Package org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols
Class StreamPipeLineSymbol
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Intended to model the pipeline flow in a streaming of cat or for loop though | and map etc.
So really all we're trying to do in the symbol modelling is ensuring that the piping with the
types and commands are compatible with each other. Phase 7 the IR phase will have to create
objects that can be linked.
- See Also:
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionClone the symbol and re-parent if this symbol like a method should have a parent.protected StreamPipeLineSymbol
Methods inherited from class org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.Symbol
clearInitialisedBy, cloneIntoSymbol, copySymbolProperties, equals, getAssignableWeightTo, getAssignableWeightTo, getCategory, getFriendlyName, getFullyQualifiedName, getGenus, getInitialisedBy, getName, getParsedModule, getProduceFullyQualifiedName, getSourceToken, getSquirrelledData, getSymbolTypeAsString, getType, getUnCoercedAssignableWeightTo, hashCode, isAssignableTo, isAssignableTo, isDevSource, isEk9Core, isExactSameType, isInjectionExpected, isLibSource, isMarkedPure, isMutable, isNullAllowed, isPromotionSupported, isReferenced, putSquirrelledData, setCategory, setEk9Core, setGenus, setInitialisedBy, setInjectionExpected, setMarkedPure, setName, setNotMutable, setNullAllowed, setParsedModule, setProduceFullyQualifiedName, setReferenced, setSourceToken, setType, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbol
isDeclaredAsConstant, isExtensionOfInjectable, isFromLiteral, isIncomingParameter, isInitialised, isInjectable, isLoopVariable, isMarkedAbstract, isPrivate, isPropertyField, isProtected, isPublic, isReturningParameter, setType
Methods inherited from interface org.ek9lang.compiler.symbols.ISymbolNature
isApplication, isConceptualTypeParameter, isConstant, isControl, isFunction, isGenericInNature, isMethod, isParameterisedType, isPrimitiveType, isTemplateFunction, isTemplateType, isType, isVariable
Constructor Details
Method Details