Package org.ek9lang.compiler.phase12

package org.ek9lang.compiler.phase12
P - Packaging.

Depending on the target architecture the developed code and associated libraries will be bound and pckaged.

For Java/JVm runtimes this will probably be a jar (including all the dependencies)

If the target architecture is a binary executable, then the appropriate 'EXE' pr 'ELF' will be created.

See the following for processing step in this final phase. PluginLinkage, Packaging, PackagingPostProcessing

  • Classes
    SINGLE THREADED Take the final optimised generated code and package it in to some type of release vessel.
    SINGLE THREADED Complete any post-processing required.
    SINGLE THREADED If the developer has employed any sort of 'native' plugin, then it will have been referenced and trusted at earlier phases.