other contexts where a method is not expected to return anything.
- NoMethodReturnOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.NoMethodReturnOrError
- NON_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope.ScopeType
- NoNameCollisionOrError - Class in
Designed to check if variable name and method names collide with Type/Function names.
- NoNameCollisionOrError(ErrorListener, boolean) - Constructor for class
- NONE_PURE_CALL_IN_PURE_SCOPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NonExtendableMethodOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Aimed at methods in services and a program (which is a method).
- NonExtendableMethodOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.NonExtendableMethodOrError
- NonInferredTypeDefinition - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Can be MULTI THREADED for developer source, but single threaded for bootstrapping.
- NonInferredTypeDefinition(boolean, SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.NonInferredTypeDefinition
Create a new phase 1 second pass template type symbol resolution definition instance.
- noPackageIsPresent() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- NormalTerminationOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Just check is a scope has normal termination.
- NormalTerminationOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.NormalTerminationOrError
- noSymbolMatch(CompilationEvent, ResolutionDirective) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.NotResolvedDirectiveListener
- noSymbolMatch(CompilationEvent, ResolutionDirective) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolutionDirectiveListener
- noSymbolMatch(CompilationEvent, ResolutionDirective) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolvedDirectiveListener
- NOT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- NOT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- NOT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- NOT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- NOT_A_FUNCTION_DELEGATE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NOT_A_TEMPLATE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NOT_ABSTRACT_AND_NO_BODY_PROVIDED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NOT_ACCESSIBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NOT_ALL_ENUMERATED_VALUES_PRESENT_IN_SWITCH - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NOT_ASSIGNABLE - Static variable in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- NOT_IMMEDIATE_SUPER - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NOT_IMMEDIATE_TRAIT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NOT_IN_AN_AGGREGATE_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NOT_INITIALISED_BEFORE_USE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NOT_INITIALISED_IN_ANY_WAY - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NOT_MARKED_ABSTRACT_BUT_IS_ABSTRACT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NOT_MUTABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NOT_OPEN_TO_EXTENSION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NOT_REFERENCED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NOT_RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NOT_RESOLVED_FUZZY_MATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- NotABooleanLiteralOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Typically used in control expressions to check developer is not doing a while(true).
- NotABooleanLiteralOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.NotABooleanLiteralOrError
- NotAbstractOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Typically used when a direct call is being bad on the symbol.
- NotAbstractOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.NotAbstractOrError
- NotDispatcherMethodOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Check not dispatcher methods.
- NotDispatcherMethodOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.NotDispatcherMethodOrError
- NOTEQUAL - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- NOTEQUAL - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- NOTEQUAL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- NOTEQUAL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- NOTEQUAL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- NOTEQUAL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- NOTEQUAL2 - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- NOTEQUAL2 - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- NOTEQUAL2() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- NOTEQUAL2() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- NOTEQUAL2() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- NOTEQUAL2() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- NotGenericTypeParameterOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Checks that the variable supplied (if not null and has a type), does not have a type that is a genericTypeParameter.
- NotGenericTypeParameterOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.NotGenericTypeParameterOrError
- NoTraitByVariablesOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Used where traits are implemented 'by' a variable.
- NoTraitByVariablesOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.NoTraitByVariablesOrError
- NotResolved - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveType
- NotResolvedDirective - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
To be used in EK9 source code to assert that a type can or cannot be resolved.
- NotResolvedDirective(DirectiveSpec) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.NotResolvedDirective
Directive for ensuring a symbol is not resolved.
- NotResolvedDirectiveListener - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
Checks if there are any directives that relate to @Resolved in the parsed module and checks the non-resolution.
- NotResolvedDirectiveListener() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.NotResolvedDirectiveListener
- NUMBER_OF_EK9_SYMBOLS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Ek9BuiltinLangSupplier
As we add more, update this.
- numberOfProcessors() - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
- numberOfProgramsInSourceFile() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- OBJECT_NOT_RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- objectAccess() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- objectAccess() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessContext
- objectAccess() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext
- ObjectAccessContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessContext
- objectAccessExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- objectAccessExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- objectAccessExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- objectAccessExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- objectAccessExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext
- objectAccessExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- ObjectAccessExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext
- ObjectAccessExpressionOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
This is the second part of the method/function chaining resolution and can be recursive via objectAccess.
- ObjectAccessExpressionOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ObjectAccessExpressionOrError
- ObjectAccessExpressionValidOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
In the case of specific variables of type like 'Result' and 'Optional' it is important to check if the method being called needs a previous call to isOk or isError or just '?' before accessing specific methods.
- ObjectAccessExpressionValidOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ObjectAccessExpressionValidOrError
Constructor to provided typed access.
- objectAccessStart() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext
- objectAccessStart() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ObjectAccessStartContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext
- ObjectAccessStartOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Processes the Object Access start, this is the start of chained method/function calls.
- ObjectAccessStartOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ObjectAccessStartOrError
- objectAccessType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessContext
- objectAccessType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ObjectAccessTypeContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessTypeContext
- of(File, File) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.SigningKeyPair
- of(String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
Create a node from a vector.
- of(String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
Parse a version string to produce a Semantic Version object.
- OF - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- OF - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- OF() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext
- OF() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- OF() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- OF() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext
- OF() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext
- OF() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitPreambleContext
- ofPrivate(File) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.SigningKeyPair
- ofPrivate(String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.SigningKeyPair
- ofPublic(File) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.SigningKeyPair
- ofPublic(String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.SigningKeyPair
- ONLY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ONLY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ONLY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext
- ONLY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- ONLY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- ONLY_CONSTANTS_ALLOWED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- ONLY_CONSTRUCTORS_ALLOWED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- ONLY_ONE_CONSTRUCTOR_ALLOWED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- ONLY_SIMPLE_RETURNING_TYPES_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- op - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- op - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- op - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- op - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- op - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext
- op - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- op - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext
- op - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- op - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext
- op - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext
- OPEN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- OPEN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- OPEN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext
- OPEN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext
- OPEN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- OPEN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- OPEN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- OPEN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext
- OPEN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext
- OPEN_STRING - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- OPEN_STRING - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- OPEN_STRING() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringLitContext
- operationCall() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessTypeContext
- operationCall() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- OperationCallContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationCallContext
- OperationCallOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Used for resolving operation calls on aggregates, which can include properties that are delegates to functions.
- OperationCallOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.OperationCallOrError
Create a new operation resolver.
- operationDetails() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- operationDetails() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- operationDetails() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- operationDetails() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext
- operationDetails() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- OperationDetailsContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext
- OperationFactory - Class in
- OperationFactory(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class
- OperationIsAssignment - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Is the token a simple assignment, i.e.
- OperationIsAssignment() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.OperationIsAssignment
- operator() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationCallContext
- operator() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- operator() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext
- operator() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- OPERATOR - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- OPERATOR - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- OPERATOR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext
- OPERATOR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext
- OPERATOR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- OPERATOR_AMBIGUOUS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OPERATOR_CANNOT_BE_PURE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OPERATOR_CANNOT_BE_USED_ON_ENUMERATION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OPERATOR_DEFAULT_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OPERATOR_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_PARAMETERS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OPERATOR_EQUALS_AND_HASHCODE_INCONSISTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OPERATOR_INCORRECT_RETURN_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OPERATOR_MUST_BE_PURE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OPERATOR_NAME_USED_AS_METHOD - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OPERATOR_NOT_DEFINED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OPERATOR_NOT_DEFINED_FROM_GENERIC - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OPERATOR_REQUIRES_PARAMETER - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OperatorContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- operatorDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- operatorDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- operatorDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext
- OperatorDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext
- OperatorFactory - Class in
Designed to gather aspect of operator population.
- OperatorFactory(AggregateManipulator) - Constructor for class
- OperatorOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Typically checks any returning values to see if they have now been initialised on an operator.
- OperatorOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.OperatorOrError
- OperatorTest - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Provides a common set of operations for checking operators.
- OperatorTest(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.OperatorTest
- operatorUseToken() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CheckOperatorData
Returns the value of the
record component. - optimise(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyManager
Marks dependencies that fall along a reject path as rejected.
- OPTIMISED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode.RejectionReason
After rationalisation did the Dependency manager then workout that actually this dependency is not needed at any version number, this can happen if lower version numbered dependencies pull in other dependencies, but then the lower version numbered dependency gets rationalised away, leaving a trail of stuff it pulled in that is now no longer needed.
- OPTIONAL_GET_ACCESS_REQUIRES_SAFE_ACCESS - Enum constant in enum class
- options() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- OR - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- OR - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- OR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- OR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- OR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- org.ek9lang.antlr - package org.ek9lang.antlr
- org.ek9lang.cli - package org.ek9lang.cli
A-1 - Start here for the main command-line entry use of the compiler.
- org.ek9lang.compiler - package org.ek9lang.compiler
B - For the EK9 compiler itself.
- org.ek9lang.compiler.common - package org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Common parts of processing that can be reused across various phases.
- org.ek9lang.compiler.config - package org.ek9lang.compiler.config
C - For the Suppliers of the 'compilation phases' as mentioned in the
package. - org.ek9lang.compiler.directives - package org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
The directives are really aimed at helping the creation of the EK9 language, but they maybe very useful in the early stages of adoption of EK9 (should there be any).
- org.ek9lang.compiler.phase0 - package org.ek9lang.compiler.phase0
D - For the first of the compilation phases - it triggers source file Lexing and Parsing using 'ANTLR'.
- org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1 - package org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
E - Initial Symbol definition by traversing the 'ANTLR' - 'AST'.
- org.ek9lang.compiler.phase10 - package org.ek9lang.compiler.phase10
N - Code Generation.
- org.ek9lang.compiler.phase11 - package org.ek9lang.compiler.phase11
O - Code Optimisation.
- org.ek9lang.compiler.phase12 - package org.ek9lang.compiler.phase12
P - Packaging.
- org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2 - package org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
F - Resolution of Explicitly Defined Type Symbols - at this point phase1 processing should have defined most of the explicitly defined symbols, so they should be resolvable.
- org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3 - package org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
G - Full Symbol Resolution can now take place.
- org.ek9lang.compiler.phase4 - package org.ek9lang.compiler.phase4
H - Generic/Parameterised types can have their methods checked when used in specific contexts.
- org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5 - package org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
I - PRE Intermediate Representation generation checks.
- org.ek9lang.compiler.phase6 - package org.ek9lang.compiler.phase6
J - Plugin Resolution.
- org.ek9lang.compiler.phase7 - package org.ek9lang.compiler.phase7
K - Intermediate Representation Generation.
- org.ek9lang.compiler.phase8 - package org.ek9lang.compiler.phase8
L - Template Generation.
- org.ek9lang.compiler.phase9 - package org.ek9lang.compiler.phase9
M - Intermediate Representation Analysis and Optimization.
- - package
Used primarily to hold structures that are related to searching for symbols.
- - package
Contains critical general components used in the
listeners. - org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols - package org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
This is the main source of EK9 Symbols used within the compiler.
- org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer - package org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer
Focuses on aspects of Lexing and some parts of Parser configuration.
- org.ek9lang.core - package org.ek9lang.core
Just general operating system stuff and bits and bobs.
- org.ek9lang.lsp - package org.ek9lang.lsp
A-2 - Start here for tooling entry point specifically 'language server' implementation.
- OsSupport - Class in org.ek9lang.core
Operating System support and generic stuff for directories and files.
- OsSupport() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
- OsSupport(boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.OsSupport
Used as and when you want to use a stub for testing.
- OuterGenericsUseOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Only use when code being checked prohibits use in outer generic context.
- OuterGenericsUseOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener, ErrorListener.SemanticClassification) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.OuterGenericsUseOrError
Checks if this token is being used within a generic type/function - directly or indirectly.
- OVERLOADING_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OVERRIDE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- OVERRIDE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- OVERRIDE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- OVERRIDE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext
- OVERRIDE_AND_ABSTRACT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OVERRIDE_CONSTRUCTOR - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OVERRIDE_INAPPROPRIATE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OVERRIDE_OPERATOR_EQUALS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OVERRIDE_OPERATOR_HASHCODE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- OverrideOrAbstractOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Checks for both abstract and override.
- OverrideOrAbstractOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.OverrideOrAbstractOrError
Create new checker.
- overrideToNewResult(MethodSymbolSearchResult) - Method in class
So now let's imagine we have a set of results from various interfaces and classes (maybe using method above to accumulate the methods) But now you are dealing with a Class or a Trait - now we need to know that for all the methods that could be called we only have one single one that would be resolved.
- PACKAGE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- PACKAGE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- PACKAGE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext
- packageBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- packageBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- PackageBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext
- PackageDetails - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
An immutable snapshot of EK9 main package directives.
- PackageDetails(String, boolean, boolean, String, int, String, List<String>, String, boolean, List<String>, boolean, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, List<String>, List<String>, String) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Creates an instance of a
record class. - packagePresent() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - Packager - Class in org.ek9lang.core
Focus on the responsibility of packaging.
- Packager(FileHandling) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.Packager
- PackageResolver - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Once the EK9 'Edp' dependency module has determined that a packaged module now needs to be resolved it will call upon this resolver to make sure that it is available.
- PackageResolver(CommandLine, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.PackageResolver
- Packaging - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase12
SINGLE THREADED Take the final optimised generated code and package it in to some type of release vessel.
- Packaging(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase12.Packaging
- PACKAGING_POST_PROCESSING - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- PackagingPostProcessing - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase12
SINGLE THREADED Complete any post-processing required.
- PackagingPostProcessing(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase12.PackagingPostProcessing
- PARAM - Static variable in class
- PARAM_MUST_BE_VARIABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- PARAMETER_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- parameterisedArgs() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- parameterisedArgs() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext
- ParameterisedArgsContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedArgsContext
- parameterisedDetail() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- parameterisedDetail() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext
- parameterisedDetail(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext
- ParameterisedDetailContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext
- ParameterisedLocator - Class in
Create a new parameterised symbol from a generic type and a set of type arguments.
- ParameterisedLocator(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener, boolean) - Constructor for class
Create a new Function that can define or resolve a specific generic type with a single type parameter.
- parameterisedParams() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext
- parameterisedParams() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- parameterisedParams() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ParameterisedParamsContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext
- parameterisedType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CallContext
- parameterisedType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext
- parameterisedType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext
- parameterisedType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- parameterisedType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext
- parameterisedType() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDefContext
- ParameterisedTypeContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext
- ParameterisedTypeData - Record Class in
To be used when trying to define/resolve a parameterised type.
- ParameterisedTypeData(IToken, ISymbol, List<ISymbol>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ParameterisedTypeOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase4
Does the detailed for of checking a specific possible generic symbol.
- ParameterisedTypeOrError(ISymbol, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase4.ParameterisedTypeOrError
- ParameterizationComplete - Class in
Given a parent and a dependent generic type, check that all parameters have been provided with suitable arguments, so that the Parameterized type can be used.
- ParameterizationComplete() - Constructor for class
- ParameterizedSymbolCreator - Class in
This will just create an Aggregate/Function 'parameterized type' of the 'generic type' with the 'type arguments' But note it will have not - repeat NOT have - traversed the 'generic type' and cloned over the methods and altered all the 'T', 'K', 'V' - 'type parameters' for each of the 'type arguments' There is a separate function (TypeSubstitution) that does that.
- ParameterizedSymbolCreator(BiFunction<PossibleGenericSymbol, List<ISymbol>, String>) - Constructor for class
- parameterizingArguments() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - PARAMETERS_MUST_BE_OF_SAME_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- ParametersData - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Used for checking parameter list types match.
- ParametersData(IToken, String, List<ISymbol>, List<ISymbol>) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ParametersData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ParameterTypesExactMatchOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks the number and types of the two sets of parameter list match exactly.
- ParameterTypesExactMatchOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ParameterTypesExactMatchOrError
- paramExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CallContext
- paramExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext
- paramExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationCallContext
- paramExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext
- paramExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ParamExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext
- ParamExpressionSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
While we don't add these in the scoped structures when compiling.
- ParamExpressionSymbol(String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ParamExpressionSymbol
- parent() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - PARENTHESIS_NOT_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- PARENTHESIS_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- parse() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
Actually parse the source code.
- parsedModule - Variable in class
- parsedModule() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilationEvent
Returns the value of the
record component. - ParsedModule - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
Once we have parsed a module (source file) we need to keep track of the results.
- ParsedModule(CompilableSource, SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
We may hold Nodes in here - but not sure yet.
- ParsedModules - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
With EK9 it is possible to have multiple source files that are all in the same 'module'.
- ParsedModules(String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModules
- ParsedModuleTransientData - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
Used to hold just the transient data that will be used by listeners and visitors and SymbolsAndScopes.
- ParsedModuleTransientData() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModuleTransientData
- ParserCreator - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer
Creates the lexer and parser and plugs in the listners.
- ParserCreator() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.ParserCreator
- ParserSpec - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer
To be used to construct a parser, with a lexer.
- ParserSpec(Source, InputStream, ErrorListener, TokenConsumptionListener) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.ParserSpec
Creates an instance of a
record class. - Parsing - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase0
- Parsing(Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase0.Parsing
- PARSING - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- PartialEk9StringToTypeDef - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Just processes a bit of some EK9 source for a simple or generic type def, to return the context.
- PartialEk9StringToTypeDef() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PartialEk9StringToTypeDef
- patch() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve.Version
- patch() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
- PATH - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- PATH - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- pathLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- pathLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PathLiteralContext
- PathLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PathLitContext
- PathLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- PathLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- PathLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PathLitContext
- PathLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PathLiteralContext
- peek() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStack
Take a look at the top of the stack.
- peek() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ComplexityCounter
Take a look at the top of the stack.
- phase() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilationEvent
Returns the value of the
record component. - phase() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationData
Returns the value of the
record component. - phase() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhaseResult
Returns the value of the
record component. - phase() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveSpec
Returns the value of the
record component. - phaseMatch() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhaseResult
Returns the value of the
record component. - phaseSuccess() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhaseResult
Returns the value of the
record component. - PhaseSupplier - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.config
Abstract concept of a supplier of phases for a compilation.
- PhaseSupplier(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, CompilationPhaseListener, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.config.PhaseSupplier
Create a new supplier of a full set of compiler phases.
- PIPE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- PIPE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- PIPE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- PIPE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext
- PIPE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- pipelinePart() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- pipelinePart() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- pipelinePart() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext
- pipelinePart(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- PipelinePartContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext
- PipelinePartOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Process the stream pipeline part, ensuring that it can be resolved.
- PipelinePartOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PipelinePartOrError
Create a new consumer to handle stream pipeline parts.
- PLUGIN_LINKAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- PLUGIN_RESOLUTION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- PluginLinkage - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase12
SINGLE THREADED If the developer has employed any sort of 'native' plugin, then it will have been referenced and trusted at earlier phases.
- PluginLinkage(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase12.PluginLinkage
- PluginResolution - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase6
SINGLE THREADED No-op at this stage.
- PluginResolution(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase6.PluginResolution
Create new instance to resolve plugins for extern packages.
- POINTLESS_EXPRESSION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- pop() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStack
Pop a scope of the stack (exception is empty.
- pop() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ComplexityCounter
Pop a value of the stack (exception is empty.
- popMode() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Lexer
- PopulateConstrainedTypeOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
For Constrained Types, focus on checking it is possible to constrain the type and if so then clones the appropriate methods/operators over and alters the types as appropriate.
- PopulateConstrainedTypeOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, AggregateManipulator, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.PopulateConstrainedTypeOrError
- populateEnumeration(AggregateSymbol, List<TerminalNode>) - Method in class
Populates the enumeration with each of the values supplied in the identifiers.
- populateEnumeration(AggregateSymbol, List<TerminalNode>) - Method in class
Populates the enumeration with each of the values supplied in the identifiers.
- PositionalConceptualLookupMapping - Class in
You may think why this mapping.
- PositionalConceptualLookupMapping() - Constructor for class
- PositionalConceptualLookupMapping.Mapping - Record Class in
Just holds a simple set of lists with the appropriate type arguments and their corresponding parameterizing parameters.
- POSSIBLE_DUPLICATE_ENUMERATED_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- PossibleExpressionConstruct - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Used as a base for a range of constructs that can be expressions.
- PossibleExpressionConstruct(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PossibleExpressionConstruct
- PossibleGenericSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Added as a common symbol type for both Functions and Aggregates that could possibly be generic in nature and also be a parameterised type.
- PossibleGenericSymbol(String, Optional<ISymbol>, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- PossibleGenericSymbol(String, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- PossibleMatchingMethods - Class in
Just uses the name of a method in the search, to get a list of all possible method name.
- PossibleMatchingMethods() - Constructor for class
- POST_RESOLUTION_CHECKS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- postConditionCheck() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.E
Do a post-condition check after the command has executed.
- PostSymbolResolutionChecks - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase4
SINGLE THREADED Once full resolution has completed, additional checks need to be made.
- PostSymbolResolutionChecks(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase4.PostSymbolResolutionChecks
Create new instance to check everything is logical and cohesive.
- PRE_IR_CHECKS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- preConditionCheck() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.E
Do a pre-condition check to ensure run can execute.
- preConditionCheck() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ep
- preConditionCheck() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Er
- preConditionCheck() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve
- PREFIX - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- PREFIX - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- PREFIX() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- PREFIX() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- preFlowAndControl() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext
- preFlowAndControl() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- preFlowAndControl() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- PreFlowAndControlContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowAndControlContext
- preFlowStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForLoopContext
- preFlowStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForRangeContext
- preFlowStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowAndControlContext
- preFlowStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- preFlowStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- preFlowStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- PreFlowStatementContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext
- PreFlowStatementOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks that the pre-flow expressions are valid.
- PreFlowStatementOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PreFlowStatementOrError
Check on validity of assignments.
- PreIntermediateRepresentationChecks - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
At this point all templates should be present and all symbols resolved.
- PreIntermediateRepresentationChecks(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIntermediateRepresentationChecks
- PreIRListener - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Designed to do additional logic checks once everything has been resolved.
- PreIRListener(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PreIRListener
- PREPARE_PARSE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- prepareCompilation() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ec
- prepareListForStorage(List<String>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9ProjectProperties
- prepareToParse() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
Sets up the compilable source to be parsed.
- prepareToParse(InputStream) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
Prepare to parse but with a provided input stream of what to parse.
- previousTokenIsAssignment() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.TokenResult
Checks if the previous token was some sort of assignment.
- previousTokenIsDefines() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.TokenResult
Check if previous token was a 'defines' token.
- previousTokenIsOverride() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.TokenResult
Check if previous token was an overrides token.
- previousTokenIsPipe() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.TokenResult
Check if previous token was a pipe token.
- previousTokensIndentsOrFirst() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.TokenResult
Checks the previous tokens in the line.
- primary() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext
- primary() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- primary() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- PrimaryContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryContext
- PrimaryOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Ensures that 'primary' is now resolved and 'typed' or a not resolved error.
- PrimaryOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PrimaryOrError
Check Primary resolves and attempt to 'type' it.
- primaryReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- primaryReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CallContext
- primaryReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext
- primaryReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryContext
- primaryReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- PrimaryReferenceContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryReferenceContext
- PRIVATE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- PRIVATE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- PRIVATE - Static variable in class
- PRIVATE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AccessModifierContext
- PRIVATE_PEM - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
- process() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.core.Processor
- process(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
Process the command line.
- process(String[]) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
Process the command line as supplied from main.
- ProcessAsDispatcherIfNecessary - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
If any methods are marked as 'dispatcher' then mark this class as a 'dispatcher'.
- ProcessAsDispatcherIfNecessary() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ProcessAsDispatcherIfNecessary
- ProcessCommonMethodsOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Processes and checks Methods that apply in all method contexts for basic correctness.
- ProcessCommonMethodsOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ProcessCommonMethodsOrError
- processDirectives(CompilationEvent, List<Directive>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolutionDirectiveListener
Process each of the directives and check for resolution or otherwise and call the symbolMatch or noSymbolMatch methods.
- ProcessDynamicClassOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Configures a dynamic class in terms of settings its super and configured traits.
- ProcessDynamicClassOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ProcessDynamicClassOrError
- ProcessDynamicFunctionEntry - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Deals with handling any returning values in a dynamic function.
- ProcessDynamicFunctionEntry(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ProcessDynamicFunctionEntry
- ProcessDynamicFunctionOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Configures the dynamic function with it's 'super', but also checks that the super can be used in the way the EK9 source code has been defined.
- ProcessDynamicFunctionOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ProcessDynamicFunctionOrError
- processEk9FileProperties(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
Processes the properties and forces regeneration if required.
- ProcessFunctionDeclarationOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Configures a function's 'super' in the most appropriate way.
- ProcessFunctionDeclarationOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ProcessFunctionDeclarationOrError
- ProcessGuardExpression - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Checks on a guard expression and marks the identifier variable as initialised.
- ProcessGuardExpression(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ProcessGuardExpression
- ProcessingBodyPresent - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Checks in the context to see if a returning variableDeclaration or a body is defined.
- ProcessingBodyPresent() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ProcessingBodyPresent
- Processor<T> - Interface in org.ek9lang.core
Designed to enable a developer to wrap lots of different type of processing and expose any exceptions.
- processPossibleGuardInitialisation(CodeFlowAnalyzer, ISymbol, ParserRuleContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PossibleExpressionConstruct
Now when there is a preflow control, it may mean that a variable is initialised.
- ProcessSyntheticReturn - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Constructs like methods and functions may or may not always return a value.
- ProcessSyntheticReturn(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ProcessSyntheticReturn
- ProcessTraitDeclarationOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Configures the trait declaration and completes a number of checks on that trait once configured.
- ProcessTraitDeclarationOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ProcessTraitDeclarationOrError
- ProcessTraitMethodOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Check trait specifics on constructors/methods/operators, Allowing missing body but marking as abstract.
- ProcessTraitMethodOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ProcessTraitMethodOrError
Create new checker.
- ProcessTypeDeclarationOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Adds various synthetic methods to type defined by the EK9 developer.
- ProcessTypeDeclarationOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, AggregateManipulator, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ProcessTypeDeclarationOrError
- ProcessVariableDeclarationOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Checks for inferred declarations of variables in various contexts.
- ProcessVariableDeclarationOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ProcessVariableDeclarationOrError
- ProcessVariableOnlyOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Checks on whether the '?' can be used as a modifier then check the parent of this context.
- ProcessVariableOnlyOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Deals with variable only declarations.
- ProcessVariableOnlyOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ProcessVariableOnlyOrError
- ProcessVariableOnlyOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ProcessVariableOnlyOrError
- ProcessVariableOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Processes a variable declaration - attempts to resolve the variable type.
- ProcessVariableOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ProcessVariableOrError
- ProcessWhileControlVariable - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Deals with checking the 'while' or 'do/while control variable in the statement/expression.
- ProcessWhileControlVariable(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ProcessWhileControlVariable
- PROGRAM - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- PROGRAM - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- PROGRAM - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- PROGRAM() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- PROGRAM() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext
- PROGRAM_ARGUMENT_TYPE_INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- PROGRAM_ARGUMENTS_INAPPROPRIATE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- PROGRAM_CAN_ONLY_RETURN_INTEGER - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- PROGRAM_IR_CONFIGURATION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- PROGRAM_NOT_SPECIFIED_EXIT_CODE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9
- ProgramArgumentPredicate - Class in
Check if this type being supplied to the test can be used as a program argument.
- ProgramArgumentPredicate() - Constructor for class
- ProgramArgumentsOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
A program can only accept specific types of arguments to it.
- ProgramArgumentsOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ProgramArgumentsOrError
- programBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- programBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ProgramBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext
- ProgramReturnOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
A program can only return an Integer (exit code).
- ProgramReturnOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ProgramReturnOrError
- programs() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - ProgramWithIR - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase7
If all has gone well in previous phases, this just adds the IR to the main program(s).
- ProgramWithIR(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase7.ProgramWithIR
- PROMOTE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- PROMOTE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- PROMOTE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- PROMOTE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- PropertyFieldOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Used for resolving and recoding of fields on specific types.
- PropertyFieldOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PropertyFieldOrError
Create a new field resolver.
- PROTECTED - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- PROTECTED - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- PROTECTED - Static variable in class
- PROTECTED() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AccessModifierContext
- PUBLIC - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- PUBLIC - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- PUBLIC - Static variable in class
- PUBLIC() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AccessModifierContext
- PUBLIC_PEM - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
- publicAccess() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - pullBlockTerminationUp(ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- pullIfElseTerminationUp(EK9Parser.IfStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- pullSwitchCaseDefaultUp(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- pullTryCatchFinallyUp(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- pullUpAcceptableCriteriaToHigherScope(CodeFlowAnalyzer, List<IScope>, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PossibleExpressionConstruct
- PURE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- PURE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- PURE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext
- PURE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- PURE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- PURE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- PURE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext
- PureCheckData - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
For doing pure checks on method and functions.
- PureCheckData(String, IScopedSymbol, IScopedSymbol) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PureCheckData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - PureModifierOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks if the pure modifier has been used correctly on methods and functions.
- PureModifierOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PureModifierOrError
- PureProcessingInPureContextOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Just check that with in the current 'context' - if pure that the processing call is pure.
- PureProcessingInPureContextOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PureProcessingInPureContextOrError
- push() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ComplexityCounter
Push a zero value on to this stack.
- push(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ComplexityCounter
Push a zero value on to this stack.
- push(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStack
Push a scope on to this stack.
- putSquirrelledData(CommonValues, String) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- putSquirrelledData(CommonValues, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
Sometimes it's important to 'squirrel' away information during different phases of the compilation.
- QUESTION - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- QUESTION - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- QUESTION() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- QUESTION() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- QUESTION() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext
- QUESTION() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext
- raiseReturningNotRequired(IToken, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
Create new semantic error.
- raiseReturningRequired(IToken, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
Create new semantic error.
- range() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- range() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForRangeContext
- range() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RANGE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- RANGE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RANGE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- RangeContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RangeContext
- RangeOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks the Range and ensures that there a Symbol recorded against that context.
- RangeOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.RangeOrError
Check range expressions and record an expression for the type.
- RATIONALISATION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode.RejectionReason
When the Dependency manager resolved all the dependencies did it find a later version And resolve this version of the dependency away.
- rationalise() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyManager
Mark modules as rejected if there is a higher version of the same module (that is not marked as rejected).
- RBRACE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- RBRACE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RBRACE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DictContext
- RBRACE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringPartContext
- RBRACK - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- RBRACK - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RBRACK() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ListContext
- readSourceFile(File, Ek9SourceVisitor) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.JustParser
Read the source file using the visitor supplied.
- REASSIGNMENT_OF_INJECTED_COMPONENT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- RECORD - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- RECORD - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- RECORD - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RECORD() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- RECORD() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext
- recordATypedSymbol(ISymbol, ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.TypedSymbolAccess
Records a symbol against a node and also emits an error if its type has not been set.
- recordBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- recordBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RecordBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext
- recordDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext
- recordDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- recordDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext
- RecordDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext
- recordDeclarationOfVariableUsingIterator(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- recordDeclarationOfVariableUsingOptional(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- recordDeclarationOfVariableUsingResult(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- recordDirective(Directive) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
When processing EK9 source code the developer now has some ability to use '@directives'.
- recordDirective(Directive) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModuleTransientData
When processing EK9 source code the developer now has some ability to use '@directives'.
- RECORDS_ONLY_SUPPORT_CONSTRUCTOR_AND_OPERATOR_METHODS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- recordScope(ParseTree, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
Record a particular node context during listen/visit of a context with a particular scope.
- recordScope(ParseTree, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModuleTransientData
Record a particular node context during listen/visit of a context with a particular scope.
- recordScopeForStackConsistency(IScope, ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
There are times in parsing/listening when symbols are already defined (due to a developer error).
- recordSymbol(ParseTree, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
Record a particular node context with a particular symbol.
- recordSymbol(ParseTree, ISymbol, Module) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModuleTransientData
Record a particular node context with a particular symbol.
- recordSymbol(ISymbol, ParseTree) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Record a symbol against a specific node (so it can be looked up later).
- recordSymbol(ISymbol, IScope) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CodeFlowAnalyzer
- recordSymbol(ISymbol, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CodeFlowMap
Records a symbol against the specific scope if it is a variable to be analysed.
- recordSymbolAssignment(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Record an identifier was assigned and therefore initialised.
- recordSymbolDeclaration(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Records a variable against the appropriate scope.
- recordSymbolDeclaration(ISymbol, IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Record variable declaration against a specific scope.
- REFERENCE_CHECKS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- REFERENCE_DOES_NOT_RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- ReferenceChecks - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
SINGLE THREADED - because we only want one reference shorthand for an item.
- ReferenceChecks(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferenceChecks
Create a new reference checker for modules contained in the compilable program.
- REFERENCES - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- REFERENCES - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- REFERENCES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- REFERENCES() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext
- REFERENCES_CONFLICT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- referencesBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- referencesBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ReferencesBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext
- ReferencesPhase1Listener - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Antlr listener for the references phase.
- ReferencesPhase1Listener(CompilableProgram, ParsedModule) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ReferencesPhase1Listener
Next phase after symbol definition, now check for explicit references.
- RefersToSameSymbol - Class in
Rather than just check if the actual ISymbols are the same, this code checks if two symbols actually refer to the same source token from the same source file.
- RefersToSameSymbol() - Constructor for class
- regExLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- regExLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegularExpressionLiteralContext
- RegExLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegExLitContext
- RegExLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- RegExLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RegExLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegExLitContext
- REGISTER - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- REGISTER - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- REGISTER() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- REGISTER() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext
- registerStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- registerStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- registerStatement(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- RegisterStatementContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext
- RegularExpressionLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegularExpressionLiteralContext
- reject(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyManager
Reject a moduleName dependency if is has been pulled in when is it a dependency of another module.
- REM - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- REM - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- REM() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- REM() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- remove(ParsedModule) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
If some source has been altered, then its corresponding parsedModule must be removed.
- remove(ParsedModule) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModules
Remove an existing parsed module for the set of modules recorded against a specific module name.
- removeErrorListeners() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.DelegatingLexer
- removeErrorListeners() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.LexerPlugin
- removeSource(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Workspace
- removeSource(Path) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Workspace
Remove some source code from the work space.
- repackageTargetArtefact() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ec
- reParseSource(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Workspace
Triggers the re-parsing of the source file.
- reParseSource(String, InputStream) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Workspace
Typically used via the language server.
- reParseSource(Path) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.Workspace
ReParses or loads and parses a source file.
- REPLACE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- REPLACE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- REPLACE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- REPLACE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- report(Object) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.Reporter
Report a message to stderr.
- reportAcceptedDependencies() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyManager
Provide a list of all accepted dependencies.
- reportAllDependencies() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyManager
Reports all the dependencies there are from root.
- reportAllDependencies() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
Get a list of all the dependencies.
- reportCircularDependencies() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyManager
- reportCircularDependencies(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyManager
Check if there are any circular references and report back up on the path the dependency was found in.
- reportCircularDependencies(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
Find the first circular dependency.
- reporter - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerPhase
- reporter - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.config.PhaseSupplier
- Reporter - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Designed to ensure consistent reporting as part of the command line commands and executions.
- Reporter(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.Reporter
While it may seem strange to want to even be able to mute reported errors, this class can/it used in developer tests and in some cases we don't want to see the actual errors.
- reportOnCompiledSource(ErrorListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9Service
- reportRejectedDependencies() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyManager
Provide a list of all rejected dependencies.
- reportStrictSemanticVersionBreaches() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyManager
Any situation where the top selected dependency has one or more, lower version numbers where the major version is less that that selected.
- REQUIRE_NO_ARGUMENTS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- REQUIRE_ONE_ARGUMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- RequiredOperatorPresentOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
To be used with operators on aggregates (except for the is-set ? operator, that has to deal with functions).
- RequiredOperatorPresentOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.RequiredOperatorPresentOrError
- reset() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
Remove all errors and warnings.
- resetDetails() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
Just updates the last modified and the check sum to current values.
- ResolutionDirective - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
To be used in EK9 source code to assert that a type can or cannot be resolved.
- ResolutionDirective(DirectiveSpec) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolutionDirective
A new resolution style directive.
- ResolutionDirectiveListener - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
Checks for resolutions directives.
- ResolutionDirectiveListener() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolutionDirectiveListener
- resolutionLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DecorationResolutionLiteralContext
- resolutionLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ResolutionLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ResolutionLitContext
- resolve(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.PackageResolver
Provides a source visitor for a packages dependency, so it it has already been resolved and unpacked, it will be returned.
- resolve(SymbolSearch) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
Find the nearest symbol of that name up the scope tree.
- resolve(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- resolve(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ModuleScope
- resolve(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
So this is where we alter the mechanism of normal symbol resolution.
- resolve(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- resolve(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StackConsistencyScope
- resolve(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
Search and resolve from a symbol search.
- resolveBoolean(IScope) - Method in class
Resolve Boolean from cached ek9 types of full scope hierarchy resolution.
- resolveByFullyQualifiedSearch(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
Resolve some symbol via a fully qualified search.
- ResolveByTraitVariables - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Used where traits are implemented 'by' a variable.
- ResolveByTraitVariables(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveByTraitVariables
- Resolved - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveType
- ResolvedDirective - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
To be used in EK9 source code to assert that a type can or cannot be resolved.
- ResolvedDirective(DirectiveSpec) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolvedDirective
Constructor of a directive for resolution.
- ResolvedDirectiveListener - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.directives
Checks if there are any directives that relate to @Resolved in the parsed module and checks the resolution.
- ResolvedDirectiveListener() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolvedDirectiveListener
- ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
A bit of a long-winded name, but this is really the second pass of the second phase of compilation.
- ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ResolveDefineExplicitTypeListener
Still defining some stuff here, but also resolving where possible.
- ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
This is a really critical point, because this attempts to ensure that ANY expression results in a symbol that has been 'typed'.
- ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveDefineInferredTypeListener
Create a new instance to define or resolve inferred types.
- ResolvedOrDefineResult - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
Mainly used in the CompilableProgram for resolving or defining a new Parameterized type.
- ResolvedOrDefineResult(Optional<PossibleGenericSymbol>, boolean) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.ResolvedOrDefineResult
Creates an instance of a
record class. - resolveExcludingCapturedVariables(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
- resolveExcludingCapturedVariables(SymbolSearch) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ICanCaptureVariables
Try and resolve a symbol but exclude looking in captured variables.
- resolveExcludingCapturedVariables(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StackConsistencyScope
- resolveFromImplicitScopes(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
Search in the implicit ek9 module namespaces of: org.ek9.lang etc.
- resolveFromModule(String, SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
A package name (moduleName) can actually have multiple parsedModules (i.e.
- resolveFromParameterTypes(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
Used when the type/function is one that is generic/template.
- ResolveFunctionOrDelegateByNameOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Used for resolving a function (by just name) or a variable that is a function delegate.
- ResolveFunctionOrDelegateByNameOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveFunctionOrDelegateByNameOrError
Searches for an identifier and issues an error if it is not resolved.
- ResolveFunctionOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Check for valid function parameters.
- ResolveFunctionOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveFunctionOrError
- ResolveIdentifierReferenceCallOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Locate a possible call to an identifierReference, so some sort of call.
- ResolveIdentifierReferenceCallOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveIdentifierReferenceCallOrError
- resolveInteger(IScope) - Method in class
Resolve Integer from cached ek9 types of full scope hierarchy resolution.
- resolveInThisModuleOnly(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ModuleScope
Looks to resolve search in either the references held or the symbols in all the scopes for this module.
- resolveInThisScopeOnly(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
- resolveInThisScopeOnly(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- resolveInThisScopeOnly(SymbolSearch) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
Just look in own scope.
- resolveInThisScopeOnly(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- resolveInThisScopeOnly(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ModuleScope
Just does a search in this particular module scope.
- resolveInThisScopeOnly(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- resolveInThisScopeOnly(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- resolveInThisScopeOnly(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StackConsistencyScope
- resolveInThisScopeOnly(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
Resolve a symbol in this symbol table only.
- resolveJson(IScope) - Method in class
Resolve JSON from cached ek9 types of full scope hierarchy resolution.
- resolveMatchingMethods(MethodSymbolSearch, MethodSymbolSearchResult) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- resolveMatchingMethods(MethodSymbolSearch, MethodSymbolSearchResult) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- resolveMatchingMethods(MethodSymbolSearch, MethodSymbolSearchResult) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
Resolve for matching methods and add matches to result.
- resolveMatchingMethods(MethodSymbolSearch, MethodSymbolSearchResult) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
Looks in scope and parent scopes.
- resolveMatchingMethods(MethodSymbolSearch, MethodSymbolSearchResult) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- resolveMatchingMethods(MethodSymbolSearch, MethodSymbolSearchResult) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
Add all matching methods for a method search.
- resolveMatchingMethodsInEnclosingScope(MethodSymbolSearch, MethodSymbolSearchResult) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScope
- resolveMatchingMethodsInEnclosingScope(MethodSymbolSearch, MethodSymbolSearchResult) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.LocalScope
- resolveMatchingMethodsInEnclosingScope(MethodSymbolSearch, MethodSymbolSearchResult) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
There are no supers so this will not add any methods.
- resolveMatchingMethodsInThisScopeOnly(MethodSymbolSearch, MethodSymbolSearchResult) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
Look in own scope just for methods and return all those that could match.
- resolveMatchingMethodsInThisScopeOnly(MethodSymbolSearch, MethodSymbolSearchResult) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- resolveMatchingMethodsInThisScopeOnly(MethodSymbolSearch, MethodSymbolSearchResult) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
Add all matching methods for a method search but only in this scope.
- resolveMember(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
Just try and resolve a member in this or super scopes.
- resolveMember(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
- resolveMember(SymbolSearch) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
Just try and resolve a member in this or super scopes.
- resolveMember(SymbolSearch) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
Just resolve on this or supers/traits - but not anything outside of the class hierarchy.
- resolveMember(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- resolveMember(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- ResolveMethodOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Given a search for a method from an aggregate - and include supers/traits etc, this function will try and locate the method.
- ResolveMethodOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ResolveMethodOrError
Create function with provided errorListener etc.
- resolveOrDefine(ParameterisedTypeData) - Method in class
Attempts to resolve the parameterised type first and return that, else returns a new symbol.
- resolveOrDefine(PossibleGenericSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
When using generic types, the parameterised type goes into the same module namespace as the Generic Type.
- resolveOrDefine(PossibleGenericSymbol, ErrorListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- resolveOrDefine(PossibleGenericSymbol, ErrorListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ModuleScope
Used when resolving or needing to define a parameterised type, like 'List of String' for example.
- ResolveOrDefineExplicitParameterizedType - Class in
The bulk of the processing is in the abstract base.
- ResolveOrDefineExplicitParameterizedType(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener, boolean) - Constructor for class
A bit of a complex function constructor - for a function.
- ResolveOrDefineIdentifierReference - Class in
The bulk of the processing is in the abstract base.
- ResolveOrDefineIdentifierReference(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener, boolean) - Constructor for class
A bit of a complex constructor - for a function.
- ResolveOrDefineTypeDef - Class in
The bulk of the processing is in the abstract base.
- ResolveOrDefineTypeDef(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener, boolean) - Constructor for class
A bit of a complex constructor - for a function.
- ResolveOrDefineTypes - Class in
This is a sort of hybrid resolver or definer function.
- ResolveOrDefineTypes(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener, boolean) - Constructor for class
A bit of a complex function constructor - for a function.
- resolveReferenceFromModule(String, SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
Check the existing set of references in the moduleName.
- resolveReferenceInThisScopeOnly(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ModuleScope
Does a check if there is a references of that symbol already held in this module scope.
- ResolverOrDefiner - Class in
Used as an abstract base for parameterised types.
- ResolverOrDefiner(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener, boolean) - Constructor for class
- resolveSimpleTypeByIdentifierReference(EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext) - Method in class
- resolveString(IScope) - Method in class
Resolve String from cached ek9 types of full scope hierarchy resolution.
- resolveTypeByIdentifierReference(EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext) - Method in class
- resolveTypeByParameterizedType(IToken, EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext) - Method in class
- resolveTypeByTypeDef(IToken, EK9Parser.TypeDefContext) - Method in class
Resolves the type for a type def, can trigger recursion.
- resolveVoid(IScope) - Method in class
Resolve Void from cached ek9 types of full scope hierarchy resolution.
- resolveWithEnclosingScope(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScope
- resolveWithEnclosingScope(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.LocalScope
- resolveWithEnclosingScope(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ModuleScope
- resolveWithEnclosingScope(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
This class is the root and so there is no enclosing scope.
- resolveWithParentScope(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateWithTraitsSymbol
Resolve using super aggregate and or any traits we have.
- resolveWithParentScope(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
Resolve with super type/function or via enclosing scope.
- RESULT_ERROR_ACCESS_REQUIRES_SAFE_ACCESS - Enum constant in enum class
- RESULT_MUST_HAVE_DIFFERENT_TYPES - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- RESULT_OK_ACCESS_REQUIRES_SAFE_ACCESS - Enum constant in enum class
- RetrieveDefaultedOperators - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Accesses the aggregate and gets just the 'default' operators defined on that aggregate (not any hierarchy).
- RetrieveDefaultedOperators() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.RetrieveDefaultedOperators
- RETURN_NOT_ALWAYS_INITIALISED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- RETURN_TYPE_VOID_MEANINGLESS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- RETURN_UNREACHABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- RETURN_VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- RETURNING_MISSING - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- RETURNING_NOT_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- RETURNING_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- returningParam() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext
- returningParam() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext
- returningParam() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- returningParam() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- returningParam() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- returningParam() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- ReturningParamContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext
- returningParamOrError(boolean, IToken, EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext) - Method in class
- ReturningVariableOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Checks if return variables are initialised.
- ReturningVariableOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ReturningVariableOrError
- returningVariableValidOrError(EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext, IScope, boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.PossibleExpressionConstruct
- ReturnTypeExtractor - Class in
get the appropriate return type from functions, methods and function delegates and constructors.
- ReturnTypeExtractor(boolean) - Constructor for class
- rhs() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TypeCompatibilityData
Returns the value of the
record component. - right - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- right() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExprLeftAndRightData
Returns the value of the
record component. - RIGHT_ARROW - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- RIGHT_ARROW - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RIGHT_ARROW() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext
- RIGHT_ARROW() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext
- RPAREN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- RPAREN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext
- RPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssertStatementContext
- RPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CallContext
- RPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext
- RPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext
- RPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- RPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- RPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext
- RPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext
- RPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext
- RPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryContext
- RPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext
- RPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- RPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext
- RPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext
- RPAREN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitsListContext
- RPAREN(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext
- RPAREN(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- RULE_accessModifier - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_aggregateParts - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_aggregateProperty - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_allowingOnly - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_applicationBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_applicationDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_argumentParam - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_aspectDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_assertStatement - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_assignmentExpression - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_assignmentStatement - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_binaryLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_block - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_blockStatement - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_booleanLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_call - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_caseExpression - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_caseStatement - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_catchStatementExpression - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_characterLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_classBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_classDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_colourLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_compilationUnit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_componentBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_componentDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_constantBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_constantDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_constantInitialiser - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_constrainDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_constrainType - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_dateLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_dateTimeLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_declareArgumentParam - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_defaultOperator - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_dict - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_dimensionLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_directive - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_directivePart - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_dottedName - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_durationLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_dynamicClassDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_dynamicFunctionBody - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_dynamicFunctionDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_dynamicVariableCapture - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_elseOnlyBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_enumerationDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_expression - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_expressionParam - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_extendDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_extendPreamble - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_finallyStatementExpression - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_floatingPointLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_forLoop - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_forRange - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_forStatementExpression - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_functionBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_functionDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_guardExpression - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_httpAccess - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_httpVerb - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_identifier - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_identifierReference - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_ifControlBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_ifStatement - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_initValuePair - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_instructionBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_integerLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_list - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_literal - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_methodDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_millisecondLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_moduleBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_moduleDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_moneyLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_objectAccess - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_objectAccessExpression - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_objectAccessStart - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_objectAccessType - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_operationCall - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_operationDetails - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_operator - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_operatorDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_packageBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_parameterisedArgs - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_parameterisedDetail - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_parameterisedParams - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_parameterisedType - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_paramExpression - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_pathLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_pipelinePart - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_preFlowAndControl - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_preFlowStatement - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_primary - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_primaryReference - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_programBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_range - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_recordBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_recordDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_referencesBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_regExLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_registerStatement - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_resolutionLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_returningParam - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_serviceBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_serviceDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_serviceOperationDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_sheBang - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_singleStatementBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_statement - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_streamCat - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_streamExpression - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_streamExpressionTermination - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_streamFor - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_streamPart - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_streamSource - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_streamStatement - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_streamStatementTermination - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_stringLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_stringPart - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_switchStatementExpression - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_ternaryPart - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_textBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_textBodyDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_textDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_throwStatement - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_timeLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_traitBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_traitDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_traitPreamble - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_traitReference - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_traitsList - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_tryStatementExpression - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_typeBlock - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_typeDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_typeDef - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_variableDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_variableOnlyDeclaration - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_versionNumberLit - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_webVariableCorrelation - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RULE_whileStatementExpression - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ruleNames - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- ruleNames - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- RuleSupport - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Designed to be extended by rules and checkers.
- RuleSupport(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.RuleSupport
- run() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.E
- run() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9
Run the command line and return the exit code.
- RUN_COMMAND_EXIT_CODE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9
The range of exit codes that EK9 will use.
- runEk9LanguageServer(OsSupport, InputStream, OutputStream, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Server
Triggers the actual execution of the language service.
- SAFE_ACCESS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CodeFlowMap
- SafeGenericAccessMarker - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Marks specific types of variable of specific types (generic Result/Option) in a manner that enables the compiler to check if access to certain methods is safe.
- SafeGenericAccessMarker(SymbolsAndScopes) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.SafeGenericAccessMarker
Constructor to provided typed access.
- SAME_VERSION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode.RejectionReason
If we find the same module and also the same version then we have it.
- SameGenericConceptualParameters - Class in
Checks to see if the type parameters are the same as the generic arguments.
- SameGenericConceptualParameters() - Constructor for class
- saveToFile(File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Digest.CheckSum
Just save this digest to a file.
- saveToHomeEk9Directory(SigningKeyPair) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
Save the signing key pair to the users home directory.
- saveToHomeEk9Directory(SigningKeyPair) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- saveToOutput(File, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
Save some text to a file.
- ScopedSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Represents a symbol that also has a scope.
- ScopedSymbol(String, Optional<ISymbol>, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- ScopedSymbol(String, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- ScopedSymbol(IScope.ScopeType, String, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- ScopeStack - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
This stack object is only designed to be used when first parsing.
- ScopeStack(IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStack
- ScopeStackConsistencyListener - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Just focussed on ensuring that scopes are correct push on to the scope stack.
- ScopeStackConsistencyListener(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStackConsistencyListener
- scopeToSearch() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - search() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CheckOperatorData
Returns the value of the
record component. - search() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - searchIsNotInThisScope(SymbolSearch) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
If search is unqualified (i.e.
- SELECT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- SELECT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SELECT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- SELECT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- SELF_ASSIGNMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SEMANTIC_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.ErrorClassification
- SEMANTIC_WARNING - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.ErrorClassification
- semanticError(Token, String, ErrorListener.SemanticClassification) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
Create new semantic error.
- semanticError(IToken, String, ErrorListener.SemanticClassification) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
Create new semantic error.
- semanticError(IToken, String, ErrorListener.SemanticClassification, MatchResults) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
Create new semantic error.
- SemanticVersion - Class in org.ek9lang.core
Can be a normal version number like 6.8.2-9 i.e 9 is the build number Or can be for a feature like 6.1.6-specialFeature12-19 i.e.
- SemanticVersion(String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
- semanticWarning(IToken, String, ErrorListener.SemanticClassification) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
Issue a semantic warning.
- SEMI - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- SEMI - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- sempred(RuleContext, int, int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- sempred(RuleContext, int, int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- sendDiagnostics(PublishDiagnosticsParams) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9Service
This is how to send compiler errors back.
- sendErrorBackToClient(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9Service
- sendInfoBackToClient(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9Service
- sendLogBackToClient(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9Service
- sendLogMessageBackToClient(MessageParams) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9Service
- sendWarningBackToClient(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9Service
- Serializer - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
Serializes a compilable program to a byte array, so it can be saved/reused as required.
- Serializer() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.Serializer
- Server - Class in org.ek9lang.lsp
EK9 LSP server launcher.
- Server() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.lsp.Server
- SERVICE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- SERVICE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- SERVICE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SERVICE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- SERVICE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext
- SERVICE_APPLICATION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- SERVICE_HTTP_ACCESS_NAME_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_HTTP_ACCESS_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_HTTP_BODY_MAPPING_NOT_ALLOWED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_HTTP_CACHING_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_HTTP_HEADER_INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_HTTP_HEADER_MISSING - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_HTTP_PARAM_NEEDS_QUALIFIER - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_HTTP_PARAM_QUALIFIER_NOT_ALLOWED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_HTTP_PATH_ASSUMED_BUT_INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_HTTP_PATH_DUPLICATED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_HTTP_PATH_PARAM_COUNT_INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_HTTP_PATH_PARAM_INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_INCOMPATIBLE_PARAM_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_INCOMPATIBLE_PARAM_TYPE_NON_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_INCOMPATIBLE_PARAM_TYPE_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_INCOMPATIBLE_RETURN_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_MISSING_RETURN - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_OPERATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_REQUEST_BY_ITSELF - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_URI_WITH_VARS_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SERVICE_WITH_NO_BODY_PROVIDED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- serviceBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- serviceBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ServiceBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext
- serviceDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext
- serviceDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- serviceDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext
- ServiceDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- ServiceFactory - Class in
Deals with the creation of the service parts for the EK9 language.
- ServiceFactory(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class
- serviceOperationDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- serviceOperationDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- serviceOperationDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- ServiceOperationDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- ServiceOperationOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Typically checks any returning values to see if they have now been initialised on a service operation.
- ServiceOperationOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ServiceOperationOrError
- ServiceOperationSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Scope for callable methods (operations) that are part of a Service.
- ServiceOperationSymbol(String, Optional<ISymbol>, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ServiceOperationSymbol
- ServiceOperationSymbol(String, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ServiceOperationSymbol
- ServiceRegistrationOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks the use of registering a service is valid and then ensures that the 'Application' is altered from being a general application to a service application.
- ServiceRegistrationOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ServiceRegistrationOrError
- setAccessModifier(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- setAccessModifierIncompatible(boolean) - Method in class
- setAggregateDescription(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
Typically used for synthetically generated aggregates.
- setAggregatePropertyField(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- setCallParameters(List<ISymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
Typically used when making synthetic methods you want to add in all the params from another method or something.
- setCapableOfConsumingAnything(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- setCapturedVariables(Optional<CaptureScope>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
- setCapturedVariables(CaptureScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
It is possible to capture variables in the current scope and pull them into the function, so they can be used.
- setCapturedVariables(CaptureScope) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ICanCaptureVariables
So that a number of variables can be captured when a new dynamic type is defined.
- setCapturedVariables(CaptureScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StackConsistencyScope
- setCapturedVariablesVisibility(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
The variables that have been captured can be given public access if needed.
- setCategory(SymbolCategory) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- setCheckCompilationOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ec
- setCheckCompilationOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
Only run a check compilation.
- setCompilationData(CompilationData) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
- setCompilerFlags(CompilerFlags) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ec
- setCompileToPhase(CompilationPhase) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
Only compile to a specific phase of the overall compilation process.
- setConceptualTypeParameter(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
Set this type symbol to be conceptual in nature.
- setConstructor(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- setConsumesSymbolPromotionRequired(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- setConsumesSymbolType(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
This sets the type of symbol that stream can consume.
- setDebuggingInstrumentation(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ec
- setDebuggingInstrumentation(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
- setDeclaredAsConstant(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
- setDerivesProducesTypeFromConsumesType(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- setDev(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
- setDevBuild(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ec
- setDevBuild(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.FileCache
Configure to be a development based build, this includes files from the 'dev/' directory then.
- setDevBuild(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
- setEk9Any(AnyTypeSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
- setEk9Core(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
set this symbol as an EK9 core symbol.
- setEk9ReturnsThis(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- setEk9Types(Ek9Types) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableProgram
- setEncounteredExceptionToken(IToken) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope
- setEncounteredExceptionToken(IToken) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- setEncounteredExceptionToken(IToken) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- setExampleSymbolToMatch(ISymbol) - Method in class
- setExceptionOnAmbiguity(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
- setExceptionOnContextSensitive(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
- setExceptionOnFullContext(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
- setExternallyImplemented(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
- setFormOfDeclarationCall(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CallSymbol
- setFuzzySearchResults(MatchResults) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.ErrorDetails
Adds any fuzzy match results, these could be the matches the developer was looking for.
- setGenericType(Optional<PossibleGenericSymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
Used parameterizing a generic type with type arguments.
- setGenericType(PossibleGenericSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- setGenus(SymbolGenus) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
- setGenus(SymbolGenus) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- setIncomingParameter(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- setInitialisedBy(IToken) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- setInitialisedBy(IToken) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- setInjectable(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- setInjectionExpected(boolean) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- setInjectionExpected(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- setLib(String, boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
Set this compilable source as a library.
- setLimitToBlocks(boolean) - Method in class
- setLoopVariable(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- setMarkedAbstract(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
- setMarkedAbstract(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- setMarkedAsDispatcher(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- setMarkedAsDispatcher(boolean) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
- setMarkedAsDispatcher(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- setMarkedNoClone(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- setMarkedPure(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- setMarkedPure(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- setMarkedPure(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- setMethodNotMarkedWithOverride(boolean) - Method in class
- setModuleName(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
- setModuleScope(IScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScopedSymbol
- setModuleScope(ModuleScope) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
- setMuteReportedErrors(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.Reporter
- setMuteStderrOutput(boolean) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.Logger
Mute stderr output, but default the Logger uses stderr to report errors.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- setName(String) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- setName(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- setNotMutable() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
- setNotMutable() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- setNotMutable() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- setNullAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- setNullAllowed(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- setNumberOfSuggestions(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
Configure the number of suggestions for interactive help on errors.
- setOfTypeOrReturn(Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class
- setOfTypeOrReturn(Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class
What type of symbol is being searched for or its return type.
- setOfTypeOrReturn(ISymbol) - Method in class
- setOfTypeOrReturn(ISymbol) - Method in class
- setOpenForExtension(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.PossibleGenericSymbol
- setOpenToEnclosingScope(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CaptureScope
- setOperator(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- setOuterMostTypeOrFunction(IScopedSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- setOverride(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- setParent(DependencyNode) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
- setParsedModule(Optional<Module>) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
For some symbols you may wish to specify the parsed module they were defined in.
- setParsedModule(Optional<Module>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- setPhaseToCompileTo(CompilationPhase) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ec
- setPipeSinkType(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- setPipeSourceType(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- setPrintTokensAsSupplied(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Lexer
- setPrivate(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- setProduceFullyQualifiedName(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- setProducerSymbolTypeSameAsConsumerSymbolType(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- setProducesSymbolType(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
This sets the type of symbol that stream can produce.
- setProducesTypeMustBeAFunction(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- setPromotionRequired(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
- setProvideLanguageHoverHelp(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9CompilerConfig
- setReferenced(boolean) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- setReferenced(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- setRejected(DependencyNode.RejectionReason, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
Reject this dependency and optionally reject any dependencies it pulled in.
- setResolvedSymbolToCall(ScopedSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.CallSymbol
Set the actual method/function that should be called.
- setReturningParameter(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- setReturningSymbol(VariableSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- setReturningSymbol(VariableSymbol) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IMayReturnSymbol
- setReturningSymbol(VariableSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
Sets the returning symbol (variable not just type).
- setScopeType(IScope.ScopeType) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.LocalScope
- setScopeType(IScope.ScopeType) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ScopedSymbol
- setSearchType(SymbolCategory) - Method in class
- setSemanticClassification(ErrorListener.SemanticClassification) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.Details
- setSinkInNature(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- setSourceName(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Lexer
- setSourceToken(IToken) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
- setSourceToken(IToken) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ITokenReference
- setSourceToken(IToken) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- setSuggestionRequired(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
- setSuperAggregate(Optional<IAggregateSymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
Set the 'super' of this type.
- setSuperAggregate(Optional<IAggregateSymbol>) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
- setSuperAggregate(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- setSuperAggregate(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IAggregateSymbol
- setSuperFunction(Optional<IFunctionSymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- setSuperFunction(IFunctionSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- setSynthetic(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- setTokenFactory(TokenFactory<?>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.DelegatingLexer
- setTokenListener(TokenConsumptionListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Lexer
- setType(Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.AggregateSymbol
- setType(Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- setType(Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- setType(Optional<ISymbol>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- setType(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.FunctionSymbol
- setType(ISymbol) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
- SetTypeFromReturningParam - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Looks at the returning param (if not null) and sets the symbol type as appropriate.
- SetTypeFromReturningParam(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SetTypeFromReturningParam
- setTypeParameters(List<ISymbol>) - Method in class
- setTypeParameters(List<ISymbol>) - Method in class
Set any parameters that might be needed as part of this search.
- SetupGenericTOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
The Generic T used in parametric types will exist but won't have any methods on yet.
- SetupGenericTOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, AggregateManipulator, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.SetupGenericTOrError
- setUsedAsProxyForDelegate(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
Set this method to be marked so at it delegates any calls to a delegate.
- setUseStringOperator(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ExpressionSymbol
- setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilerFlags
- setVersionNewNumber(Eve.Version) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve
Just sets the new version into the source file.
- setVetoSearchTypes(List<SymbolCategory>) - Method in class
- SharedThreadContext<T> - Class in org.ek9lang.core
Concept here is to be able to protect raw java objects from multiple threaded access.
- SharedThreadContext(T) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.SharedThreadContext
Wraps the object being protected - hides it, so it can only be accessed via your consumer.
- sheBang() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext
- sheBang() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SHEBANG - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- SHEBANG - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SHEBANG() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SheBangContext
- SheBangContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SheBangContext
- SHFTL - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- SHFTL - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SHFTL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- SHFTL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- SHFTR - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- SHFTR - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SHFTR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- SHFTR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- SHFTR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext
- showPathToDependency(boolean) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
Show the path through other dependencies to this dependency.
- shutdown() - Method in class org.ek9lang.lsp.Ek9LanguageServer
- SIGNATURE_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SigningKeyPair - Class in org.ek9lang.core
Just a wrapper around java public private key processing.
- SigningKeyPair(String, String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.SigningKeyPair
Create a signing key pair from the private and public parts of a PKI key pair.
- SIMPLE_IR_GENERATION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- SINGLE_EXCEPTION_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- singleStatementBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionBodyContext
- singleStatementBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SingleStatementBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext
- size() - Method in class
- SKIPPING - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- SKIPPING - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SKIPPING() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- SKIPPING() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- SORT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- SORT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SORT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- SORT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- source() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilationEvent
Returns the value of the
record component. - source() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamAssemblyData
Returns the value of the
record component. - Source - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler
Defines the concept of an EK9 source file.
- sourceFileCache() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.cli.CompilationContext
Returns the value of the
record component. - SPLIT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- SPLIT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SPLIT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- SPLIT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- SQRT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- SQRT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SQRT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- SQRT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- src() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.ParserSpec
Returns the value of the
record component. - StackConsistencyScope - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Used when duplicate symbols are found, where we need to add a placeholder.
- StackConsistencyScope(IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StackConsistencyScope
- StackConsistencyScope(IScope, IScope.ScopeType) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StackConsistencyScope
- statement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockStatementContext
- statement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- STATEMENT_UNREACHABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- StatementContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- StatementOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Validates that the statement is OK and emits errors if this is not the case.
- StatementOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StatementOrError
- storeProperties(Properties) - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9ProjectProperties
Save the properties to the configured file.
- STREAM_GT_REQUIRES_CLEAR - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- STREAM_PARAMETERS_ONLY_ONE_PRODUCER - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- STREAM_TYPE_CANNOT_CONSUME - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- STREAM_TYPE_CANNOT_PRODUCE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- STREAM_TYPE_NOT_DEFINED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- StreamAggregateCheckData - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Used in Stream assembly processing to check aggregate use validity.
- StreamAggregateCheckData(Token, IAggregateSymbol, ISymbol) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamAggregateCheckData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - StreamAssemblyData - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
The construct for a Stream statement/expression.
- StreamAssemblyData(StreamCallSymbol, List<EK9Parser.StreamPartContext>, StreamCallSymbol) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamAssemblyData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - StreamAssemblyOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Processes/updates and checks that a stream assembly is actually viable in terms of types.
- StreamAssemblyOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamAssemblyOrError
- StreamCallSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Just re-uses the bulk of method symbol.
- StreamCallSymbol(String, IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamCallSymbol
- streamCat() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- streamCat() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamSourceContext
- StreamCatContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamCatContext
- StreamCatOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Deals with working out what the type being 'catted' is.
- StreamCatOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamCatOrError
- streamExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext
- streamExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- StreamExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext
- StreamExpressionOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Now does the check/processing of the whole stream pipeline.
- StreamExpressionOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamExpressionOrError
- streamExpressionTermination() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext
- streamExpressionTermination() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- StreamExpressionTerminationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext
- StreamExpressionTerminationOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Process and ensure that the stream termination can function correctly.
- StreamExpressionTerminationOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamExpressionTerminationOrError
- StreamFactory - Class in
Just deals with the creation of Streams parts.
- StreamFactory(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class
- streamFor() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- streamFor() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamSourceContext
- StreamForContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamForContext
- StreamForOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Deals with working out what the type being "for'd" is.
- StreamForOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamForOrError
- StreamFunctionArgumentsOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks that the arguments in the function are compatible with the current pipeline type.
- StreamFunctionArgumentsOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamFunctionArgumentsOrError
- StreamFunctionCheckData - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Used in Stream assembly processing to check function validity.
- StreamFunctionCheckData(Token, FunctionSymbol, ISymbol) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamFunctionCheckData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - StreamFunctionOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
- StreamFunctionOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamFunctionOrError
- streamPart() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext
- streamPart() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- streamPart() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext
- streamPart(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext
- streamPart(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext
- StreamPartContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- streamParts() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamAssemblyData
Returns the value of the
record component. - StreamPipeLineSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Intended to model the pipeline flow in a streaming of cat or for loop though | and map etc.
- StreamPipeLineSymbol(String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.StreamPipeLineSymbol
- streamSource() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext
- streamSource() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- streamSource() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext
- StreamSourceContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamSourceContext
- streamStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- streamStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- StreamStatementContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext
- StreamStatementOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Now does the check/processing of the whole stream pipeline.
- StreamStatementOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamStatementOrError
- streamStatementTermination() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext
- streamStatementTermination() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- StreamStatementTerminationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext
- StreamStatementTerminationOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Process and ensure that the stream termination can function correctly.
- StreamStatementTerminationOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamStatementTerminationOrError
- STRING_MODE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- STRING_TEXT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- STRING_TEXT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- STRING_TEXT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringPartContext
- stringLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DirectivePartContext
- stringLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- stringLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringLiteralContext
- stringLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- stringLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext
- stringLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WebVariableCorrelationContext
- StringLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringLitContext
- StringLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- StringLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- StringLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringLitContext
- StringLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringLiteralContext
- stringPart() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringLitContext
- stringPart() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- stringPart(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringLitContext
- StringPartContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StringPartContext
- SUB - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- SUB - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SUB() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DecorationDimensionLiteralContext
- SUB() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- SUB() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.FloatingPointLiteralContext
- SUB() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IntegerLiteralContext
- SUB() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MillisecondLiteralContext
- SUB() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MoneyLiteralContext
- SUB() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- SUB_ASSIGN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- SUB_ASSIGN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SUB_ASSIGN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext
- SUB_ASSIGN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- SUBSTITUTED - Enum constant in enum class
- SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.cli.Ek9
- SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SUFFIX() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- SUFFIX() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- SuitableGenusOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Checks for a type is resolved and is suitable genus and category.
- SuitableGenusOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener, List<SymbolGenus>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.SuitableGenusOrError
Checks that the typedef/identifierReference passed in (when resolved) is suitable genus.
- SuitableGenusOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener, SymbolGenus, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.SuitableGenusOrError
Checks that the typedef/identifierReference passed in (when resolved) is suitable genus.
- SuitablePropertyInitialisationOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Used with aggregates to check that is they have any properties that are not initialised at declaration there are no default or implicit constructors being used.
- SuitablePropertyInitialisationOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.SuitablePropertyInitialisationOrError
- SuitableToExtendOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Checks for a type is resolved and is suitable to be extended from (in basic terms).
- SuitableToExtendOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener, List<SymbolGenus>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.SuitableToExtendOrError
Checks that the typedef/identifierReference passed in (when resolved) is suitable to be extended from.
- SuitableToExtendOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener, SymbolGenus, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.SuitableToExtendOrError
Checks that the typedef/identifierReference passed in (when resolved) is suitable to be extended from.
- SUPER - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- SUPER - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SUPER() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryReferenceContext
- SUPER_IS_NOT_PURE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SUPER_IS_PURE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- superSymbol() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PureCheckData
Returns the value of the
record component. - SupportsBeingConstrainingType - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Only types of a specific genus can be used as constraints on the generic type 'T'.
- SupportsBeingConstrainingType() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.SupportsBeingConstrainingType
- SWITCH - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- SWITCH - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SWITCH() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- SWITCH_REQUIRES_EQUALS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SwitchReturnOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Ensures that a switch is used correctly in or out of an expression.
- SwitchReturnOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SwitchReturnOrError
- switchStatementExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext
- switchStatementExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- switchStatementExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- SwitchStatementExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext
- SwitchStatementExpressionOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Deals with checking if the switch can be used as an expression and whether the variable being switched on has the appropriate operators to meet the case criteria.
- SwitchStatementExpressionOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SwitchStatementExpressionOrError
- SwitchStatementOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Deals with checking if all paths through switch/case/default (return) result in variables meeting criteria.
- SwitchStatementOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.SwitchStatementOrError
- SwitchSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
EK9 switch statement - this can effectively return a value if it is configured with returning part.
- SwitchSymbol(IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SwitchSymbol
- symbol() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ConflictingTokens
Returns the value of the
record component. - symbol() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CheckOperatorData
Returns the value of the
record component. - symbol() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolAccessData
Returns the value of the
record component. - symbol() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.ResolvedOrDefineResult
Returns the value of the
record component. - Symbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
A bit of a beast.
- Symbol(String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- Symbol(String, Optional<ISymbol>) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- SYMBOL_DEFINITION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- SYMBOL_LOCATED_BUT_TYPE_NOT_RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- SymbolAccess - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Models information used in code analysis for variable variable states.
- SymbolAccess(Set<String>) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolAccess
Creates an instance of a
record class. - SymbolAccessData - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Used when checking access to fields/properties and methods.
- SymbolAccessData(IToken, IScope, IScope, String, ISymbol) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolAccessData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - symbolCategory() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveSpec
Returns the value of the
record component. - SymbolCategory - Enum Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Typically used on symbols; so we know their broad use and type.
- SymbolChecker - Class in
General utility class that searches in a scope for a symbol to check for duplicates.
- SymbolChecker(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class
- SymbolDefinition - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Can be MULTI THREADED for developer source, but must be single threaded for bootstrapping.
- SymbolDefinition(boolean, SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.SymbolDefinition
Create symbol definition instance with optional multi-threading.
- SymbolDefinition(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.SymbolDefinition
Create a new phase 1 symbol definition instance, defaults to multithreading enabled.
- symbolFactory - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExpressionsListener
- symbolFactory - Variable in class
- SymbolFactory - Class in
Just a factory for all types of EK9 symbol.
- SymbolFactory(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class
Create a new symbol factory for use with the parsedModule.
- SymbolFromContextOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Returns the appropriate symbol from the symbol and scope management component.
- SymbolFromContextOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolFromContextOrError
- SymbolGenus - Enum Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Typically, used on aggregates because we might use a AggregateSymbol.
- symbolMatch(CompilationEvent, ResolutionDirective, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ComplexityDirectiveListener
- symbolMatch(CompilationEvent, ResolutionDirective, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.GenusDirectiveListener
- symbolMatch(CompilationEvent, ResolutionDirective, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ImplementsDirectiveListener
- symbolMatch(CompilationEvent, ResolutionDirective, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.NotResolvedDirectiveListener
- symbolMatch(CompilationEvent, ResolutionDirective, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolutionDirectiveListener
- symbolMatch(CompilationEvent, ResolutionDirective, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolvedDirectiveListener
- SymbolMatcher - Class in
Given some search criteria and a List of Symbols, this class will find the best match.
- SymbolMatcher() - Constructor for class
- symbolName() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveSpec
Returns the value of the
record component. - symbolName() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolAccessData
Returns the value of the
record component. - SymbolReferencedOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks if a symbol has been referenced or not (can be null - no error).
- SymbolReferencedOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolReferencedOrError
- SymbolResolution - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
MULTI THREADED Now try and check that all symbols used have a type.
- SymbolResolution(boolean, SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolResolution
Create new instance to finally resolve all symbols, even inferred ones.
- Symbols - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveType
- symbolsAndScopes - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AbstractEK9PhaseListener
- symbolsAndScopes - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.RuleSupport
- symbolsAndScopes - Variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.MutableOrError
- SymbolsAndScopes - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Used as external helper to record symbols and scopes across the parser.
- SymbolsAndScopes(ParsedModule, ScopeStack) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Create a new instance for symbol and scope management.
- SymbolSearch - Class in
To be used to search for symbols in a Symbol table.
- SymbolSearch(String) - Constructor for class
- SymbolSearch(String, Optional<ISymbol>) - Constructor for class
- SymbolSearch(String, SymbolSearch) - Constructor for class
Create a new search from an existing search with a new search name.
- SymbolSearch(String, ISymbol) - Constructor for class
- SymbolSearch(SymbolSearch) - Constructor for class
Clone from Symbol search into a new instance.
- SymbolSearch(ISymbol) - Constructor for class
Use a symbol to populate the search.
- SymbolSearchConfiguration - Record Class in
Can be used for a single Simple named search.
- SymbolSearchConfiguration(String) - Constructor for record class
Basic non parametric constructor, so just simple types.
- SymbolSearchConfiguration(String, List<SymbolSearchConfiguration>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - SymbolSearchConfiguration(String, SymbolSearchConfiguration) - Constructor for record class
- SymbolsFromParamExpression - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Just extracts the ISymbols from the expression contexts and issues not resolved errors if any are not present.
- SymbolsFromParamExpression(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolsFromParamExpression
- SymbolTable - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
We need to support simple things like classes which are unique per symbol table Or the fully qualified class names like 'com.some.A and com.other.A' so they won't collide.
- SymbolTable() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- SymbolTable(String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- symbolType() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamAggregateCheckData
Returns the value of the
record component. - SymbolTypeExtractor - Class in
Given a list of arguments (ISymbols), go through and extract the types out.
- SymbolTypeExtractor() - Constructor for class
- SymbolTypeOrEmpty - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Provides the PossibleGenericSymbol type of the symbol if it has been typed, or empty.
- SymbolTypeOrEmpty() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolTypeOrEmpty
- SYNTAX_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.ErrorClassification
- syntaxError(Recognizer<?, ?>, Object, int, int, String, RecognitionException) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener
- SynthesizeSuperFunction - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Looks at the function and if it has no super function, attempts to work out what would be the best super function generic type it could implement.
- SynthesizeSuperFunction(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.SynthesizeSuperFunction
- SyntheticConstructorCreator - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Some aggregates like classes, components, etc.
- SyntheticConstructorCreator(AggregateManipulator) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.SyntheticConstructorCreator
- TAB - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- TAB - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- tags() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - TAIL - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- TAIL - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- TAIL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- TAIL() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- targetArchitecture - Variable in class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLine
- TEE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- TEE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- TEE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- TEMPLATE_FUNCTION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolCategory
- TEMPLATE_IR_GENERATION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- TEMPLATE_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolCategory
- TEMPLATE_TYPE_REQUIRES_PARAMETERIZATION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TEMPLATE_TYPES_NOT_EXTENSIBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TemplateFunctionSymbolSearch - Class in
A Search for a TEMPLATE of a FUNCTION.
- TemplateFunctionSymbolSearch(String) - Constructor for class
- TemplateFunctionSymbolSearch(TemplateFunctionSymbolSearch) - Constructor for class
- TemplateGeneration - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase8
SINGLE THREADED Now just create all the nodes that are generated from generic types So these will be the set of concrete template classes we are using throughout the program all modules! TODO need to think about where the concrete templates should be recorded.
- TemplateGeneration(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase8.TemplateGeneration
- TemplateTypeSymbolSearch - Class in
A Search for a TEMPLATE of a TYPE like a CLASS.
- TemplateTypeSymbolSearch(String) - Constructor for class
- termination() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamAssemblyData
Returns the value of the
record component. - ternary - Variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- TernaryBlockSafeGenericAccessMarker - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Similar to the if block check, but this is focused on the true part of the ternary expression.
- TernaryBlockSafeGenericAccessMarker(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.TernaryBlockSafeGenericAccessMarker
Constructor to provided typed access.
- ternaryPart() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- ternaryPart() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ternaryPart(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- TernaryPartContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TernaryPartContext
- test(Collection<CompilableSource>) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilableSourceHasErrors
- test(List<ISymbol>, List<ISymbol>) - Method in class
- test(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.ExpressionSimpleForSafeAccess
- test(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.FormOfComparator
- test(EK9Parser.IdentifierContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.MakesIdentifierSubsequentAccessSafe
- test(EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ProcessingBodyPresent
- test(GenericInGenericData) - Method in class
- test(AggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CheckConflictingMethods
- test(IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.AggregateHasPureConstruction
- test(IAggregateSymbol, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IsPropertyOfAggregate
- test(IScope, ISymbol) - Method in class
Check for exising symbol in the scope.
- test(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.Defaulted
- test(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ExternallyImplemented
- test(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.UninitialisedVariableToBeChecked
- test(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.SupportsBeingConstrainingType
- test(ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.HasTypeOfGeneric
- test(ISymbol) - Method in class
- test(ISymbol) - Method in class
- test(ISymbol, List<ISymbol>) - Method in class
- test(ISymbol, ISymbol) - Method in class
- test(ServiceOperationSymbol, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ValidPathParameterOrError
- test(IToken) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.OperationIsAssignment
- test(IToken, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IsConvertableToStringOrError
- test(IToken, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.IsSetPresentOrError
- test(IToken, ISymbol) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.OperatorTest
- TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- TEXT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- TEXT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- TEXT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- TEXT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- TEXT_BASE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- TEXT_CHAR - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- TEXT_CHAR - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- TEXT_INSERTED_INDENT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Lexer
- TEXT_METHOD_MISSING - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- textBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- textBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- TextBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- textBodyDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- textBodyDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext
- textBodyDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext
- TextBodyDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext
- textDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- textDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- textDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextBlockContext
- TextDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext
- TextFactory - Class in
Deals with the creation of Text parts from the EK9 language.
- TextFactory(ParsedModule) - Constructor for class
- TextLanguageExtraction - Class in
Extract the valid language value from the String literal or null and error.
- TextLanguageExtraction(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class
- THEN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- THEN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- THEN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext
- THEN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- THIS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- THIS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- THIS() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PrimaryReferenceContext
- THIS_AND_SUPER_CALLS_ONLY_IN_CONSTRUCTOR - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- THIS_AND_SUPER_MUST_BE_FIRST_IN_CONSTRUCTOR - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- ThisAndSuperAssignmentOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Check an assignment again 'super' use and some operators against 'this' use.
- ThisAndSuperAssignmentOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ThisAndSuperAssignmentOrError
- ThisOrSuperCallOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Just focus on resolving 'this' or 'super' in respect to a 'call'.
- ThisOrSuperCallOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ThisOrSuperCallOrError
- ThisOrSuperOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks and assigns type a 'this' or 'super' symbol, but only if it valid.
- ThisOrSuperOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ThisOrSuperOrError
Checks that this/super passed in is a suitable genus.
- thisSymbol() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PureCheckData
Returns the value of the
record component. - THROW - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- THROW - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- THROW() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext
- throwStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- throwStatement() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- ThrowStatementContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext
- ThrowStatementOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks that the throw statement actually throws and Exception type.
- ThrowStatementOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ThrowStatementOrError
- TILDE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- TILDE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- TILDE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- TILDE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- timeLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- timeLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TimeLiteralContext
- TimeLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TimeLitContext
- TimeLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- TimeLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- TimeLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TimeLitContext
- TimeLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TimeLiteralContext
- to() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ParametersData
Returns the value of the
record component. - toByteArray(String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.Hex
Converts hex string back into bytes.
- ToCommaSeparated - Class in
Converts a list of symbol using their friendly names in to a comma separated list.
- ToCommaSeparated(boolean) - Constructor for class
- ToCommaSeparated(ISymbol, boolean) - Constructor for class
- TOJSON - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- TOJSON - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- TOJSON() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- TOJSON() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- token() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveSpec
Returns the value of the
record component. - token() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CovarianceData
Returns the value of the
record component. - token() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DelegateFunctionData
Returns the value of the
record component. - token() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.FunctionData
Returns the value of the
record component. - token() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ParametersData
Returns the value of the
record component. - token() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolAccessData
Returns the value of the
record component. - tokenConsumed(Token) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
Informed when a token have been consumed out of the Lexer.
- tokenConsumed(Token) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.TokenConsumptionListener
- TokenConsumptionListener - Interface in org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer
Listen as Tokens are consumed as they are pulled from the Lexer into the parser.
- tokenInError() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ConflictingTokens
Returns the value of the
record component. - tokenNames - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- tokenNames - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
instead. - TokenResult - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer
Typically used for locating the nearest token to some position in a source code file.
- TokenResult() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.TokenResult
Create a new and invalid TokenResult.
- TokenResult(IToken, List<IToken>, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.TokenResult
Create a valid token result with the token its position and the other surrounding tokens.
- TokenStreamAssessment - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer
But also to aid in listing out tokens so that when building grammars out of tokens it is possible to see what is being produced.
- TokenStreamAssessment() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.TokenStreamAssessment
- toLinePositionReference() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilationIssue
- toLinePositionReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.Details
So we can reduce the number of errors on the line at a certain position.
- toMatchResults() - Method in class
Converts the results to a list of match results that are ordered by cost and can be displayed.
- TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.cli.CommandLineHelp
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.cli.CompilationContext
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode
- toString() - Method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve.Version
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.cli.LanguageMetaData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.CompilationEvent
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.Details
- toString() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.ErrorDetails
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.MethodAndAggregateData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolAccess
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilableSource
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhaseResult
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveSpec
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ErrorDirective
- toString() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolutionDirective
- toString() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.ParsedModule
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ConflictingTokens
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AssignmentData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CheckOperatorData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CovarianceData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.DelegateFunctionData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ExprLeftAndRightData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.FunctionData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ParametersData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.PureCheckData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamAggregateCheckData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamAssemblyData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.StreamFunctionCheckData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.SymbolAccessData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TypeCompatibilityData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.ResolvedOrDefineResult
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in enum class
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ConstantSymbol
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Ek9Types
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.MethodSymbol
- toString() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
- toString() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolTable
- toString() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.Ek9Token
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.tokenizer.ParserSpec
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Digest.CheckSum
- toString() - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
- toString() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.core.ZipBinaryContent
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.Hex
Converts bytes to hex string.
- toVar() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.CovarianceData
Returns the value of the
record component. - TRAIT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- TRAIT - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- TRAIT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- TRAIT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext
- TRAIT() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitPreambleContext
- TRAIT_ACCESS_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TRAIT_BY_DELEGATE_FOR_CLASS_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TRAIT_BY_IDENTIFIER_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TRAIT_DELEGATE_NOT_USED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TraitAccessibleOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks that a trait access like - is allowed i.e.
- TraitAccessibleOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TraitAccessibleOrError
- traitBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- traitBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- TraitBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext
- traitDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext
- traitDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- traitDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext
- TraitDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext
- TraitMethodAcceptableOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Check trait specifics on methods/operators.
- TraitMethodAcceptableOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.TraitMethodAcceptableOrError
Create new.
- traitPreamble() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext
- traitPreamble() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext
- traitPreamble() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext
- traitPreamble() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- TraitPreambleContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitPreambleContext
- traitReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- traitReference() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitsListContext
- traitReference(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitsListContext
- TraitReferenceContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitReferenceContext
- TRAITS_DO_NOT_HAVE_CONSTRUCTORS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- traitsList() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext
- traitsList() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext
- traitsList() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext
- traitsList() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- TraitsListContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitsListContext
- TraverseAbstractMethods - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Gets the abstract methods and then resolves each to see what the resulting method would be.
- TraverseAbstractMethods() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TraverseAbstractMethods
- traverseBackUpStack(IScope.ScopeType) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStack
Navigates back up the scope stack to find the first match of the scope type passed in.
- traverseBackUpStack(IScope.ScopeType) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Navigates back up the scope stack to find the first match of the scope type passed in.
- traverseBackUpStackToEnclosingMethod() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStack
Navigate back up the scope stack to find the first enclosing method (there may not be one).
- traverseBackUpStackToEnclosingMethod() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
Traversed back up the scope stack to try and locate the enclosing method (if there is one).
- traverseBackUpStackToMethodOrFunction() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ScopeStack
Locates the outer function or method (if possible, not always possible Applications for example).
- traverseBackUpStackToMethodOrFunction() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.SymbolsAndScopes
- TRY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- TRY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- TRY() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- TryReturnOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Ensures that a try statement/expression is used correctly in or out of an expression.
- TryReturnOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TryReturnOrError
- tryStatementExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext
- tryStatementExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- tryStatementExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- TryStatementExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext
- TryStatementExpressionOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Deals with checking the try statement/expression.
- TryStatementExpressionOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TryStatementExpressionOrError
- TryStatementOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Checks the try/catch/finally structure via the code analysers.
- TryStatementOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.TryStatementOrError
- TrySymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
EK9 try statement - this can effectively return a value if it is configured with returning part.
- TrySymbol(IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.TrySymbol
- type() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ComplexityDirective
- type() - Method in interface org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.Directive
What s the type of the directive.
- type() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ErrorDirective
- type() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.GenusDirective
- type() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ImplementsDirective
- type() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.NotResolvedDirective
- type() - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.ResolvedDirective
- TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolCategory
- TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- TYPE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- TYPE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- TYPE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- TYPE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext
- TYPE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext
- TYPE_ADDRESS_NOT_SUITABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_AMBIGUOUS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_CANNOT_BE_CONSTRAINED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_HIERARCHY_CHECKS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
- TYPE_IN_FOR_LOOP_NOT_RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_INFERENCE_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_IS_ABSTRACT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_IS_INJECTABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_IS_NOT_ASPECT - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_IS_NOT_INJECTABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_MUST_BE_CONVERTABLE_TO_STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_MUST_BE_FUNCTION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_MUST_BE_SIMPLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_MUST_BE_STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_MUST_EXTEND_EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_MUST_NOT_BE_FUNCTION - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_NOT_RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_OR_FUNCTION_NOT_RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_REQUIRED_FOR_PROPERTIES - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- TYPE_REQUIRED_FOR_RETURN - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- typeArguments() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - typeArguments() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - typeBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext
- typeBlock() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- TypeBlockContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext
- TypeCanReceivePipedData - Class in
Given a Symbol that is some form of type, check that it could receive some piped data.
- TypeCanReceivePipedData() - Constructor for class
- TypeCoercions - Class in
Holds the coercions we can make from and to on types.
- TypeCoercions() - Constructor for class
- TypeCompatibilityData - Record Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
TO be used when checking the left hand side and the right hand side with specific operators.
- TypeCompatibilityData(IToken, ISymbol, ISymbol) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TypeCompatibilityData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - TypeConstraintOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks that any recursive type constraints on a type are valid.
- TypeConstraintOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, SymbolFactory, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TypeConstraintOrError
- TypeCovarianceOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks the covariance compatibility of two variables, this will traverse them to get their types.
- TypeCovarianceOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TypeCovarianceOrError
- typeData() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.AssignmentData
Returns the value of the
record component. - typeDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext
- typeDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- typeDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext
- TypeDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext
- typeDef() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExtendDeclarationContext
- typeDef() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedArgsContext
- typeDef() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext
- typeDef() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext
- typeDef() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext
- typeDef() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext
- typeDef() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- typeDef() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext
- typeDef() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext
- typeDef(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ParameterisedArgsContext
- TypeDefContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TypeDefContext
- TypeDefResolver - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Pass a string of an ek9 typeDef in and use the EK9 parser to just handle the breaking up of a String of a TypeDef into a structure and names.
- TypeDefResolver(IScope) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.TypeDefResolver
Create new resolver.
- typeDefToSymbol(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.TypeDefResolver
Use an ek9 parser to accept a String of a typeDef and convert to a symbol (if it can be found).
- TypedSymbolAccess - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Designed to be used in phase3 only on or after - FULL_RESOLUTION.
- TypedSymbolAccess(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.TypedSymbolAccess
Constructor to provided typed access.
- TypeHierarchyChecks - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
SINGLE THREADED - Run across sources to check for types, functions and traits for 'super loops'.
- TypeHierarchyChecks(SharedThreadContext<CompilableProgram>, Consumer<CompilationEvent>, CompilerReporter) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.TypeHierarchyChecks
Create a new instance for checking of type hierarchies.
- TypeListComparator - Class in
Checks that the symbols in list one and list two are each the same for the corresponding position in the list.o
- TypeListComparator() - Constructor for class
- typeParameters() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - TypesCompatibleOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Check that the types of two symbol ar compatible with each other.
- TypesCompatibleOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.TypesCompatibleOrError
Check symbols with types have compatible types.
- TypeSubstitution - Class in
Accepts an aggregate or a function that has been parameterized with 'type arguments'.
- TypeSubstitution(Function<PossibleGenericSymbol, ResolvedOrDefineResult>, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class
Construct a type substitutor.
- TypeSymbolSearch - Class in
A Search for a concrete actual TYPE like a RECORD or a CLASS for example.
- TypeSymbolSearch(String) - Constructor for class
- TypeSymbolSearch(TypeSymbolSearch) - Constructor for class
- UNABLE_TO_DETERMINE_COMMON_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- UNABLE_TO_FIND_PIPE_FOR_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- UNINITIALISED_AT_DECLARATION - Enum constant in enum class
- UninitialisedVariableAnalyzer - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Used to check if variables within code blocks when declared without being initialised, actually get initialised before they are used.
- UninitialisedVariableAnalyzer() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.UninitialisedVariableAnalyzer
- UninitialisedVariableToBeChecked - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Checks if a variable should be processed as a possible uninitialised variable.
- UninitialisedVariableToBeChecked() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.UninitialisedVariableToBeChecked
- UNIQ - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- UNIQ - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- UNIQ() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- UniqueIdGenerator - Class in org.ek9lang.core
Unique ID generator.
- UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- UNSAFE_METHOD_ACCESS - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- UnSafeGenericAccessAnalyzer - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Checks to see if a variable has a specific generic type.
- UnSafeGenericAccessAnalyzer() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.UnSafeGenericAccessAnalyzer
- UnSafePropertyAccessAnalyzer - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.common
Checks to see if a property on an aggregate is safe to access.
- UnSafePropertyAccessAnalyzer() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.UnSafePropertyAccessAnalyzer
- unZipFileTo(File, File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
Unzips a zip file into a directory, the directory will be created if it does not exist.
- unZipFileTo(File, File) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Packager
Unpacks a zip/jar file to a specific directory.
- unZipFileTo(File, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- Up - Class in org.ek9lang.cli
Update/Upgrade the EK9 compiler itself.
- Up(CompilationContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Up
- updateToConstrainBy(IAggregateSymbol, IAggregateSymbol) - Method in class
This is the idea where a 'T' is constrained to only be a type or a subtype of that type.
- URI - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- URI - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- URI_PROTO - Enum constant in enum class
- Uriproto - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- Uriproto - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- Uriproto() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext
- Uriproto() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext
- USE_OF_NULLABLE_NOT_POSSIBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- USE_OF_THIS_OR_SUPER_INAPPROPRIATE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- USED_BEFORE_DEFINED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- USED_BEFORE_INITIALISED - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- ValidAggregateConstructorsOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Checks that if the aggregate is a generic class that the appropriate public constructors are in place.
- ValidAggregateConstructorsOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ValidAggregateConstructorsOrError
- validateEk9Directory(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.Ek9DirectoryStructure
Check the structure of an Ek9 build directory.
- validateEk9Directory(String, String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- validateHomeEk9Directory(String) - Method in class org.ek9lang.core.FileHandling
- ValidDispatcherMethodsOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Check if any dispatcher methods on the aggregate and ensure that they are valid.
- ValidDispatcherMethodsOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ValidDispatcherMethodsOrError
Check various aspects of dispatcher methods.
- ValidFunctionAbstractnessOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks if a function extends another function and if it is abstract.
- ValidFunctionAbstractnessOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ValidFunctionAbstractnessOrError
- ValidMethodOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Checks methods from various contexts, typically this is delegated to other functions.
- ValidMethodOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ValidMethodOrError
Create a new method checker.
- ValidNamedArgumentsOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
If the Ek9 developer has used named parameters, then they must be validated.
- ValidNamedArgumentsOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.ValidNamedArgumentsOrError
- ValidOperatorOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Checks operators from various contexts, typically this is delegated to other functions.
- ValidOperatorOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ValidOperatorOrError
Create a new operation checker.
- ValidParameterisedTypeOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Error when use of ParameterisedType has additional expression parameters in wrong context.
- ValidParameterisedTypeOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ValidParameterisedTypeOrError
- ValidPathParameterOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Checks the PATH value (if this is a path parameter) and ensures that the name appears in the path itself on the operation.
- ValidPathParameterOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ValidPathParameterOrError
- ValidPreFlowAndReturnOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Checks that if a return is used.
- ValidPreFlowAndReturnOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ValidPreFlowAndReturnOrError
- ValidServiceOperationOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Check that a service operation complies with EK9 rules and return types etc.
- ValidServiceOperationOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.ValidServiceOperationOrError
Create a new Check Service Operation function.
- ValidUseOfReferenceOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Error when a reference is attempted by the syntax is incorrect.
- ValidUseOfReferenceOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.ValidUseOfReferenceOrError
- VALUE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode.RejectionReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.ErrorClassification
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope.ScopeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolCategory
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.ek9lang.cli.DependencyNode.RejectionReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.ErrorClassification
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.CompilationPhase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.directives.DirectiveType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.IScope.ScopeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolGenus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- VALUES_AND_TYPE_INCOMPATIBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.SemanticClassification
- VARIABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.SymbolCategory
- VariableAssignmentOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Checks on the assignment during a declaration and emits an error if not valid.
- VariableAssignmentOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.VariableAssignmentOrError
Create a new checker of variable assignments when variables are being declared.
- variableDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext
- variableDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockStatementContext
- variableDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext
- variableDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext
- variableDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext
- variableDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext
- variableDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- variableDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext
- variableDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext
- VariableDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext
- VariableDeclarationOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1
Checks that variable declarations is acceptable.
- VariableDeclarationOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase1.VariableDeclarationOrError
If the variable has been declared within any sort of generic type/function and not been used with a 'typedef' i.e.
- variableOnlyDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext
- variableOnlyDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext
- variableOnlyDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.BlockStatementContext
- variableOnlyDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext
- variableOnlyDeclaration() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- variableOnlyDeclaration(int) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext
- VariableOnlyDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext
- VariableOnlyOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Focus on checking a variable only declaration, now that types are all known.
- VariableOnlyOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Accepts a variable only declaration and ensures the variable is recorded if appropriate, for transient flow checks.
- VariableOnlyOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.VariableOnlyOrError
- VariableOnlyOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.VariableOnlyOrError
- VariableSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Models a variable.
- VariableSymbol(String) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- VariableSymbol(String, Optional<ISymbol>) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- VariableSymbol(String, ISymbol) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- VariableSymbol(VariableSymbol) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.VariableSymbol
- version() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.cli.LanguageMetaData
Returns the value of the
record component. - version() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - Version() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve.Version
- versionNumberLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- versionNumberLit() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VersionNumberLiteralContext
- VersionNumberLitContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VersionNumberLitContext
- VersionNumberLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- VersionNumberLiteral - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- VersionNumberLiteral() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VersionNumberLitContext
- VersionNumberLiteralContext(EK9Parser.LiteralContext) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VersionNumberLiteralContext
- versionNumberOnLine() - Method in record class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.PackageDetails
Returns the value of the
record component. - VisibilityOfOperationsOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2
Does a simple check (excluding any inheritance) for visibility rules on methods/operators on aggregates.
- VisibilityOfOperationsOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase2.VisibilityOfOperationsOrError
Create a new operations checker an aggregates.
- visit(EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext, ErrorListener) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.Ek9SourceVisitor
This is the key to lexing and parsing the source file mainly just for package information.
- visitAccessModifier(EK9Parser.AccessModifierContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitAccessModifier(EK9Parser.AccessModifierContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitAggregateParts(EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitAggregateParts(EK9Parser.AggregatePartsContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitAggregateProperty(EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitAggregateProperty(EK9Parser.AggregatePropertyContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitAllowingOnly(EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitAllowingOnly(EK9Parser.AllowingOnlyContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitApplicationBlock(EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitApplicationBlock(EK9Parser.ApplicationBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitApplicationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitApplicationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ApplicationDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitArgumentParam(EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitArgumentParam(EK9Parser.ArgumentParamContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitAspectDeclaration(EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitAspectDeclaration(EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitAssertStatement(EK9Parser.AssertStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitAssertStatement(EK9Parser.AssertStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitAssignmentExpression(EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitAssignmentExpression(EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitAssignmentStatement(EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitAssignmentStatement(EK9Parser.AssignmentStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitBinaryLit(EK9Parser.BinaryLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitBinaryLit(EK9Parser.BinaryLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitBinaryLiteral(EK9Parser.BinaryLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitBinaryLiteral(EK9Parser.BinaryLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitBlock(EK9Parser.BlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitBlock(EK9Parser.BlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitBlockStatement(EK9Parser.BlockStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitBlockStatement(EK9Parser.BlockStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitBooleanLit(EK9Parser.BooleanLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitBooleanLit(EK9Parser.BooleanLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitBooleanLiteral(EK9Parser.BooleanLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitBooleanLiteral(EK9Parser.BooleanLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitCall(EK9Parser.CallContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitCall(EK9Parser.CallContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitCaseExpression(EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitCaseExpression(EK9Parser.CaseExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitCaseStatement(EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitCaseStatement(EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitCatchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitCatchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.CatchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitCharacterLit(EK9Parser.CharacterLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitCharacterLit(EK9Parser.CharacterLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitCharacterLiteral(EK9Parser.CharacterLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitCharacterLiteral(EK9Parser.CharacterLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitClassBlock(EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitClassBlock(EK9Parser.ClassBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitColourLit(EK9Parser.ColourLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitColourLit(EK9Parser.ColourLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitColourLiteral(EK9Parser.ColourLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitColourLiteral(EK9Parser.ColourLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitCompilationUnit(EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitCompilationUnit(EK9Parser.CompilationUnitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitComponentBlock(EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitComponentBlock(EK9Parser.ComponentBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitComponentDeclaration(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitComponentDeclaration(EK9Parser.ComponentDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitConstantBlock(EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitConstantBlock(EK9Parser.ConstantBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitConstantDeclaration(EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitConstantDeclaration(EK9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitConstantInitialiser(EK9Parser.ConstantInitialiserContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitConstantInitialiser(EK9Parser.ConstantInitialiserContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitConstrainDeclaration(EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitConstrainDeclaration(EK9Parser.ConstrainDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitConstrainType(EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitConstrainType(EK9Parser.ConstrainTypeContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDateLit(EK9Parser.DateLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDateLit(EK9Parser.DateLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDateLiteral(EK9Parser.DateLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitDateLiteral(EK9Parser.DateLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitDateTimeLit(EK9Parser.DateTimeLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDateTimeLit(EK9Parser.DateTimeLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDateTimeLiteral(EK9Parser.DateTimeLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitDateTimeLiteral(EK9Parser.DateTimeLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitDeclareArgumentParam(EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDeclareArgumentParam(EK9Parser.DeclareArgumentParamContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDecorationDimensionLiteral(EK9Parser.DecorationDimensionLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitDecorationDimensionLiteral(EK9Parser.DecorationDimensionLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitDecorationResolutionLiteral(EK9Parser.DecorationResolutionLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitDecorationResolutionLiteral(EK9Parser.DecorationResolutionLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitDefaultOperator(EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDefaultOperator(EK9Parser.DefaultOperatorContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDict(EK9Parser.DictContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDict(EK9Parser.DictContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDimensionLit(EK9Parser.DimensionLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDimensionLit(EK9Parser.DimensionLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDirective(EK9Parser.DirectiveContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDirective(EK9Parser.DirectiveContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDirectivePart(EK9Parser.DirectivePartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDirectivePart(EK9Parser.DirectivePartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDottedName(EK9Parser.DottedNameContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDottedName(EK9Parser.DottedNameContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDurationLit(EK9Parser.DurationLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDurationLit(EK9Parser.DurationLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDurationLiteral(EK9Parser.DurationLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitDurationLiteral(EK9Parser.DurationLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDynamicClassDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicClassDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDynamicFunctionBody(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionBodyContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDynamicFunctionBody(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionBodyContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDynamicFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDynamicFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.DynamicFunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDynamicVariableCapture(EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitDynamicVariableCapture(EK9Parser.DynamicVariableCaptureContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitElseOnlyBlock(EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitElseOnlyBlock(EK9Parser.ElseOnlyBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitEnumerationDeclaration(EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitEnumerationDeclaration(EK9Parser.EnumerationDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitErrorNode(ErrorNode) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
- visitExpression(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitExpression(EK9Parser.ExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitExpressionParam(EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitExpressionParam(EK9Parser.ExpressionParamContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitExtendDeclaration(EK9Parser.ExtendDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitExtendDeclaration(EK9Parser.ExtendDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitExtendPreamble(EK9Parser.ExtendPreambleContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitExtendPreamble(EK9Parser.ExtendPreambleContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitFinallyStatementExpression(EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitFinallyStatementExpression(EK9Parser.FinallyStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitFloatingPointLit(EK9Parser.FloatingPointLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitFloatingPointLit(EK9Parser.FloatingPointLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitFloatingPointLiteral(EK9Parser.FloatingPointLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitFloatingPointLiteral(EK9Parser.FloatingPointLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitForLoop(EK9Parser.ForLoopContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitForLoop(EK9Parser.ForLoopContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitForRange(EK9Parser.ForRangeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitForRange(EK9Parser.ForRangeContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitForStatementExpression(EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitForStatementExpression(EK9Parser.ForStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitFunctionBlock(EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitFunctionBlock(EK9Parser.FunctionBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitFunctionDeclaration(EK9Parser.FunctionDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitGuardExpression(EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitGuardExpression(EK9Parser.GuardExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitHttpAccess(EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitHttpAccess(EK9Parser.HttpAccessContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitHttpVerb(EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitHttpVerb(EK9Parser.HttpVerbContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitIdentifier(EK9Parser.IdentifierContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitIdentifier(EK9Parser.IdentifierContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitIdentifierReference(EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitIdentifierReference(EK9Parser.IdentifierReferenceContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitIfControlBlock(EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitIfControlBlock(EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitIfStatement(EK9Parser.IfStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitIfStatement(EK9Parser.IfStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitInitValuePair(EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitInitValuePair(EK9Parser.InitValuePairContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitInstructionBlock(EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitInstructionBlock(EK9Parser.InstructionBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitIntegerLit(EK9Parser.IntegerLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitIntegerLit(EK9Parser.IntegerLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitIntegerLiteral(EK9Parser.IntegerLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitIntegerLiteral(EK9Parser.IntegerLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitList(EK9Parser.ListContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitList(EK9Parser.ListContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitMethodDeclaration(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitMethodDeclaration(EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitMillisecondLit(EK9Parser.MillisecondLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitMillisecondLit(EK9Parser.MillisecondLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitMillisecondLiteral(EK9Parser.MillisecondLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitMillisecondLiteral(EK9Parser.MillisecondLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitModuleBlock(EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitModuleBlock(EK9Parser.ModuleBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitModuleDeclaration(EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitModuleDeclaration(EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitModuleDeclaration(EK9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.Ek9SourceVisitor
- visitMoneyLit(EK9Parser.MoneyLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitMoneyLit(EK9Parser.MoneyLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitMoneyLiteral(EK9Parser.MoneyLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitMoneyLiteral(EK9Parser.MoneyLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitObjectAccess(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitObjectAccess(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitObjectAccessExpression(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitObjectAccessExpression(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitObjectAccessStart(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitObjectAccessStart(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessStartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitObjectAccessType(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessTypeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitObjectAccessType(EK9Parser.ObjectAccessTypeContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitOperationCall(EK9Parser.OperationCallContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitOperationCall(EK9Parser.OperationCallContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitOperationDetails(EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitOperationDetails(EK9Parser.OperationDetailsContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitOperator(EK9Parser.OperatorContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitOperator(EK9Parser.OperatorContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitOperatorDeclaration(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitOperatorDeclaration(EK9Parser.OperatorDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitPackageBlock(EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitPackageBlock(EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitPackageBlock(EK9Parser.PackageBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.Ek9SourceVisitor
- visitParameterisedArgs(EK9Parser.ParameterisedArgsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitParameterisedArgs(EK9Parser.ParameterisedArgsContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitParameterisedDetail(EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitParameterisedDetail(EK9Parser.ParameterisedDetailContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitParameterisedParams(EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitParameterisedParams(EK9Parser.ParameterisedParamsContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitParameterisedType(EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitParameterisedType(EK9Parser.ParameterisedTypeContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitParamExpression(EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitParamExpression(EK9Parser.ParamExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitPathLit(EK9Parser.PathLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitPathLit(EK9Parser.PathLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitPathLiteral(EK9Parser.PathLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitPathLiteral(EK9Parser.PathLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitPipelinePart(EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitPipelinePart(EK9Parser.PipelinePartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitPreFlowAndControl(EK9Parser.PreFlowAndControlContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitPreFlowAndControl(EK9Parser.PreFlowAndControlContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitPreFlowStatement(EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitPreFlowStatement(EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitPrimary(EK9Parser.PrimaryContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitPrimary(EK9Parser.PrimaryContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitPrimaryReference(EK9Parser.PrimaryReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitPrimaryReference(EK9Parser.PrimaryReferenceContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitProgramBlock(EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitProgramBlock(EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitProgramBlock(EK9Parser.ProgramBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.Ek9SourceVisitor
- visitRange(EK9Parser.RangeContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitRange(EK9Parser.RangeContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitRecordBlock(EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitRecordBlock(EK9Parser.RecordBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitRecordDeclaration(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitRecordDeclaration(EK9Parser.RecordDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitReferencesBlock(EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitReferencesBlock(EK9Parser.ReferencesBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitRegExLit(EK9Parser.RegExLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitRegExLit(EK9Parser.RegExLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitRegisterStatement(EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitRegisterStatement(EK9Parser.RegisterStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitRegularExpressionLiteral(EK9Parser.RegularExpressionLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitRegularExpressionLiteral(EK9Parser.RegularExpressionLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitResolutionLit(EK9Parser.ResolutionLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitResolutionLit(EK9Parser.ResolutionLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitReturningParam(EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitReturningParam(EK9Parser.ReturningParamContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitServiceBlock(EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitServiceBlock(EK9Parser.ServiceBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitServiceDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitServiceDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitServiceOperationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitServiceOperationDeclaration(EK9Parser.ServiceOperationDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitSheBang(EK9Parser.SheBangContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitSheBang(EK9Parser.SheBangContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitSingleStatementBlock(EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitSingleStatementBlock(EK9Parser.SingleStatementBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStatement(EK9Parser.StatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStatement(EK9Parser.StatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStreamCat(EK9Parser.StreamCatContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStreamCat(EK9Parser.StreamCatContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStreamExpression(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStreamExpression(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStreamExpressionTermination(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStreamExpressionTermination(EK9Parser.StreamExpressionTerminationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStreamFor(EK9Parser.StreamForContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStreamFor(EK9Parser.StreamForContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStreamPart(EK9Parser.StreamPartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStreamPart(EK9Parser.StreamPartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStreamSource(EK9Parser.StreamSourceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStreamSource(EK9Parser.StreamSourceContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStreamStatement(EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStreamStatement(EK9Parser.StreamStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStreamStatementTermination(EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStreamStatementTermination(EK9Parser.StreamStatementTerminationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStringLit(EK9Parser.StringLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStringLit(EK9Parser.StringLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStringLiteral(EK9Parser.StringLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitStringLiteral(EK9Parser.StringLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitStringPart(EK9Parser.StringPartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitStringPart(EK9Parser.StringPartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitSwitchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitSwitchStatementExpression(EK9Parser.SwitchStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTerminal(TerminalNode) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseListener
- visitTernaryPart(EK9Parser.TernaryPartContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTernaryPart(EK9Parser.TernaryPartContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTextBlock(EK9Parser.TextBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTextBlock(EK9Parser.TextBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTextBodyDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTextBodyDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextBodyDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTextDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTextDeclaration(EK9Parser.TextDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitThrowStatement(EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitThrowStatement(EK9Parser.ThrowStatementContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTimeLit(EK9Parser.TimeLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTimeLit(EK9Parser.TimeLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTimeLiteral(EK9Parser.TimeLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitTimeLiteral(EK9Parser.TimeLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitTraitBlock(EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTraitBlock(EK9Parser.TraitBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTraitDeclaration(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTraitDeclaration(EK9Parser.TraitDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTraitPreamble(EK9Parser.TraitPreambleContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTraitPreamble(EK9Parser.TraitPreambleContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTraitReference(EK9Parser.TraitReferenceContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTraitReference(EK9Parser.TraitReferenceContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTraitsList(EK9Parser.TraitsListContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTraitsList(EK9Parser.TraitsListContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTryStatementExpression(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTryStatementExpression(EK9Parser.TryStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTypeBlock(EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTypeBlock(EK9Parser.TypeBlockContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTypeDeclaration(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTypeDeclaration(EK9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTypeDef(EK9Parser.TypeDefContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTypeDef(EK9Parser.TypeDefContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitTypeDef(EK9Parser.TypeDefContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.TypeDefResolver
This is really the main entry point to build a structure of SymbolSearchConfiguration that is based on the structure in the ek9 parse tree from typeDef.
- visitVariableDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitVariableDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitVariableOnlyDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitVariableOnlyDeclaration(EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitVersionNumberLit(EK9Parser.VersionNumberLitContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitVersionNumberLit(EK9Parser.VersionNumberLitContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitVersionNumberLiteral(EK9Parser.VersionNumberLiteralContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitVersionNumberLiteral(EK9Parser.VersionNumberLiteralContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the
labeled alternative inEK9Parser.literal()
. - visitWebVariableCorrelation(EK9Parser.WebVariableCorrelationContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitWebVariableCorrelation(EK9Parser.WebVariableCorrelationContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitWhileStatementExpression(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9BaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - visitWhileStatementExpression(EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext) - Method in interface org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Visitor
Visit a parse tree produced by
. - VOCABULARY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- VOCABULARY - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- WARNING - Enum constant in enum class org.ek9lang.compiler.common.ErrorListener.ErrorClassification
- webVariableCorrelation() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.VariableOnlyDeclarationContext
- webVariableCorrelation() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- WebVariableCorrelationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WebVariableCorrelationContext
- WeightedMethodSymbolMatch - Class in
When searching for methods, this will be a weighted result of how well a method matched.
- WeightedMethodSymbolMatch(MethodSymbol, double) - Constructor for class
- WHEN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- WHEN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- WHEN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.CaseStatementContext
- WHEN() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IfControlBlockContext
- WHILE - Enum constant in enum class
- WHILE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- WHILE - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- WHILE() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- WhileLoopSafeGenericAccessMarker - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Does checks on the control part of a while loop to see if Optional/Result/Iterator are now safe via method access.
- WhileLoopSafeGenericAccessMarker(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.WhileLoopSafeGenericAccessMarker
Constructor to provided typed access.
- WhileReturnOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Ensures that a while do/while statement/expression is used correctly in or out of an expression.
- WhileReturnOrError(ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.WhileReturnOrError
- whileStatementExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext
- whileStatementExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StatementContext
- whileStatementExpression() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- WhileStatementExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.WhileStatementExpressionContext
- WhileStatementExpressionOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3
Deals with checking the 'while' or 'do/while statement/expression.
- WhileStatementExpressionOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase3.WhileStatementExpressionOrError
- WhileStatementOrError - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5
Checks the while statement via the code analysers.
- WhileStatementOrError(SymbolsAndScopes, ErrorListener) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.phase5.WhileStatementOrError
- WhileSymbol - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
EK9 'while' or 'do/while' type symbol - we need a scope because we can declare new variables as part of the pre-flow semantics.
- WhileSymbol(IScope, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.WhileSymbol
- WITH - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- WITH - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- WITH() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.AspectDeclarationContext
- WITH() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.IdentifierContext
- WITH() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext
- WITH() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.PreFlowStatementContext
- WITH() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.StreamPartContext
- WITH() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.TraitPreambleContext
- withBuildNumber(String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve.Version
Parse the incoming - but expect a build number.
- withFeatureNoBuildNumber(String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve.Version
- withNoBuildNumber(String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve.Version
Parse the incoming - but expect no build number.
- withNoBuildNumber(String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.core.SemanticVersion
Parse a version string that also have a build number to produce a Semantic Version object.
- withNoFeatureNoBuildNumber(String) - Static method in class org.ek9lang.cli.Eve.Version
- Workspace - Class in org.ek9lang.compiler
Designed to represent one or more source files that are part of a workspace.
- Workspace() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.compiler.Workspace
- WS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- WS - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- XOR - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- XOR - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- XOR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.ExpressionContext
- XOR() - Method in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser.OperatorContext
- ZipBinaryContent - Record Class in org.ek9lang.core
Very simple wrapper for binary contents.
- ZipBinaryContent(String, byte[]) - Constructor for record class org.ek9lang.core.ZipBinaryContent
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ZipSet - Class in org.ek9lang.core
Just a common base directory and a list of files with that common base.
- ZipSet() - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.ZipSet
- ZipSet(Path, Collection<File>) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.ZipSet
- ZipSet(Collection<ZipBinaryContent>) - Constructor for class org.ek9lang.core.ZipSet
- _ATN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- _ATN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- _decisionToDFA - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- _decisionToDFA - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- _serializedATN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- _serializedATN - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
- _sharedContextCache - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9LexerRules
- _sharedContextCache - Static variable in class org.ek9lang.antlr.EK9Parser
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form