Interface ISymbol

All Superinterfaces:
ISymbolNature, ITokenReference, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
IAggregateSymbol, ICanBeGeneric, IFunctionSymbol, IScopedSymbol
All Known Implementing Classes:
AggregateSymbol, AggregateWithTraitsSymbol, AnyTypeSymbol, CallSymbol, CaptureScopedSymbol, ConstantSymbol, ControlSymbol, ExpressionSymbol, ForSymbol, FunctionSymbol, MethodSymbol, ParamExpressionSymbol, PossibleGenericSymbol, ScopedSymbol, ServiceOperationSymbol, StackConsistencyScope, StreamCallSymbol, StreamPipeLineSymbol, SwitchSymbol, Symbol, TrySymbol, VariableSymbol, WhileSymbol

public interface ISymbol extends ISymbolNature, ITokenReference, Serializable
Represents the concept of what functionality a Symbol should have.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • isNullAllowed

      boolean isNullAllowed()
    • setNullAllowed

      void setNullAllowed(boolean nullAllowed)
    • isInjectionExpected

      boolean isInjectionExpected()
    • setInjectionExpected

      void setInjectionExpected(boolean injectionExpected)
    • isReferenced

      boolean isReferenced()
    • setReferenced

      void setReferenced(boolean referenced)
    • putSquirrelledData

      void putSquirrelledData(CommonValues key, String value)
    • getSquirrelledData

      String getSquirrelledData(CommonValues key)
    • getParsedModule

      Optional<Module> getParsedModule()
    • setParsedModule

      void setParsedModule(Optional<Module> parsedModule)
      For some symbols you may wish to specify the parsed module they were defined in.
      parsedModule - The parsedModule the symbol was defined in.
    • isDevSource

      boolean isDevSource()
    • isLibSource

      boolean isLibSource()
    • clone

      ISymbol clone(IScope withParentAsAppropriate)
      Clone the symbol and re-parent if this symbol like a method should have a parent. Other symbols like VariableSymbols are un-parented
    • isMarkedPure

      boolean isMarkedPure()
      This symbol itself can be marked as pure - i.e. an operator with no side effects.
      true if pure, false otherwise. By default, false - lets assume the worst.
    • isMutable

      boolean isMutable()
      Even constants can be mutable until set. then they change to being none mutable. Likewise in 'pure' scopes a variable can be mutable until it is first set then none mutable.
      If this symbol is mutable or not.
    • setNotMutable

      void setNotMutable()
    • getSourceToken

      IToken getSourceToken()
      Specified by:
      getSourceToken in interface ITokenReference
    • getInitialisedBy

      IToken getInitialisedBy()
    • setInitialisedBy

      void setInitialisedBy(IToken initialisedBy)
    • clearInitialisedBy

      void clearInitialisedBy()
    • isInitialised

      default boolean isInitialised()
    • isPrivate

      default boolean isPrivate()
    • isProtected

      default boolean isProtected()
    • isPublic

      default boolean isPublic()
    • isLoopVariable

      default boolean isLoopVariable()
    • isIncomingParameter

      default boolean isIncomingParameter()
    • isReturningParameter

      default boolean isReturningParameter()
    • isPropertyField

      default boolean isPropertyField()
    • isDeclaredAsConstant

      default boolean isDeclaredAsConstant()
      Only use on symbols, to see if they are directly defined as a constant.
    • isFromLiteral

      default boolean isFromLiteral()
    • isMarkedAbstract

      default boolean isMarkedAbstract()
    • isInjectable

      default boolean isInjectable()
      Some classes generated can be injected and others not.
      true if this can be injected, false if not.
    • isExtensionOfInjectable

      default boolean isExtensionOfInjectable()
      While this aggregate itself might not able been marked as injectable Does this extend an aggregate that is marked as injectable.
      true if this is injectable or any of its supers area
    • isExactSameType

      boolean isExactSameType(ISymbol symbolType)
      If is the symbol is an exact match.
    • isPromotionSupported

      boolean isPromotionSupported(ISymbol s)
      For some symbols we might support the _promote method via coercion. i.e. Long -> Float for example But with class structures and traits/interfaces there is a time when objects are assignable because of base and super classes/types but don't need coercion. The isAssignable deals with mingling both coercion and super/trait type compatibility. But we need to know when it comes to IR generation whether to include a PromoteNode or whether the code generated will just work because of class inheritance/interface implementation.
    • isAssignableTo

      boolean isAssignableTo(ISymbol s)
    • isAssignableTo

      boolean isAssignableTo(Optional<ISymbol> s)
    • getAssignableWeightTo

      double getAssignableWeightTo(Optional<ISymbol> s)
    • getAssignableWeightTo

      double getAssignableWeightTo(ISymbol s)
    • getUnCoercedAssignableWeightTo

      double getUnCoercedAssignableWeightTo(ISymbol s)
    • getFullyQualifiedName

      String getFullyQualifiedName()
      Provide the internal fully qualified name of this symbol. Defaults to just the name unless overridden. -Useful for generating output where you want to ensure fully qualified names are used.
    • getFriendlyName

      String getFriendlyName()
      Provide the name an end user would need to see on the screen. Normally this is just 'getName' but in the case of Templates We use a very nasty internal naming for List of SomeClass - which will probably be something like _List_hashed_version_of_ComeClass and the end user needs to see 'List of SomeClass' for it to be meaningful.
      a user presentable of the symbol name.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Provide the internal name of this symbol - not fully qualified in terms of the module it is in.
      The basic internal name we'd use to resolve the symbol
    • setName

      void setName(String name)
    • getType

      Optional<ISymbol> getType()
    • setType

      default ISymbol setType(ISymbol type)
    • setType

      ISymbol setType(Optional<ISymbol> type)