Class ScopedSymbol

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, IScope, IScopedSymbol, ISymbol, ISymbolNature, ITokenReference
Direct Known Subclasses:
CaptureScopedSymbol, ControlSymbol, ForSymbol, MethodSymbol, StackConsistencyScope, WhileSymbol

public class ScopedSymbol extends Symbol implements IScopedSymbol
Represents a symbol that also has a scope. Typically, this means it can have variables, methods and function declared within it. But also includes block scoped constructs like for loops for example. It's turning into a bit of a 'bitbucket' because I don't really want duplication at the FunctionSymbol and AggregateSymbol level. So some things like CaptureVariables are not really applicable (yet). But I may use them later for other constructs and controls. I may refactor the generic bits out to a new Symbol type between ScopedSymbol and Symbol
See Also: