Uses of Package
A-1 - Start here for the main command-line entry use of the compiler.
B - For the EK9 compiler itself.
Common parts of processing that can be reused across various phases.
C - For the Suppliers of the 'compilation phases' as mentioned in the
The directives are really aimed at helping the creation of the EK9 language, but they
maybe very useful in the early stages of adoption of EK9 (should there be any).
D - For the first of the compilation phases - it triggers source file Lexing and Parsing using 'ANTLR'.
E - Initial Symbol definition by traversing the 'ANTLR' - 'AST'.
F - Resolution of Explicitly Defined Type Symbols - at this point phase1 processing should have defined
most of the explicitly defined symbols, so they should be resolvable.
G - Full Symbol Resolution can now take place.
H - Generic/Parameterised types can have their methods checked when used in specific contexts.
I - PRE Intermediate Representation generation checks.
J - Plugin Resolution.
Contains critical general components used in the
This is the main source of EK9 Symbols used within the compiler.
Focuses on aspects of Lexing and some parts of Parser configuration.
A-2 - Start here for tooling entry point specifically 'language server' implementation.
ClassDescriptionA cut down visitor that just deals with packages at a basic level.Designed to ensure consistent reporting as part of the command line commands and executions.
ClassDescriptionAs and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.Register this event listener with the compiler to pick up on any warnings of errors during compilation.Just expends the standard reporter to use the EK9Comp message prefix.We need an error listener for the lexing parsing and also our own tree visiting.
ClassDescriptionThe abstract base on most antlr listeners.Used for variable forms of simple code flow analysis.Designed to be used in a transient manner when interacting with variables.As and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.For compiler, errors, warning and other information from the compiler.A cut down visitor that just deals with packages at a basic level.We need an error listener for the lexing parsing and also our own tree visiting.Fine detail of the error.The type of the error.The details of an error, position, etc.What is the semantic nature of the error.Useful when attempting to traverse up stacks to find both the method and its parent aggregate.An immutable snapshot of EK9 main package directives.Designed to ensure consistent reporting as part of the command line commands and executions.Designed to be extended by rules and checkers.This stack object is only designed to be used when first parsing.Models information used in code analysis for variable variable states.Used as external helper to record symbols and scopes across the parser.
ClassDescriptionAs and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.Register this event listener with the compiler to pick up on any warnings of errors during compilation.Just expends the standard reporter to use the EK9Comp message prefix.
ClassDescriptionAs and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.Register this event listener with the compiler to pick up on any warnings of errors during compilation.What is the semantic nature of the error.
ClassDescriptionAs and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.Just expends the standard reporter to use the EK9Comp message prefix.
ClassDescriptionThe abstract base on most antlr listeners.As and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.Just expends the standard reporter to use the EK9Comp message prefix.We need an error listener for the lexing parsing and also our own tree visiting.What is the semantic nature of the error.Designed to be extended by rules and checkers.Used as external helper to record symbols and scopes across the parser.
ClassDescriptionAs and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.Just expends the standard reporter to use the EK9Comp message prefix.
ClassDescriptionAs and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.Just expends the standard reporter to use the EK9Comp message prefix.
ClassDescriptionAs and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.Just expends the standard reporter to use the EK9Comp message prefix.
ClassDescriptionPredicate to see if an aggregate mandated pure in its construction.As and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.Just expends the standard reporter to use the EK9Comp message prefix.We need an error listener for the lexing parsing and also our own tree visiting.Designed to be extended by rules and checkers.Used as external helper to record symbols and scopes across the parser.
ClassDescriptionThe abstract base on most antlr listeners.As and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.Just expends the standard reporter to use the EK9Comp message prefix.We need an error listener for the lexing parsing and also our own tree visiting.What is the semantic nature of the error.Designed to be extended by rules and checkers.Just focussed on ensuring that scopes are correct push on to the scope stack.Used as external helper to record symbols and scopes across the parser.Designed to be used in phase3 only on or after - FULL_RESOLUTION.
ClassDescriptionAs and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.Just expends the standard reporter to use the EK9Comp message prefix.We need an error listener for the lexing parsing and also our own tree visiting.
ClassDescriptionThe abstract base on most antlr listeners.Used for variable forms of simple code flow analysis.As and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.Just expends the standard reporter to use the EK9Comp message prefix.We need an error listener for the lexing parsing and also our own tree visiting.Designed to be extended by rules and checkers.Just focussed on ensuring that scopes are correct push on to the scope stack.Used as external helper to record symbols and scopes across the parser.Designed to be used in phase3 only on or after - FULL_RESOLUTION.
ClassDescriptionAs and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.Just expends the standard reporter to use the EK9Comp message prefix.
ClassDescriptionAs and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.Just expends the standard reporter to use the EK9Comp message prefix.
ClassDescriptionAs and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.Just expends the standard reporter to use the EK9Comp message prefix.
ClassDescriptionAs and when sources are processed during each phase of the compilation.Just expends the standard reporter to use the EK9Comp message prefix.
ClassDescriptionWe need an error listener for the lexing parsing and also our own tree visiting.What is the semantic nature of the error.Designed to be extended by rules and checkers.Used as external helper to record symbols and scopes across the parser.
ClassDescriptionWe need an error listener for the lexing parsing and also our own tree visiting.
ClassDescriptionWe need an error listener for the lexing parsing and also our own tree visiting.
ClassDescriptionWe need an error listener for the lexing parsing and also our own tree visiting.