Class ProcessVariableDeclarationOrError

All Implemented Interfaces:

final class ProcessVariableDeclarationOrError extends RuleSupport implements Consumer<EK9Parser.VariableDeclarationContext>
Checks for inferred declarations of variables in various contexts. Even though this is phase2 (explicit phase).

If possible it will attempt to work out what the type is, if it cannot, it will emit an error. This is designed to aid in simple property declarations as much as possible, but property initialisation cannot really trigger full expression processing - that is a potential long and circular trail - that must be done in phase three.

The main idea is to ensure that before phase three starts ALL properties on aggregates are 'typed'. This aspect is essential for the phase three expression processing (as that requires types are known on interfaces and aggregate properties to function correctly). Note that it is possible to 'force' the EK9 developer to declare properties in the more long hand way as shown below.

   shorthand <- 1
   longhand as Integer: 1