Interface ISymbolNature

All Known Subinterfaces:
IAggregateSymbol, ICanBeGeneric, IFunctionSymbol, IScopedSymbol, ISymbol
All Known Implementing Classes:
AggregateSymbol, AggregateWithTraitsSymbol, AnyTypeSymbol, CallSymbol, CaptureScopedSymbol, ConstantSymbol, ControlSymbol, ExpressionSymbol, ForSymbol, FunctionSymbol, MethodSymbol, ParamExpressionSymbol, PossibleGenericSymbol, ScopedSymbol, ServiceOperationSymbol, StackConsistencyScope, StreamCallSymbol, StreamPipeLineSymbol, SwitchSymbol, Symbol, TrySymbol, VariableSymbol, WhileSymbol

public interface ISymbolNature
Defines helpful and require methods to assist in the definition of the nature of a symbol. This includes the category, genus, but also whether it is generic or a template. Symbol is really a chameleon, it can be a variable a type, etc.
  • Method Details

    • getGenus

      SymbolGenus getGenus()
    • setGenus

      void setGenus(SymbolGenus genus)
    • getCategory

      SymbolCategory getCategory()
    • isTemplateType

      default boolean isTemplateType()
    • isTemplateFunction

      default boolean isTemplateFunction()
    • isType

      default boolean isType()
    • isVariable

      default boolean isVariable()
    • isEk9Core

      boolean isEk9Core()
      Is this a core thing from EK9.
    • isParameterisedType

      default boolean isParameterisedType()
      So just to add to the confusion. A type that has been used with a type that is generic in nature with some parameters. So this would normally result in a type that is now concrete. i.e. List (generic in nature) and String (concrete) so this resulting type 'List of String' isAParameterisedType=true and isGenericInNature=false. But if List were parameterised with another generic parameter it would still be of a generic nature. For example, consider List T and Iterator I when we defined List T and use the Iterator with it; we parameterise Iterator with 'T'. But they are still both 'isGenericTypeParameter' it only when we use List (and by implication Iterator) with String do they both stop being generic in nature.
      true if a parameterised type (note parameterised not just of a generic nature).
    • isGenericInNature

      default boolean isGenericInNature()
      Is this symbol a type that is generic in nature i.e. can it be parameterised with types. Aggregate Symbols can be defined to accept one or more parameters ie S and T.
    • isConceptualTypeParameter

      default boolean isConceptualTypeParameter()
      Some symbols are simulated as generic type parameters like T and S and U for example When they are constructed as AggregateTypes this will be set to true in those classes. In general this is useful when working with Generic classes and needing types like S and T But they can never really be generated.
    • isPrimitiveType

      default boolean isPrimitiveType()
      Is the symbol a core primitive type.
    • isApplication

      default boolean isApplication()
      Is the symbol an application of some sort.
    • isMethod

      default boolean isMethod()
    • isFunction

      default boolean isFunction()
    • isControl

      default boolean isControl()
    • isConstant

      default boolean isConstant()