Class ComplexityDirective

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ComplexityDirective extends ResolutionDirective
To be used in EK9 source code to assert that a specific class or function has a particular level of complexity. This is mainly used to check that the complexity calculations in the compiler are working correctly. EK9 limits the maximum amount of complexity in code to maximum levels - after which is emits errors to break the compile phase. These are not warnings (that can be ignored), but are hard compiler errors.
  @Complexity: PRE_IR_CHECKS: FUNCTION: "SomeFunction": 12 
  • Constructor Details

    • ComplexityDirective

      public ComplexityDirective(DirectiveSpec spec)
      The Directive to test for complexity values in EK9 instrumented code.
  • Method Details

    • type

      public DirectiveType type()
      Description copied from interface: Directive
      What s the type of the directive.