Class CallSymbol

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, IMayReturnSymbol, IScope, IScopedSymbol, ISymbol, ISymbolNature, ITokenReference

public class CallSymbol extends MethodSymbol
Just re-uses the bulk of method symbol for when we want to make a symbol that is a call to an actual method. This will be used to build up the sort of call we want to make based on the source . We then have to resolve this CallSymbol against a real method symbol.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CallSymbol

      public CallSymbol(String name, IScope enclosingScope)
  • Method Details

    • isFormOfDeclarationCall

      public boolean isFormOfDeclarationCall()
    • setFormOfDeclarationCall

      public void setFormOfDeclarationCall(boolean formOfDeclarationCall)
    • clone

      public CallSymbol clone(IScope withParentAsAppropriate)
      Description copied from interface: ISymbol
      Clone the symbol and re-parent if this symbol like a method should have a parent. Other symbols like VariableSymbols are un-parented
      Specified by:
      clone in interface IScope
      Specified by:
      clone in interface IScopedSymbol
      Specified by:
      clone in interface ISymbol
      clone in class MethodSymbol
    • cloneIntoCallSymbol

      protected CallSymbol cloneIntoCallSymbol(CallSymbol newCopy)
    • getResolvedSymbolToCall

      public ScopedSymbol getResolvedSymbolToCall()
    • setResolvedSymbolToCall

      public void setResolvedSymbolToCall(ScopedSymbol symbol)
      Set the actual method/function that should be called.
    • isReturningSymbolPresent

      public boolean isReturningSymbolPresent()
      Description copied from class: MethodSymbol
      Some methods have a named return symbol 'like rtn as String' for example. In other cases a method will not return anything (We use 'Void') in the case as the 'type'. So when a Returning Symbol is set we use the type of the returning variable as the type return on the method.
      Specified by:
      isReturningSymbolPresent in interface IMayReturnSymbol
      isReturningSymbolPresent in class MethodSymbol
    • getReturningSymbol

      public VariableSymbol getReturningSymbol()
      Description copied from class: MethodSymbol
      Provide a symbol that is returned from this method. Note in EK9 this is not just a type but actually a variable symbol (that has a type).
      Specified by:
      getReturningSymbol in interface IMayReturnSymbol
      getReturningSymbol in class MethodSymbol
    • getFriendlyScopeName

      public String getFriendlyScopeName()
      Description copied from interface: IScope
      Useful for printing out errors and information. The scope name might be a complex generated name used internally a bit like symbol names are. So some items are both scopes and symbols - so ideally we'd want to use a friendly name where possible.
      Specified by:
      getFriendlyScopeName in interface IScope
      getFriendlyScopeName in class ScopedSymbol
      The friendly name to be used for the developer.
    • getFriendlyName

      public String getFriendlyName()
      Description copied from interface: ISymbol
      Provide the name an end user would need to see on the screen. Normally this is just 'getName' but in the case of Templates We use a very nasty internal naming for List of SomeClass - which will probably be something like _List_hashed_version_of_ComeClass and the end user needs to see 'List of SomeClass' for it to be meaningful.
      Specified by:
      getFriendlyName in interface ISymbol
      getFriendlyName in class MethodSymbol
      a user presentable of the symbol name.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class MethodSymbol
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class MethodSymbol