Package org.ek9lang.core

package org.ek9lang.core

Just general operating system stuff and bits and bobs. Some of these may find their way out of here. But for now this is as good a place as any to put them.

  • Class
    Readability check metric.
    Used as simple one-liners to check a value and issue an illegal argument exception if empty.
    Our wrapper for an unchecked exception.
    Wraps the SHA 256 digest and the resulting byte array into objects, so we can deal with check objects rather than raw bytes.
    A Checksum.
    Responsibility of dealing with aspects of the ek9 directory structure.
    Just wraps any exceptions in a runtime CompilerException.
    An exception that when caught at the very outer edge of the compiler will cause the application to exit with a specific error code.
    Designed to abstract out all file handling for the compiler.
    Used for file path matching GLOB not regex.
    Converts bytes to Hexadecimal and back.
    Wrapper for logging.
    Operating System support and generic stuff for directories and files.
    Focus on the responsibility of packaging.
    Designed to enable a developer to wrap lots of different type of processing and expose any exceptions.
    Can be a normal version number like 6.8.2-9 i.e 9 is the build number Or can be for a feature like 6.1.6-specialFeature12-19 i.e.
    Concept here is to be able to protect raw java objects from multiple threaded access.
    Just a wrapper around java public private key processing.
    Unique ID generator.
    Very simple wrapper for binary contents.
    Just a common base directory and a list of files with that common base.