Class SwitchSymbol

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, IScope, IScopedSymbol, ISymbol, ISymbolNature, ITokenReference

public class SwitchSymbol extends ControlSymbol
EK9 switch statement - this can effectively return a value if it is configured with returning part. When generating out put we need this to create its own block so variables inside are hidden from later scopes. So as we have a returning part (optional) we need a scope to put it in (i.e. this scope) this then means that when we use the case parts of the switch we can find that returning variable - but also check of local variables declared in the case block against this switch scope and any outer scopes. Finally, when coming to generate the output - this symbol will be able to supply the outer variable to set the result to.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SwitchSymbol

      public SwitchSymbol(IScope enclosingScope)
  • Method Details