Interface ICanCaptureVariables

All Known Implementing Classes:
AggregateSymbol, AggregateWithTraitsSymbol, AnyTypeSymbol, CaptureScopedSymbol, FunctionSymbol, PossibleGenericSymbol, StackConsistencyScope

public interface ICanCaptureVariables
Interface for dynamic functions and classes so that dynamic variables can be captured.
  • Method Details

    • getCapturedVariables

      Optional<CaptureScope> getCapturedVariables()
      Make the scope that holds the captured variables (if any accessible).
      The scope holding the captured variables.
    • setCapturedVariables

      void setCapturedVariables(CaptureScope capturedVariables)
      So that a number of variables can be captured when a new dynamic type is defined.
      capturedVariables - The variables to capture.
    • resolveExcludingCapturedVariables

      Optional<ISymbol> resolveExcludingCapturedVariables(SymbolSearch search)
      Try and resolve a symbol but exclude looking in captured variables.